We accept herbs for weight loss at home: what, why and how much

Folk recipes, which include natural gifts of nature, are the basis of modern treatment methods. Herbal medicine is increasingly prescribed to patients along with medical treatment, and often completely replaces traditional methods.

herbs for weight loss at home
Not without these recipes in dietetics. Herbs for weight loss, used at home in the form of decoctions or pharmaceutical preparations, are a reliable assistant to losing weight people. What is the strength of these natural ingredients? Why do they help to lose weight? And is herbal medicine always effective when it comes to harmony?

Some tips

Disappointed will be people who firmly believe that by drinking a few cups of aromatic tea a day, which includes herbs that promote weight loss, you can lose weight. This is not true. Infusions, teas, drugs will only help remove toxins and excess fluid, restrain appetite or speed up metabolism. In parallel with this, you need to eat balanced and play sports. Also, there will be no result from one-time receptions: it is necessary to drink herbal preparations with complexes, and more than once. Only under these conditions can we observe the dynamics in weight loss.

How to choose the right herbs for weight loss

what herbs for weight loss

At home, you can take only those herbs that do not have side effects, do not contain poisons, are not toxic. Even being confident in their extraordinary benefits, you should not exceed the permitted daily allowance or use them with other components (unless otherwise provided by the recipe). Knowing the reason for your excess weight, you can determine which herbs for weight loss and in what form you need to eat: according to the effect on the human body, they are divided into several types.

Herbs that suppress appetite

As you know, some people "seize" stress, depression and their lack of demand. Therefore, a constant feeling of hunger is their normal state. They are advised to consume herbs that are capable of suppressing appetite. They work in two directions:

  1. They envelop the walls of the stomach with a film and thereby temporarily block the production of gastric juice (use in the form of tea, infusion, decoction).
  2. They increase several times, absorbing fluid and filling the stomach (use in the form of leaves, stems, etc.).

These herbs include spirulina, marshmallow root, angelica, flax seeds, fucus.

Slimming herbs
Fluid-removing herbs

As you know, lymph stagnation is provoked by the consumption of salt, seasonings, smoked meats and other not very healthy products. It is such phenomena that are manifested by edema, excess volume and weight, sagging. With the help of plants such as barberry, horsetail, tansy, corn stigmas, immortelle, dandelion, birdwort or burdock, diuretic and choleretic processes can be accelerated.

Herbs for weight loss at home, which activate the digestive tract

This is anise, dill, fennel, parsley. It would seem that this is ordinary greens that appears on our table almost daily. But it improves the assimilation of products, reduces the level of slagging and relieves constipation. In addition to garden greens, chamomile, cumin, yarrow and buckthorn will help to combat these problems.

Another reason for extra pounds is a slow metabolism . Basically, it is the result of taking any drugs, frequent mono-diets, hormonal disruptions. The process of restoring the metabolism is a long and complicated one, it requires expert advice. In parallel with the prescribed medication, you can use elderberry, rosemary, ginger, turmeric, nettle.

Calorie burning is one of the principles of losing weight. It is clear to everyone that this can be done with the help of fitness, in the gym or pool. But few people know that some seasonings also contribute to energy consumption. These include turmeric, ginger and rosemary. By adding these spices to your daily diet, you can lose some excess weight. But it is important to remember that excessive consumption of these seasonings causes appetite.

How to take herbs for weight loss at home

Mostly herbs are used in the form of teas or infusions. To prepare them, you must strictly follow the instructions that are written on the packaging: observe the dosage, the method of brewing, the timing of use of the finished product. The basic principle of herbal treatment is compliance with the duration of their use. Basically, these are courses of 15-30 days (except for herbs with a laxative effect). Before starting treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and the effect of funds on other organs and systems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9451/

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