Dream Interpretation. Kindergarten: what dreams

Many people, as children, attended kindergartens. Some still have warm memories of this carefree time. And sometimes people see dreams in which kids play in kindergarten groups or study with strict teachers. One can hardly expect any negative from such a vision. But it’s better to turn to the dream book. Kindergarten in a dream can be quite a good sign.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Udilova

In this interpreter, such a vision is associated with the fact that children always strive to learn something new:

  1. A kindergarten filled with children means the following - your life will begin a new period that will be filled with various events: both joyful and troublesome. But you can overcome all difficulties, so in any situation, your actions must be quick and decisive.
  2. If the pupils played toys in a dream, this symbolizes that fate will give you pleasant surprises and surprises.
  3. But what a kindergarten is dreaming about (if it is empty in a dream), in the near future your life will be calm, measured and prosperous. Perhaps at some point you will want new emotions, but you need to be vigilant so as not to get involved in any risky event.
what does kindergarten with children dream of

Empty or abandoned kindergarten

Seen by adults in the night dreams, the kindergarten interprets the dream book as a desire to escape from pressing worries and problems and again to be a child. But sometimes such an institution may dream of being empty or abandoned. This situation also has an explanation:

  1. If a dreamer finds himself in an empty kindergarten and feels lonely, in real life this person is at a loss and he, as a small child, needs to talk with someone, hear reassuring words and good advice.
  2. Another interpretation of this dream is as follows - the sleeper needs a good friend in life with whom he can share his problems and rely on him in a difficult situation.
  3. An abandoned kindergarten was dreamed of by a woman or a young girl - this suggests that she is disappointed due to the fact that she could not realize herself as a mother. Perhaps she has problems with her child. They can be domestic in nature, as well as arise due to poor performance in school.
  4. Also, such a vision may mean that there are no bright emotions in your life - you need to find some hobby that will enrich your daily life with new impressions, or go in for sports.

What is the dream of the kindergarten teacher or his head

There are several interpretations regarding the kindergarten teacher seen in a dream. Depending on the details of the dream, this may mean that someone will teach the dreamer, or perhaps help to cope with the mistakes.

  1. If the children in the preschool were with the teacher, this is a sign that you will have a reliable support in your life. And to solve the difficulties that have arisen, a wise mentor who appears on your way will help.
  2. Did you dream that you yourself were a teacher in a kindergarten? The dream book also gives an explanation for this - in reality, you should take responsibility for the execution of responsible assignments, since others cannot do it.
  3. Had a chance to see a teacher raising his voice on children? Such a dream is a sign that the sleeper for some reason experiences constant fear of his leadership. Better change jobs.
  4. If you dreamed of a head of a children's institution, in this case the interpretation is twofold. If the boss saw the young lady - this is to the signs of attention from the representative of the stronger sex. And for a man, this means that he will meet a girl with whom, perhaps, he decides to connect his life.
dream book kindergarten teacher

Why dream kindergarten with children: interpretation depending on their activities

If a person wants to know the most detailed interpretation of night vision, which included a preschool, it is important to remember what exactly the children did.

  • I dreamed that they were engaged in some useful business (they collected toys, helped to clean the table) - a calm and fruitful work ahead of you.
  • If the kids played, such a dream promises that you will succeed both in business and in personal life.
  • The kids in your nightly dreams indulged - in the advancement of your affairs some obstacles may arise due to small mistakes that you yourself made out of recklessness.
  • Children in a dream for some reason cried - you may encounter difficulties at work.
  • It seemed that the children had lunch with an appetite - you will do an excellent job with the task assigned to you at work.
dream book children on a walk

Interpretation of the Dream Book Housewives

There are very interesting explanations of what a woman dreams about a children's holiday in the kindergarten. Depending on the degree of her participation in this event, this may mean that she easily makes new friends, or that communication with new people is difficult for her.

  1. If a woman in her nightly dreams was present at the matinee as a guest, this is a symbol of the fact that in some difficult situation she can get support from strangers.
  2. She dreamed that she herself was the organizer of the children's performance, she was waiting for the joy of communicating with friends and the successful implementation of the plans.
  3. If in her dream a woman drove a dance with the children in the matinee, in reality she has financial difficulties, but she can count on someone from her friends to lend her money to solve them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9459/

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