Animation for presentation: what is its significance and how to use it?

The modern world is a storehouse of information and its visual presentation. Almost any advertising worker can tell you about this. Much easier to win the heart of the consumer, if you submit all the information about your product in colorful graphic form.

presentation animation
Presentations are best suited for this, which you can create in Powerpoint, the standard office suite program from Microsoft. This is also facilitated by the important fact that the design for PowerPoint presentations is created by highly qualified specialists.

With its help, you can create materials of almost any level: from the simplest (for internal use) to real works of art that can be used to attract customers and increase the profitability of the company. Not the last role in this is played by the animation for the presentation, which allows you to "revive" even the most boring project.

How to do it?

For example, let's try to insert some not too complex object into the PowerPoint presentation . To do this, use the "Insert Animation" command. This button is located in the tab of the same name.

In the dialog box that appears, you can select any template that you like (this is not difficult, since the appearance of the template is well displayed in the field for viewing), then click the Apply button. After that, the slide will immediately take on the look you need. This animation for the presentation will be shown to you the next time you run the file.

Note that the standard effects must be "assigned" to each object on the slide individually.


for powerpoint presentations
After you practice creating the simplest effects, you can try to do them yourself. To do this, select the "Animation-Custom" tab. Attention! When you select this item, the animation for the presentation is created by marking the path of the object in the slide field. Anchor points are set by the user.

Change the order of appearance of objects

In addition, when preparing your project, it will not be superfluous to use the โ€œChange Animation Orderโ€ mode, the switch button to which is located on the right side of the toolbar. It carries out an exact "fit" of the time and order of appearance of objects. To do this, the element you need on the slide is highlighted with the left mouse button, after which the "Move forward / backward" button is also located on the right side.

Of course, that way you can also edit the shortcomings you have identified. This is very important, because otherwise you could notice them after turning on the presentation right in front of clients or your management.

Visual effects when moving to another slide

Using the Transition toolbar, you must set the visual effects when moving from slide to slide. We remind you that animation for the presentation involves the use of hundreds of them, and in the latest versions their collection can be supplemented by downloading the necessary files from the Internet.

powerpoint presentation design
Auto Show

By clicking the Transition Settings button, you can set the timing of your presentation. After that, PowerPoint will automatically be put into full-screen slide show mode. For your convenience, a timer will be displayed in the lower left corner of the screen, indicating the time remaining until the end of each slide show.

This is done so that you can timely adjust the duration of the image display by increasing or decreasing it. How to start the final presentation presentation? It is very simple: just click on the Slide Show button to appreciate all the work you have done. You can also use the F5 key on the keyboard for the same purpose.

This is how the animation for PowerPoint presentations is used.


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