The placenta hydrolyzate "Source of Life": description, features and reviews

The placenta is a treasury of active compounds. It undergoes certain cleaning methods before it is applied. The most famous product obtained after its processing is the human placenta hydrolyzate. As an anti-aging agent, Cleopatra used it for her skin. Until now, the tool is popular not only for maintaining beauty, but also for health.

placenta hydrolyzate

What is a

A hydrolyzate is a product obtained by a special technology by splitting molecules with water. It destroys the chemical bonds in the placenta.

Production technology

An animal placenta is used to create a hydrolyzate. It is crushed into small pieces and special catalysts are added. They retain all the nutrients. At the same time, the placenta is cleansed of toxins and hormones. The proteins in it are broken down to amino acids. You can get products with the required number of peptides using enzymes. The mixture is purified - filtered and clarified.

To get the placenta hydrolyzate preparation, partial hydrolysis is necessary. Complete purification makes the mixture ordinary and combines a set of amino acids and other components. To create cosmetics do not use placental macromolecular proteins. Our scientists managed to get such a substance that promotes not only rejuvenation, but also maintains the health of the whole organism, starting from the cellular level.

human placenta hydrolyzate

The hydrolyzate used is created by a special technology by the Institute of Cell Therapy. It consists of active ingredients and antioxidants that are widely used to create cosmetics. "Source of life" is suitable for both prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Main effects

The instruction for use tells in detail about the drug (placental hydralizate) in detail, discloses all the effects it has during the treatment. Active components penetrate well through all layers of the skin and mucous membranes. They nourish tissue and accelerate metabolic processes, and in the presence of inflammatory processes, their rapid resolution occurs due to accelerated blood flow. Toxins do not accumulate in the cells, but are quickly eliminated from them. Increases local immunity. The placenta hydrolyzate accelerates the energy processes in the tissues. The damaged surface is restored faster, which is associated with accelerated production of collagen and elastin. This rejuvenates the cells of the body and prolongs their life cycle.

Indications for use

Many people can heal the body with a new youth remedy. The placenta hydrolyzate "Source of Life" is indicated for people with many problems because it:

  1. Slows down the aging process of cells.
  2. Restores skin elasticity and its elasticity.
  3. Moisturizes it and maintains a constant level of moisture.
  4. Relieves swelling and signs of fatigue.
  5. It fights skin pigmentation.
  6. Accelerates the healing process of tissues.

placental hydrolyzate application

Placental hydrolyzate is recommended for people to prevent:

  • Tendency to allergies.
  • Liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis).
  • Impaired immunity.
  • Gynecological pathology (inflammation, infertility, menstrual irregularities).
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, fungal infections, ulcers, cracks and dryness).
  • Joint pathology (arthritis, deformation).
  • Hair loss.
  • Sleep disturbances, depression.
  • After chemotherapy in cancer patients.
  • Digestive tract diseases (gastritis, ulcer).

The drug hydrolyzed placenta found its use only when taking into account indications and contraindications. The correct selection of innovative products after the course has a powerful anti-aging and healing effect on the skin.

Complications and contraindications to the use of hydrolyzate

All possible undesirable effects are associated with the use of a hydrolyzate. From them in a few days there are no traces left. After the procedures, small seals, bruises and swelling appear at the injection sites. Visible symptoms disappear after 2-3 days.

Some complications can negatively affect the body and disrupt the aesthetic result after the procedure. The placenta drug resembles mesotherapy, and therefore side effects are similar to it:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Seal tissue at the injection site of the hydrolyzate.
  3. The proliferation of connective tissue at the injection sites.
  4. The appearance of granulomas (small scars after injections).

Before using the hydrolyzate, it is necessary to undergo examination by specialists who will allow it to be used according to indications. To prevent the occurrence of allergies of varying severity, a sensitivity test is required before the introduction of the drug. The choice of a beautician is an important stage facing every woman. Thanks to the correct injections, a qualified specialist will reduce the risk of complications.

placenta hydrolyzate is the source of life

Hydrolyzate Recipes

In addition to injections under the skin, the product is widely used with various delivery methods. Depending on this, the desired effect is achieved.

In inflammatory processes, the drug is taken orally on an empty stomach or buried in the nose in an amount of 3-5 drops, they are used as prescribed no more than 3 times a day. Chronic tonsillitis is treated by lubricating the inflamed tonsils with a hydrolyzate. You can dig up to 5 drops under the tongue. The pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is treated with a hydrolyzate using internal fluid use. It is drunk 30 minutes - 1 hour before a meal. In case of intestinal diseases, it is advisable to administer a solution from the placenta using an enema. To prepare the mixture, 200 ml of boiled water is used, in which a third of a teaspoon of the substance is dissolved.

In diseases of the female reproductive system, the intravaginal delivery method is most preferred. To do this, apply douching or wetting the swab in the solution and its introduction. You can drip the mixture inside on an empty stomach. For cancer patients with placental hydrolyzate, the instruction contains information about the possibility of taking in the form of drops, 5-7 drops under the tongue.

placenta hydrolyzate instruction

Uses and cost of the "Source of Life"

Depending on the indications, a certain method of using the drug is selected. This is necessary for the rapid delivery of active molecules to the lesion or fading cells. To maintain youthful skin or get rid of the first age-related wrinkles, the hydrolyzate is used externally in the form of masks or together with a cream that suits the skin.

source of life placenta hydrolyzate reviews

  1. Fasting half an hour or an hour before meals.
  2. Ingestion up to 20 drops, depending on the disease and severity of the condition.
  3. With eye pathology, in an undiluted form, 1 drop of a solution is instilled.
  4. Children under 1 year old are allowed 1 drop per day. Every 5 years, the number of drops increases by 1. After 14 years, the dosage of the hydrolyzate is the same as in adults.

For therapeutic purposes, a course administration of the drug is carried out up to 3 months continuously. People with chronic pathology - 2 months. For prophylactic purposes, regardless of the disease, the hydrolyzate is used up to 2.5 months.

placental hydrolyzate preparation

The cost of the drug "Source of Life" for a bottle of 20 ml - 200-400 rubles. It contains a clear liquid that can be used in various ways.

Customer reviews

Means "Source of Life" (placenta hydrolyzate) reviews is extremely positive. Many buyers on their own examples talk about the positive aspects of the drug. For some, this is a means to maintain the youth of aging skin, and for others, it is a source of life to save reduced immunity. Due to its wide spectrum of action, the hydrolyzate heals the body as efficiently as possible, both externally and internally. A great advantage of the placenta over others is the ability to be treated without leaving home, which saves money and time.


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