Belaz 450 tons, the largest dump truck in the world

Supercar "Belaz - 450 tons", the photo of which is presented on the page, a dump truck for work in quarries, is the most powerful carrier in the whole world. A giant is produced in Belarus, in the city of Zhodino. In 2013, the giant was awarded the certificate "The largest dump truck on the planet." Own weight of the car is 810 tons, and the speed can reach 64 km / h.

The name of the Belaz - 450 tons dump truck is simplified, in the regulatory documents the vehicle appears under the index 75710. In comparison with foreign analogues, the vehicle parameters have a significant advantage. The model is constantly being improved in the production process, and by the end of 2015, a new Belaz - 450 tons should appear at the factory site, which after testing will go into quarry development.

belaz 450 tons

Power point

Model 75710 of the Minsk Automobile Plant is equipped with a heavy-duty engine consisting of two diesel generators, with a total thrust of 8500 hp, powering wheeled electric drives. When the truck is fully loaded, the motors provide maximum traction, and when driving with an empty body, one generator is turned off. Diesel fuel consumption is 500 liters per hour while traveling with cargo.

"Belaz - 450 tons" and its power plant are designed to operate in temperature conditions from -45 to +45 degrees. Technical characteristics of the car allow its round-the-clock operation.

Economic benefit

The production of mining trucks is associated with large financial investments, and the price of a finished high-end model can reach six million in dollar terms. However, the production potential of the Belaz 450 ton machine is so huge that the machine pays off in two years. And after that it starts to bring net profit.

belaz 450 tons photo

The development of the Belaz 450 ton heavy-duty dump truck became necessary in connection with the increasing demand for vehicles for mining enterprises. Existing cars could not cope with the volume of traffic. The specifics of the quarry enterprises are large-scale, the extraction of minerals amounts to millions of tons, and these volumes must be delivered to the destination. The heavy-duty Belazs are coping with this task today.

The demand for heavy duty mining dump trucks is constantly increasing. The production capacities of BELAZ are expanding; over the past four years, new workshops have been built with a total area of ​​about 30 thousand square meters. The most modern technologies are being introduced everywhere. Today, the Minsk Automobile Plant in Zhodino takes first place in the world in terms of the number of giant dump trucks produced. In the lineup there are about 20 modifications of career super trucks. Each model is produced in accordance with the quality program developed by leading research institutes of automobile transport in Belarus and Russia. The cooperation of industrial enterprises of the two countries makes it possible to uninterrupted material support of production.

new belaz 450 tons


Belarusian giants go to different countries, cars are readily bought by companies engaged in the extraction of minerals, iron and aluminum ore, bauxite and minerals. Reliable and reliable dump trucks have proven themselves in mining developments around the world. There are practically no complaints in the production of heavy-duty supercars, since each breakdown due to the fault of the manufacturer is a loss of a significant amount, as well as customer confidence. Therefore, at the factory in Zhodino everything is done in good faith and thoroughly.

"Belaz - 450 tons", "Chernigovets"

On August 21, 2014, the Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev launched a unique production project in Kuzbass, and career development of industrial coal. The production of "black gold" in the amount of hundreds of millions of tons became possible thanks to the participation of new superheavy dump trucks "Chernigovets", named after the same open pit mine.

The governor noted that the named coal mine has been a testing ground for testing new world technologies for several years. All coal mining equipment of the last generation is concentrated on its sections. The Minsk factory of heavy trucks manufactured a series of 450-ton dump trucks for Chernihivtsi.

Belaz 450 tons Chernihiv

World competitors

In the category of the largest dump trucks, besides Belaz 450 tons, there are other supercars.

The main competitor of the 75710 is the Liebherr T282B heavy-duty open pit mine, which held the lead until the appearance of Belaz-450 tons in 2013.

The German giant is followed by the Japanese super truck "KOMATSU 930E - 3SE", considered the first number in the list of vehicles for mining opencasts.

"Caterpillar 797" is an American-made career giant who is radically different from his fellow workers. The drive to the wheels goes directly from the engine through a seven-speed automatic transmission.


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