Battery Charger: Feature and Functionality

To date, the scope of rechargeable batteries such as AA and AAA is quite extensive. Such batteries are installed on MP3 players, many camera models, children's toys, and even on the TV remote control. However, to constantly maintain a normal level of charge, you must regularly charge them. And for this you need to have a special memory. In this article we will learn all the features of such a tool as a battery charger, and consider its functions.

battery charger instruction


The term "charger" means a special device for charging batteries from the energy of external sources. As a rule, such tools convert the voltage to 220 volts under 3.6 volts (or what kind of charge your battery model has there specifically), thereby charging the device to the desired level. By this principle, absolutely all memories of this type are valid.

It is customary to distinguish between a battery charger in terms of power, and more precisely, with the maximum charging current that it can provide. This value on different models of memory varies from 700 to 2000 mA. The more current the device generates, respectively, the less time it takes to charge the battery.

battery charger Price

Slot availability

Often, a standard battery charger (instructions for its use is attached to each model separately by the manufacturer) has from 2 to 4 connectors for charging batteries. Moreover, the number of slots and their number is always a multiple of two. In addition, there are memory devices that can simultaneously work with different types of batteries. In this case, the device has 2 slots: for AA batteries (finger type) and the same number of connectors for AAA elements (the so-called pink ones). Moreover, in the design of such memory devices there is one connector designed for rechargeable "Krona". Its voltage is usually 9 V. A battery charger that works with several types of batteries is called a combination.

Existence of protection against an overheat and the wrong polarity

This function is available on almost all models of modern memory. It is very useful and even necessary, as it protects the memory and the battery itself from overheating and failure. If you forget about the operation of this device (which can lead to overheating and overcharging) or install a battery with the wrong polarity, the presence of such a function will help you avoid such consequences.

LCD Battery Charger
battery charger

Unfortunately, not all battery chargers are now equipped with a display. There are options with an LCD mini-display (exclusively black and white), but they cost much more than others. For such a battery charger, the price is about 1.5 thousand rubles. And if you have several devices running on a battery of this type, buying a device with such a “device” will not be superfluous for you. This display provides complete information about electric current, charging time and voltage. This is a very useful feature that allows you to monitor the status of the battery without removing it from the connector.


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