Sydney Opera House: Interesting Facts

Sydney Opera House (in English - Sydney Opera House) is a symbol of Australia's largest city and a landmark of the entire Australian continent. What can I say, even within the whole world it is one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings. The sail-like shells that form the roof of the theater make it unique and unlike any other building on Earth. Since the building is surrounded by water on three sides, it looks like a frigate sailing.

Sydney Opera House

The Opera House along with the famous Harbor Bridge is the hallmark of Sydney, and indeed, all of Australia is proud of it. Since 2007, the Sydney Opera House has been considered a World Heritage Site and is under the protection of UNESCO. It is officially recognized as an outstanding building of world modern architecture.

History of creation

The Sydney Opera House (see photo in the article) was opened in October 1973 by the English Queen Elizabeth II. The building was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon, in 2003 he received the Pritzker Prize for this . The project proposed by Utzon was very original, bright and beautiful, fan-shaped roofs rising above the bay gave the structure a romantic look. As the architect himself explained, the creation of such a project was inspired by the peel of an orange, cut into sectors, from which it was possible to make hemispherical and spherical figures. That's really, everything ingenious is simple! Experts noted that initially the project did not give the impression of a real architectural solution, but was more like a sketch. Nevertheless, it was brought to life!

Australia Sydney Opera House


Until 1958, there was a simple tram depot in the place where the Sydney Opera House (Cape Bennelong) is located. In 1959, the construction of the Opera began, but seven years later, in 1966, Jorn Utzon left the project. Architects from his team continued to work, and in 1967 the exterior decoration was completed. To bring the building to perfection and complete the decorative work, it took another six years. Utzon was not even invited to the opening of the theater in 1973, and the bronze tablet located near the entrance to the building does not contain his name. Nevertheless, the Sydney Opera House itself serves as a monument to its author and creator, annually it attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. It is worth noting that the building is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.


The construction covers an area of ​​2.2 hectares, the length of the structure is 185 meters, and the width reaches 120 meters. The whole building has a weight of 161 thousand tons and stands on 580 piles lowered to a depth of twenty-five meters in the water. The Sydney Opera House is made in the style of expressionism with an inherent innovative and radical design. The roof frame includes two thousand concrete sections, steel cables interconnected. The entire roof is lined with beige and white ceramic tiles - due to this combination of colors, an interesting movement effect is created.

Sydney Opera House in English

Inside the theater

The Sydney Opera House has five main halls, which host symphony concerts, theatrical and cameral performances, and the building also has an opera house and a small drama scene, a theater studio, a drama theater, a simulated stage and a Utzon Room. The theater complex, in addition, contains other halls for various events, a recording studio, four gift shops and five restaurants.

  • The main concert hall accommodates 2,679 spectators, while the symphony orchestra is also located in it.
  • The opera stage is designed for 1547 places, the Australian Ballet and the Australian Opera function here.
  • The Drama Theater seats up to 544 people; performances are performed by artists from the Sydney Theater Company and other groups.
  • The small dramatic stage is perhaps the most comfortable hall of the Opera. It is designed for 398 spectators.
  • The theater studio is a hall with a changing configuration, able to accommodate up to 400 people.

Sydney Opera House Photo

Sydney Opera House: Interesting Facts

- The Opera House has the largest theater curtain in the world , which was specially made in France by the sketch of the artist Coburn. It is called the "Curtain of the Sun and Moon", and the area of ​​each half is 93 square meters.

- In the main concert hall of the theater is the world's largest mechanical organ with 10.5 thousand pipes.

- Electricity consumption in a building is equivalent to energy consumption of a city with a population of 25 thousand people. Every year, 15.5 thousand light bulbs are replaced here.

- The Sydney Opera House was built in many respects thanks to the proceeds from the State Lottery.

- Each year, the Opera hosts about three thousand concerts and other events, which are attended by up to two million spectators annually.

- For the general public, the Sydney Opera House is open 363 days a year, it does not work only on Christmas and Good Friday. On the remaining days, the Opera operates around the clock.

- Although the stepped roof of the Opera is very beautiful, it does not provide the necessary acoustics in concert halls. The solution to the problem was the construction of individual ceilings that reflect sound.

- The theater has its own opera written about it. Its name is Eighth Miracle.

- The first singer to perform on the stage of the Sydney Opera House was Paul Robson. Back in 1960, when the construction of the theater was in full swing, he climbed the stage and sang the song β€œOl 'Man River” for dining workers.

- In 1980, Arnold Schwarzenegger in the main concert hall of the theater received the title β€œMr. Olympia” in bodybuilding competitions.

- In 1996, when the Crowded House group gave a farewell concert at the Sydney Opera House, the largest number of spectators in the history of the theater was recorded. This concert was broadcast in all corners of the planet on television.

sydney opera house interesting facts


Sydney Opera House is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. On both sides of the ocean, many people come to the conclusion that this is the most beautiful and outstanding building of those that were built in the twentieth century. It is difficult to disagree with this statement!


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