Fishing on the Zhostovo quarry: photos and reviews

Residents of the Moscow region and the city of Korolev were lucky: there are many lakes, reservoirs and ponds on the territory where you can go fishing. It so happened that few people are happy with paid fishing, because you need to spend money. Most fishermen and just vacationers rush to pass the time with a fishing rod or just like that for free reservoirs. One of the most popular places is the Zhostovo quarry. The reputation of this place is not very good, because in 1988 the pond was contaminated with radiation. But this does not stop dozens of fishermen with families who are not afraid not only to relax near these waters, but also to eat fish caught there.

Origin of the pond

Zhostovo quarry

The quarry was flooded with groundwater. Now this is one pond, previously there were two, separated by an isthmus, which is clearly visible on old maps. Local people also call this pond Main, and the people have another name - Zhostovo burial ground, this is due to pollution by its radiation.

There are three islands in the pond, on which not only grass grows, but also trees. Rest on the Zhostovo quarry is not prohibited, so people from all over the world reach for it, especially on hot summer days, and this is understandable, because the pond is located near Moscow and Korolev, you can get here by car in just twenty minutes.

Experienced fishermen claim that the depth of the Zhostovsky quarry is from 8 to 10 meters. But locals argue with them, proving that the maximum depth here can reach 18, or even 20 meters. The Zhostovo quarry, the photo of which is provided in this article, as a magnet attracts fishermen. About what kind of fish is found here will be written in the further contents of the review.


Zhostovo quarry vacation

In 1988, Zhostovsky quarry was infected with radioactive substances. Radiation fell into the water due to capsules dropped into the pond. On the right bank of the quarry, the radiation size was 432 ฮผR / h. A little later, exactly the same capsules were found nearby in the forest, where the radiation level went up to 5000 mcR / h.

Guilty of pollution was found, convicted. An individual who accidentally or deliberately throws capsules out. This is not specified.

After cleaning the pond, more than two tons of contaminated soil were seized and taken out from the bottom of the right bank. Then they poured clean sand, surrounded the territory with wire, so that no one would get in there, and they began to call the artificial reservoir the Zhostovo burial ground.

Where is the pond located?

Zhostovo quarry vacation with tents

The Zhostovo quarry is located in the watershed zone of the Uchi and Klyazma rivers . Pirogovskoe reservoir is located half a kilometer away, and a canal named after Moscow is located one and a half kilometers away, but the removal of radiation into these reservoirs was not detected.

The cemetery territory also spread to the summer cottage corporate site, where the radiation level was exceeded by 4.5 times, but this does not prevent many from developing the soil.

Today, in some parts of the reservoir, radiation can reach 80 and 100 ฮผR / h.

Is it possible to fish in a career

pond zhostovsky quarry fishing

Authorities were not limited to visiting the reservoir, so fishermen occupy the coast, someone is sailing to the islands, away from rivals. The bottom is clay, and grass and mud grow on its entire area, which can interfere with fishing, since the gear in them is confused, and sometimes fishing lines are torn.

Pond Zhostovsky quarry, which fishing is carried out at any time of the year, freezes completely in winter, you need to drill holes.

Fishermen's recommendations

Zhostovo quarry photo

Experienced fishermen do not recommend fishing at the quarry lazy in the winter. They say that the frequency of bite in the cold season is very long - from an hour or more. After drilling a hole, you need to wait for the first catch, then go to another place.

If you look at the winter fishing on the quarry from the side, you can see the active movement of the fishermen, because this is the only way to pick up bleak on the ear.

Fishermen recommend fishing in the summer, then the bites are good, the catch is big. In winter, few experienced fishermen will come here, many will prefer to give the pond a rest, and fishing can also be done on the Pirogovsky reservoir.

What kind of fish is caught

Zhostovo quarry how to get there

In summer, fishermen come to the pond, waiting for the capture of carp. In these places there were cases when individuals brought up to 15 kilograms from the water kingdom! It really is worth it, and no radiation is a hindrance.

Also, a rather large perch lives in the Zhostovo reservoir, fishermen caught specimens up to a kilogram.

The pride of the pond is rotan, which is considered a rather rare species. Here its mass reaches 300 grams. It is better to catch it in the winter, the baubles and raw meat are perfect for bait. Rotan is more common in the southwestern part of the flooded quarry.

A lot of roach, with an average weight of 100-200 grams, and a fairly well-fed bleak live in the Zhostovo pond.

A trifle weighing 50-70 grams falls into the reservoir quite rarely, which can not be said about the Pirogovsky reservoir, which is why fishermen prefer this place.

Perch in this pond needs to be caught on vertical balancers, some of the experienced prefer devils.

What is the catch?

Zhostovo quarry

Fish in the Zhostovo quarry are fattened and capricious, they will not bite every bait. This is due to the fact that the forage base of the reservoir is quite diverse and rich, it is difficult to surprise local residents with delicacies. Therefore, the bite is unstable, and a novice will be able to catch a fish at intervals of 30 minutes to an hour. It happens that the echo sounder screams that a solid school of fish has been found, but the bite is still missing or is flowing.

Those who know the topography of the bottom of the pond well and picked up the keys to the heart of the fish, get a rich catch.

Possibility to relax with tents

Zhostovo quarry vacation

If you really want to relax in nature, then you can adapt to any conditions, the Zhostovsky quarry is also suitable for this. Rest with tents is possible here, as the terrain here is quite picturesque and even.

Crowds of tourists leave behind tons of garbage that flaunt all over the quarry. That is why many may not like a vacation here, especially with children. There is a way out - everyone should take out garbage after rest or burn (what is possible) in a fire.

Travel and entry to the Zhostovo quarry are free, everyone can relax cheaply and angrily here. Leisure at the pond and fishing is a great pastime, affordable and exciting.

How to get to Zhostovsky quarry

Zhostovo quarry vacation with tents

The pond is located not far from cities, so it will not be difficult to get to it both by private car and by public transport.

Fishermen do not advise driving close to the shore in winter, as you can completely get stuck in a snowdrift. Well, if there are fishermen nearby who will help rescue the car from snow captivity.

So, you can get to the reservoir as follows:

  • from the metro station "Medvedkovo" you need to take the minibus (bus) at number 438 and go to Zhostovo;
  • bus number 26 runs from Mytishchi;
  • from Moscow, if you drive your own car, you should move along the Ostashkovsky highway, from the Moscow Ring Road - 15 kilometers.


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