What are nuts for? Why do walnuts dream?

Dreams always aroused violent curiosity in people and were considered something mystical. When kings and pharaohs in antiquity, their sage-interpreter was necessarily present. And until now, this occupation has not lost its popularity. There are a huge number of dream books that have absorbed the wisdom of centuries, thanks to which we will find out why we dreamed about this or that event or thing.

What is it? Ordinary experiences or still a look into the future, warning against mistakes and failures? Even scientists cannot give a clear answer to this question, and therefore a person is still extremely curious to analyze and understand the essence of their dreams.

This article will help you understand a string of night visions and understand their meaning if nuts became their object.

What are nuts for?

The personification of nuts in our dreams

So what are nuts for? Most dream books agree that this tidbit is associated with wealth, the meaning of life, with the integrity of the human body and soul. After all, a nut has a kernel and a hard shell that protects it. This is the personification of man himself and his deeds on earth.

Nuts symbolize autumn harvesting. And this means, in human terms, the collection of fruits from one's own efforts and deeds. The number of nuts seen also matters. Great attention when interpreting sleep should be given to the emotions that a person felt during a vision.

If there are a lot of nuts or they surround you, and at the same time there is anxiety and anxiety in your soul, then you should think about the fact that you have entrusted yourself with a lot of responsibilities and spend your energy on too many things at the same time.

If, at the same time, joy and carelessness are felt, most likely, such a dream means wealth and prosperity, reaping beautiful fruits from the efforts spent earlier.

Why do walnuts dream?

If cracked nuts dream

Why dream cracked or cracked nuts? This is not a good sign.

  • Any nut (almonds, hazelnuts, etc.) dreamed with a crack portends excitement and anxiety in life.
  • To consider a bursting fruit in a dream means to give up all your strength to solve a problem.
  • If in a dream you subsequently ate such a nut, then in the future you will have a short love affair.
  • If you throw cracked fruits, then your efforts will be in vain.

Why dream of collecting nuts?

If nuts in a dream are rotten

If in a dream you see rotten nuts - this is a sign even more sad. The core embodies the essence of your affairs, and if it is bad, it can mean nothing more than a series of stupid and meaningless actions. Rotten, dry fruits inside indicate great disappointment.

Why dream to collect nuts with rot? If you consider them and then throw them away, then avoid unnecessary things. If they find themselves in your basket or palm - this is a bad sign, portending participation in affairs that will not succeed and take a lot of energy.

If a person dreams of a huge fetus with a rotten core inside, it is worth thinking about his behavior and committed acts.

What do hazelnuts dream about?

Why dream to collect or eat nuts?

A little later, our article will tell you about what walnuts, cedar fruits and hazelnuts dream of. Now let's find out about interpretations that are common to all kinds.

Seeing in a dream a collection of beautiful, pure nuts indicates a favorable completion of the work begun and a favor in love. It may also mean a wage increase or unexpected inheritance.

If you eat ripe, tasty fruits, then you will get what you want or you will be extremely lucky in business.

In ancient Egypt, it was believed that a person who ate nuts with pleasure in a dream could soon acquire extrasensory abilities. The nut there was a symbol of three components: bones, living flesh and the human soul. Hence, such an unusual interpretation.

Other dream books claim that there are ripe fruits in a dream - to improve health.

If you ate nuts full and felt full, this is an extremely good sign: the Universe has opened all doors, and the owner of such a dream is able to receive from life almost anything he wants.

Sweet-tasting fruits symbolize your future pleasure in acquiring any long-desired things.

Why do walnuts dream?

Why dream of pine nuts?

To see or eat in a dream beautiful, tasty, pure walnuts is a wonderful sign that portends luck and joy, a successful solution to all matters.

If you knocked fruits from a tree, it means that in life you have an extremely unpleasant conversation.

Well, to hold, examine and even more so have rotten walnuts - a very bad omen: expectations will fail.

If a woman sees dirty walnuts or collects them from the ground, it should be interpreted as follows: there is a high probability of risky love relationships and unreasonable, lascivious behavior. Be extremely careful in your desires.

Why do pine nuts dream?

What is hazelnut dreaming about?

Almost everyone loves pine nuts. They taste sweet and extremely healthy. Do you know what pine nuts are used for? Unfortunately, the interpretation is not as sweet as the taste of this fruit.

According to most popular dream books, to see pine nuts in a dream means that in the near future the vision holder will need patience in resolving minor troubles, which will be accompanied by irritability and quarrels. It is necessary to keep clear of enemies, not to compromise them and behave as calmly and benevolently as possible. If a person who sees pine nuts is able to maintain his composure and extinguish conflicts, then, most likely, the reward for patience and prudence will not take long.

What is hazelnut dreaming about?

If the nut was dreamed green, then there is a high probability of illness. Be more attentive to your health.

If you choose nuts and put them aside β€œin reserve” (like a squirrel for the winter), this can have two interpretations. With peace of mind, a positive mood, such a dream portends a successful investment of money, a reasonable attitude to them. If at the time of the vision the emotions were negative, most likely, this symbolizes your fear of lack of money, financial difficulties in the present tense.

Why do you dream of nuts that you cannot open? This means a number of minor difficulties in the professional or personal sphere. A lot of effort will have to be made to fulfill the desires. If the hazelnut was able to be opened without difficulty - this is a very good sign. You are waiting for joyful days, fruitful work that brings only pleasure.

If in a dream you crushed a hazelnut, this is a sign that you should be more careful about your property. Perhaps you will lose part of it due to improper actions or simply squander it.

If someone is trying to steal your nuts, be extremely careful at work: detractors or competitors will try to take your place or work on your project.

If in night vision nuts fall from the sky, rejoice! This symbolizes the increase in financial wealth that will be achieved with incredible ease.

Hazelnut, the meaning of sleep

Nuts as the personification of fertility and sexuality

Some dream books associate the image of a nut with sexuality and fertility. Let's find out why nuts are dreamed for by men and women, if we consider them from this point of view.

A nut dream for a woman may indicate her sexual dissatisfaction or her yet unfulfilled desire to have children.

For men, such a dream can be directly related to the ability to conceive a child. If nuts were the main part of the vision and large, it means that the man is in a very favorable period of time to fertilize the woman's egg. If there is a desire to conceive a child, then such a dream symbolizes the onset of the most favorable moment for this.

If you are trying to interpret your dreams, do not forget that very often they can only reflect your real life experience, emotions experienced, symbolize the fears and experiences that you are experiencing at the moment.

But, of course, to deny the existence of prophetic dreams, an omen of future events in them is also not worth it.

We hope that with our help you can now easily determine: what nuts (hazelnuts, cedar or walnut fruits) dream about in your case.

Enjoy your dreams and positive predictions!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9391/

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