How to catch a pike? Pike accessories. How to catch a pike on live bait

Fishing is a national occupation of each representative of the countries of the former USSR. One of the most common inhabitants of water bodies is considered pike. Catching her is a real art. You will learn about how to catch a pike from our article.

Basic information

how to catch a pike

For successful fishing, you need to know the features and "nature" of this fish. Pike lives in fresh water. Its usual location is the river. This is not a flock of fish, usually its individuals swim alone.

Catching it the first time is quite difficult, therefore, to learn how to catch a pike, you should read further and follow the basic recommendations.

Remember that representatives of this species of fish prefer the following habitats:

  • Rivers.
  • Lakes.
  • Old riverbeds.

Pikes do not like strong currents; therefore, they most often settle in quiet areas. Shady places, thickets, piles of stones and tree trunks at the surface of the water - all this is a favorite habitat for fish.

Pike is a predator. Therefore, catching it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. When fishing, you should consider the features of the method of its nutrition.

Where can I meet pike

Inexperienced fishermen believe that the predator is found in absolutely any water body. In fact, she is very selective about her place of residence.

  • how to catch a pike on live bait
    In winter, pike usually live at the bottom. You can find it in the pits, in the gorges. In the cold season, it is very difficult for fish to earn their own food, so its activity becomes slow.
  • With the arrival of heat, the pike starving for winter rises to the surface of the reservoir. She eats various fry.
  • How to catch a pike in the summer? In the warm season, she prefers to stay as deep as possible. Preference is given to areas with a large number of thickets and reeds. Fishing in July for pike is one of the most favorable periods of fishing. Preference should be given to morning and evening hours.
  • With the beginning of autumn, there comes a “golden” time for fishermen. Right now it’s easiest to catch a pike. She still prefers to lie deep, but her activity is quite active. This makes it easy to catch fish. During this period, large individuals need a large amount of food, so they increasingly float to the surface in search of food.

How to catch a pike on a spinning rod

Novice fishermen are often tormented by the question of what tackle to fish. The most experienced ones advise spinning.

To catch the fish, you must correctly select and assemble the main fishing tool.

Pike accessories consist of the following parts:

  • fishing rods;
  • coils;
  • fishing line;
  • bait (you can use live bait or special devices - a wobbler, a spinner, a vibrator, etc.).

pike rig

The fishing line must be strong enough. Its thickness is no more than half a millimeter.

Pike rises for food closer to the surface of the water, so casting a spinning rod should not be deeper than 1.5 meters.

For proper fishing, the length of the gear is also important. It should not be too small or excessively large. The spinning size is medium, about two meters.

Since the fish prefers to dwell in various thickets, there is a high probability of the possibility of catching spinning on driftwood and algae. In most cases, this leads to loss of bait. Therefore, you should stock up on a sufficient number of nozzles in advance.

Optimal time for fishing

When wondering how to catch a pike, many novice fishermen do not understand at what time it is better to fish.

  • In the autumn period, especially in the month of October, you can hunt for fish from the morning until late in the evening.
  • At other times of the year, the optimal period is the very beginning of the day.
  • Pike does not like clear weather. The most successful for biting is considered to be cold air temperature, wind, precipitation.

pike in winter

Types of Lures

For successful fishing results, you should be able to choose the right attachment. The main one is spinners and its derivatives.

It is good to fish for live bait. The following fish species are ideal for him:

  • Shallow perch.
  • Crucian.
  • Gudgeon.
  • Rotan
  • Crayfish.
  • Frog.

Small-sized young pikes can peck at the worm.

Description of the fishing process

Since small fish is the main food for pike, bait is the most suitable bait.

For fishing, you need to choose the best place. Preference should be given to thickets and depressions.

How to catch a pike on live bait? First of all, you need to prepare the bait. Live bait requires a careful attitude. Remember that the best bait is live fish. So, crucian is the most hardy. He is able to hold out several castings of spinning.

how to catch a pike on a spinning

Fishing process:

  • To live bait live as long as possible, do not make sudden movements. Try not to hit the spinning surface hard with water.
  • Choose places with a large number of thickets and depressions. However, here the fisherman requires a greater concentration of attention and accuracy. It is necessary to monitor the spinning and prevent live bait from falling into deep thickets. It’s almost impossible to pull out gear from there.
  • Throw the rod. After its formation at the endpoint, it is necessary to withstand some time. Optimal - half a minute.
  • Start spinning the coil gently toward you. Speed ​​should not be high. Every 10 seconds, stop for a while.
  • If a pike has pecked at a spinning rod, do not rush to pull it out of the water as soon as possible. Thus, you are most likely to help the fish break loose.
  • Release the coil. Let the pike swallow the bait well and swim a little. And only after that you can continue to pull the fishing line.

Types of Postings

More confident fishermen can try fishing in various ways. There are several types of spinning transactions. The most common ones are twitching, step and slow.

how to catch a pike in the summer

Twitching is usually used when fishing for a bait wobbler. During fishing, spinning should be twitching all the time. These actions give jerks and imitation of independent movement to a wobbler that very attracts fish.

Posting of the “step” type is performed as follows: the bait slowly reaches the bottom surface; wait a few seconds and then raise the bait a short distance. Release her again so that she reaches the bottom.

All actions are recommended to be performed slowly and smoothly, since it is during the period of oscillation of the bait at the bottom that the pike bite. Slow wiring is characterized by low casting speed. The actions of the fisherman are accurate and unhurried. Pulling up the fishing line is also slow and with periodic interruptions. The pike will be interested in sudden movements, followed by slow ones. Wiring speed should also be adjusted.

This method is most suitable for inexperienced fishermen as the easiest and one of the most effective. With it, one should begin to master the difficult art of catching pike.

Useful Tips

How to catch a pike for a novice fisherman? Remember that experience is the main helper in fishing. To get it, we recommend that you listen to the basic tips of experienced fishermen.

July fishing for pike

  • If the nozzle is entangled in the thicket, do not pull it with all your might. So there is a risk of damage to the spinning. It’s best to let go of the line and get rid of the attachment. Therefore, every fisherman in stock should always have the necessary set of baubles.
  • Select only large and tenacious fish for live bait. So that she could hold out longer, fasten her on a spinning rod for a nostril or a mouth.
  • If the caught pike has swallowed the hook too far, do not try to reach it. Better untie the fishing line from the spinning and rewind a new one. Remove the fish from the hook already at home.
  • Pike has a very powerful sense of smell. She reacts sharply to the smell of blood. Therefore, you can slightly damage or incise live bait. The fish immediately learns prey and pretty quickly gets hooked.

So, you have learned the features of national fishing methods for the most popular predator of water bodies - pike. It is difficult to catch her, but following the tips presented in the article, you can boast of a good catch.


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