The story of A. Likhanov "Good intentions": a summary, author's position and analysis of the text

It is impossible for a child to remain without a family. Who will teach him the ability to love this world? Who will give the affectionate word? Who will protect against evil and cruelty? Who will turn away from evil influence?

And if there is nobody? What then? A. Likhanov writes about the ways to correct this brutal injustice in his story "Good intentions."

“Good intentions ...” (About the novel by A. Likhanov)

The book of Likhanov, "Good intentions," is devoted to the problem of modern orphanhood. The summary of the story can fit in a few words: the young teacher was imbued with sympathy for her orphans and tried to find their parents, but she was able to help not all of her students, and then she replaced her mother. This work is one of the main in the writer's work.

likhanova good intentions summary

Albert Anatolievich Likhanov - childhood defender

When Albert Likhanov created this short, but such a deep work, he still hoped that the children abandoned by their parents would not be left alone with their terrible misfortune. Therefore, this work is imbued with such bright optimism.

It is impossible to return the parents to orphans, but you can protect the small citizen of a large country from this terrible disaster. He will adopt the Fatherland, bring it to the whole world in people - that is what the writer believed in 1981.

The writer enthusiastically embraced perestroika. He hoped for a turning point in the moral side of life and was waiting for a change in the position of orphans for the better. But then, disappointed, he declared that all the people should be ashamed in front of the children for what was not done.

In his books, the author remains a convinced fighter against the deformities of the life of modern society. He considers the happiness of the child as the criterion of the health of the nation, that’s exactly what he checks how humane the world is.

Albert Anatolievich Likhanov

And the children in the country are still defenseless against the brutal indifference of adults and are indifferent even to their loved ones. Albert Anatolievich Likhanov considers it his duty to remind contemporaries that a nation that does not care about children cannot have a future.

The image of the main character

Likhanov himself believed that his work was not so much about a young teacher and her pupils as about true kindness, that the road to hell was paved not with good intentions, but by the inability to fulfill to the end his good intentions.

The image of the main character is the embodiment of such a person who is able to fully fulfill his duty. And how attractive this image is! He admires the strength of character, dedication, honesty and love for children.

good intentions analysis of the work

A retrospective story - such is the composition of Likhanov’s novel “Good intentions”. The summary of the story of the main character is as follows: a mature woman recalls her youth, about the first independent steps in her life that were difficult. Difficulties arise because everything was guided by Nadezhda Pobedonosnaya (as the director of the boarding school calls her) solely by her feelings. Pity for the unfortunate children struck her in the heart and awakened in her the desire to arrange their fate. The feeling of guilt before the children who suffered because of people who were unable to think about someone other than herself made her take responsibility for their fate.

Guided by her feelings, the main character unmistakably finds her calling - serving good and duty.

People are revealed in relation to the child

It is necessary to completely immerse yourself in the world of relations between adults and children in Likhanov's work "Good intentions." The summary will not give a complete picture of the depth of this work.

In relation to the child, a person manifests as he is.

A childless couple of Zaporozhets — apparently intelligent people — clearly negatively affect the child whom they choose among other children, focusing on appearance as a thing.

The most beautiful girl introduced to their family. After the first experience of communicating with them, she changed. Fur coats, beautiful dresses, expensive toys, the car on which she was taken and brought by the Cossacks, spoiled her character. Almost immediately, she felt lifted up over everything, privileged, special.

And all the more painful she was to return after the betrayal of these two complacent bourgeois to her usual orphaned position. Expressing her protest, Alla burns gifts from her foster parents. Nadezhda Georgievna cannot punish a child for a fire. She understands the girl well, but at the same time, confidence is awakening in her that the betrayal of the Zaporozhtsev is good for Alla. Who would she grow up in this family? A copy of the limited narcissistic egoists?

Engineer Stepan Ivanovich, unlike Zaporozhtsev, refused Seva Agapov for a reason beyond his control. In addition, he never said that he was going to adopt Seva. He sincerely worries, going on a long trip abroad, and promises to immediately restore friendly relations with the boy upon his return. Forced separation is dramatic not only for Seva, but also for Stepan Ivanovich. However, there is reason to say that in this case, the adult does not go to the end in his good intentions in his attitude to the child.

You need to carefully consider reading the story "Good intentions." Analysis of the work will open up an understanding of the most incomprehensible things. An example of one such riddle is Ani Nevzorova’s relationship with her mother.

The lonely Evdokia Petrovna managed to become attached to the girl, but Anya is pursued by her own mother, deprived of parental rights. And on New Year's Eve, she stole a girl. Further events indicate how dangerous for the child are contacts with the mother who has given the child champagne.

Anechka, understanding everything about her mother, is very worried about her and refuses to be adopted by Evdokia Petrovna. This is clearly the case when a child is internally spiritually stronger than an adult. Sharing her dreams with Nadezhda Georgievna, Anya sets out her plan to “adopt” her mother. And Nadezhda understands how strong the sprouts of responsibility are in this little girl, they are much stronger than in an adult woman, deprived of parental rights.

What gives such a power to a small child? Love, forgiving, all-pervading, holy and simple love.

good intentions brief retelling

Happy families in the story of Likhanov

There are examples of happy families in the story "Good intentions." A brief retelling of the relationship between Hope herself and her mother can serve as proof of this: mother loves Nadya as she can, daughter loves her mother. But one day, the daughter gets out of maternal control. Mom was offended at first, and then forgave Nadezhda. The daughter was very glad of reconciliation, but did not return to her mother. That's all. But this is a common situation in every normal happy family.

Such is the family of Apollon Apollinarievich and Elena Evgenievna, director and head teacher of the boarding school. Their son also arranges for parents a scene of disobedience, but the mutual love of parents and children defeats everything.

An ideal family is the daughter and mother of the Martynovs. Natalya Ivanovna Martynova is the director of the orphanage in which the children lived before arriving at the boarding school.

This character is very important for understanding the idea of ​​the whole work, although the image of Martynova is secondary in Likhanov’s novel “Good intentions”. The summary of that part of the story in which her biography is given fits into several sentences. This woman gave fifty years to orphans. The orphanage in which she works is an exemplary place. It is truly everything for children. But she would be glad if one day he closed.

And in this fate, as in a mirror, the main idea of ​​the whole story is reflected: if there are unhappy children, you need to give your whole life to them in order to correct this terrible evil.

This woman lives with one passion - love for disadvantaged babies. She refused all that interferes with her ministry. The daughter looks like her mother not only externally, she shares the heavy burden of responsibility that Natalya Ivanovna took upon herself, and reverence is read towards her daughter.

good intentions brief retelling

There is something from the saints in the images of these two women, it is not for nothing that Likhanov, describing their portrait similarity, mentions icon-painting faces. And the relationship between mother and daughter is ideal precisely for this reason: the saints do not quarrel among themselves, they have more important things to do - service to good and duty.

What allows you to call them saints? Love again. Only here we are talking not about love for your children, but about love for all children, for all people. It is appropriate to recall: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Here it is - the main idea of ​​the work of Likhanov, and not only this, but any good work.

The fate of these holy images reveals the future of the Victorious Hope. These are the fates of people who follow the road of good intentions to the end. And at the end of this journey, it’s not hell that awaits them, but something else.


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