Fast diet: minus 2 kg in 2 weeks (reviews)

Audrey Hepburn, a slender brunette, said that the beauty of a woman is not in her hair, figure and clothes, but in the gleam of her eyes. But you must admit, when unbearable kilograms appear and it becomes difficult to fasten the zipper on your favorite jeans, the mood immediately falls. And if a similar situation arises on the eve of the celebration? There is no time for mental disorders, it is necessary to act. The figure will help to put in order a moderate diet "Minus 2 kg in 2 weeks." Only in such a leisurely way can one acquire the treasured forms without psychological trauma and health consequences.

Where is the fat from?

The food that a person eats turns into energy. Her body will spend on vital needs: sleep, work, thinking. If food is consumed more than energy is expended, then the body includes the function of accumulation and excess fat begins to be deposited in different parts of the body, depending on the constitution of the person. The concentration of fat occurs in fat cells, which simply increase in size, resulting in extra pounds.

diet minus 2 kg in 2 weeks

If a person watches his figure, then a slight weight swing in the direction of increase immediately pushes him to actions aimed at reducing the calorie intake. As a result of this, the previous forms are acquired. And if weight tends to increase all the time, then obesity comes. This is a condition of the body that contributes to the development of heart attack, diabetes, stroke, impotence and infertility. In this situation, the “2 kg in 2 weeks” diet should become a way of life until the body mass index is less than 25.

Weight matching height

In order to prevent the negative changes in health associated with obesity, it is enough to control the coefficient of body weight. Nutritionists offer the calculation formula: weight / height 2 . For example: 69 kg / (1.75 m) 2 = 22.53. The index is less than 25, so there is no obesity with this ratio of height and weight.

There are simpler calculations to determine the normal weight. For those striving for perfection, this is a growth of minus 110. To determine the normal weight, the calculation is as follows: growth minus 100.

minus 2 kg in 2 weeks during pregnancy

Fat can settle on the stomach, buttocks, hips, or, in general, distributed evenly throughout the body. The choice of diet and the intensity of meals depends on where it is deposited. Diet "Minus 2 kg in 2 weeks" falls into the category of healthy weight loss on the recommendation of health. But it should be based on a balanced diet.

Body Fat Types

  1. Genoid constitution: buttocks, sides and hips. In this type, the female hormones estrogen are elevated. It’s difficult to remove those extra pounds. If you distribute the meal so that for breakfast accounted for 20%, for lunch - 30%, for dinner - 40% of the daily diet, and focus on vegetables and fruits (300 grams per day), the result will be minus 2 kg in 2 weeks;
  2. Android type: arms, stomach and chest. The prevalence of male hormones in the body. This type of obesity is the most dangerous, since fat accumulates in the internal abdominal organs, and this can lead to death. The amount of food from the daily allowance should be as follows: breakfast - 40%, lunch - 30%, dinner - 20%. Each meal should contain vegetables.
  3. Mixed type: even distribution of body fat. The diet should be in equal portions (30% each), since the metabolism in people with this type of obesity is unchanged throughout the day.

In all three cases, the remaining 10% of the daily food intake is a snack of fruits, vegetables, nuts.

Dietary Fat Content

Diet "2 kg in 2 weeks" and any other ways to reduce calorie intake should not be based on the complete exclusion of fat from the diet. This is especially true for mono-diets with increased body weight. A low-fat diet interferes with the production of vitamin D, which helps the absorption of calcium. As a result, bone problems.

Daily rate of fat: 0.8-1 grams per 1 kg of body weight.

2 kg diet in 2 weeks

In general, a quick loss of kilograms, for example, in a week, increases the chance of recovering in the next seven days by 95%.

If you lose weight for a month and still load the body with physical exercises, then the chance of getting better after refusing a strict ban on food is reduced. That is why the diet "Minus 2 kg in 2 weeks" is able to permanently maintain the result.

Nutrition for expectant mothers

Swelling, nausea, increased pressure, rapid weight gain - these are signs of an unbalanced diet of pregnant women. During the period of bearing a child, only on the recommendation of a doctor, a diet of “Minus 2 kg in 2 weeks” can be prescribed. During pregnancy, it is important not to overeat and include protein foods, fiber and calcium-rich foods in the diet.

diet minus 2 kg in 2 weeks during pregnancy

Calorie intake for women in an “interesting position” should be 2500-2700 kcal, otherwise the large weight of the fetus and complications during childbirth cannot be avoided. In order not to think about a diet in which it is necessary to achieve a result of minus 2 kg in 2 weeks during pregnancy, you should adhere to a healthy diet, excluding fast food, carbonated drinks, canned juices from the diet. Mandatory products should be cottage cheese, rabbit meat and broccoli. They will deliver the necessary proportion of calcium, protein and folic acid to the body.

Diet "Minus 2 kg in 2 weeks": basic principles

After the holidays, rest and vacation, when there were no restrictions on food, there comes a time when, wearing a tight-fitting dress, you are aware of the consequences of gluttony. The result of periodic relaxation in nutrition is weight gain up to 5 kg. Instant disposal of the plump sides and buttocks through fasting or fast diets will not give a lasting effect. That is, having refrained from eating a couple, the person will lose weight for days, but in the next days he will eat lost kilograms. In order to avoid this and achieve the result of “minus 2 kg in 2 weeks”, having maintained the achieved weight, it is necessary to follow the principles of the diet:

  • Lack of salt. Water in the human body is 30% of the weight. When losing weight, fluid first leaves, and since salt is able to retain water, it is recommended to refrain from drinking it.
  • Decrease in fat intake, but not their complete exclusion.
  • One meal in volume should fit in 1 cup (250 ml).
  • Drink a glass of water every hour.
  • The division of food intake by 4 times, the last - no later than 19.00.
  • Eat fruits and berries. Once a day, a handful of raspberries / strawberries / blackberries is enough or replace them with one apple / orange.

minus 2 kg in 2 weeks

A complete diet aimed at weight loss should be drawn up under the guidance of a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the patient's diseases.

Diet "2 kg in 2 weeks": reviews

People who have made adjustments to their normal diet according to the principles of the diet have actually achieved the stated results. Physical exercises helped them speed up the process of losing weight and, most importantly, preserving their treasured forms. Exercise in the gym during a diet helps to develop willpower, stamina and improve overall health.

2 kg diet for 2 weeks reviews

During such a diet, people noticed that the state of the nervous system is stable, there is no irritability, which can not be said about express diets. This is because nutrition remains balanced and glucose is present in it, which positively affects nerve cells.


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