Dog collar "Antilay" - help in raising a pet

Often, the Antilay collar is confused with a stun gun, and many animal lovers do not recognize this method of dog training at all. However, despite this, this educational methodology is approved by the Association of Dog Breeders and recognized as absolutely safe for the health of our four-legged friends.

The purpose of the electronic collar

To increase the efficiency of the training process, they were developed and introduced in

Collar Antilay
operation of special collars that blunt dog barking. The essence of such devices is to deliver a light discharge at a time when the dog is just starting to bark. Outwardly, the Antilay collar looks like a plastic box weighing about 50 g, which is equipped with two iron pins on the inside. This device needs periodic recharging and can be used for quite a long time.

The ultrasound collar "Antilay" does not react to sound, but to vibration, so it does not turn on if another dog barks nearby. The device generates ultrasonic pulses, which are quite unpleasant for the sensitive hearing of the animal, although absolutely harmless. As soon as the dog begins to bark, the microphone built into the Antilay collar will catch excessive noise, while emitting a characteristic signal. Over time, such an ultrasonic effect produces a conditioned reflex in the animal, in which loud barking will be associated with discomfort. Such devices have three degrees of sensitivity: five, nine and fifteen meters.

How to use the electronic anti-collar?

This device should be worn under a regular collar so that it

Ultrasonic Collar Antilay
touched the neck of the animal. The range of action at the same time extends to a kilometer, and the device itself can operate in two modes. In the first case, sound exposure occurs, and in the second, an electric charge is also added. Remote control makes it possible to control the collar so that the pet does not even suspect where the signal source is coming from. The dog must trust its owner and, if it suspects that it is the person who causes it inconvenience, serious problems can arise in the future.

Collar Management

Ultrasonic Collar Antilay
The electronic device against the dog bark is equipped with two switches, one of which is solely responsible for the sound signal, and the other also adds an electric discharge. During training, it is recommended to use both options - so that the dog does not get used to only one type of exposure. Otherwise, the Antilay collar will have no effect on the dog.

Note to dog breeders!

  1. Do not use a radio-controlled collar at the same time as a metal collar, and also attach a chain or leash to it.
  2. Before training with the Antilay collar, make sure your pet is completely healthy.
  3. For safety reasons, do not leave your dog unattended in the electronic collar.
  4. Before use, carefully read the instructions.
  5. Prolonged wearing of a collar can provoke skin irritation, therefore it should be worn no more than six hours a day.
  6. Periodically wash the electrodes on the collar with antibacterial soap.


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