Industrial Safety Engineer: job description and vacancies

Each enterprise with a staff of more than fifty people needs an industrial safety engineer to verify employees - correctly and clearly whether they comply with the established norms and rules. If the company employs fewer people, then the duties of this employee are assumed by the chief. If there is a risk that employees of the organization may get injured or have occupational diseases, then the presence of this employee on the staff becomes a rather relevant issue.

Candidate Requirements

There are a lot of vacancies of an industrial safety engineer in the labor market, but in order to get this job, the applicant must have certain professional and personal qualities. Employers most often prefer to hire specialists with higher education in the direction of the company and in accordance with the profile.

labor protection and industrial safety engineer

They may also require a three-year experience from the applicant, the ability to provide employees with safe working conditions and constantly improve the level of professional knowledge and skills. The real picture looks something like this: a candidate with higher education can enter the service without experience. A specialist with a secondary vocational education can count on getting the position of industrial safety engineer only if he has three years of experience. Very often, the applicant may encounter additional requirements, such as the ability to work with a personal computer, draw up documentation, etc., depending on the scope of the company and the needs of management.


The employee accepted for this position is a specialist, and the decision on his admission or dismissal is made by the chief director of the company. To get the position of a specialist in the second category, you need a higher education and two years of experience in the profession. An industrial safety engineer of the first category can only be made by working for two years as an employee of the second category. In his activities, the employee is obliged to be guided by regulatory and methodological materials relating to his activities, the charter and rules of the company, as well as instructions.


Before starting to perform his duties, the employee must study all the regulatory and legal acts that govern his activities, and understand how the organization of activities in the field of industrial safety occurs. The employee must know the requirements for the safe use and repair of equipment used by the company where he is employed.

industrial safety engineer instruction

He must know all the rules and what means are used to maintain a healthy and safe condition of equipment in the company. Know in what order and at what time it is necessary to draw up reports on the work done by him. The knowledge of an industrial safety engineer should include modern communications, communications, computer technology, its purpose and operating rules. The employee must learn the basics of labor organization, management and economics. He must also familiarize himself with the labor legislation, all the rules and regulations of safety and security in the company.


The most important task of this employee is to organize work directly related to industrial safety. He must exercise control over the structural units to comply with all the rules and regulations of the company. Including the safe use of hazardous facilities in production, preventive measures to prevent emergency situations at them are taken into account.

industrial safety engineer job description

If necessary, this particular employee provides readiness for quick and timely localization of incidents and accidents and the subsequent elimination of their consequences. The duties of an industrial safety engineer also include conducting a safety analysis of the company, developing and implementing changes that will help improve industrial safety and minimize environmental damage.


This employee must control the timeliness of all tests, surveys and technical diagnostics of all equipment used at hazardous production facilities. He checks the effectiveness of the repair work and is engaged in checking the possibility of their operation after them. An engineer for labor protection and industrial safety is obliged to provide methodological assistance to the heads of departments of the company in the development and amendment of safety instructions and other acts within its competence.

Industrial Safety Engineer

In addition, he trains staff, tests his knowledge and skills of using industrial safety equipment in the enterprise. His responsibilities include the creation of stands and other means to inform employees of the company regarding issues related to safety in industrial production.

Other functions

The work of an industrial safety engineer includes monitoring the timely development of measures aimed at ensuring safety, informing employees and participating in investigations in order to identify the causes of accidents and accidents. This is done in order to detect weaknesses in the defense and eliminate them in order to prevent similar situations in the future. It is this employee who prepares reports on the work done and provides them to his management.

Other duties

The industrial safety engineer’s manual assumes that he assists and collaborates with management in matters related to ensuring a healthy and safe working environment. He is obliged to immediately notify his boss of any accidents, accidents or occupational diseases of the organization’s personnel.

work industrial safety engineer

To report on any identified shortcomings or violations of labor protection and other issues that could pose a threat to the health and life of employees. He also takes measures to minimize the likelihood of emergencies, deals with their liquidation, provides first aid to victims, contacts state bodies and services if such a need arises.


This employee has the right to get acquainted with all the projects and decisions of senior management, if they affect his work. He has the right to offer the management of events that will help him more effectively fulfill the tasks assigned to him. If necessary, he can request information and documents from other departments of the company, involve the company’s personnel in the performance of tasks assigned to him. He may also require his superiors to assist in the performance of his work, the employee has the right to participate in the discussion of issues directly related to his labor activity.


As indicated in the job description, the industrial safety engineer is responsible for the untimely and poor-quality fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him. He may be attracted for violation of the Labor, Criminal and Administrative Code. He is also responsible for causing material damage to the company. Preventive measure is determined by the current labor legislation of the country.


This profession is very relevant and in demand in the labor market. Almost every company with more than fifty employees needs such a specialist. The average salary of this specialist is very different and depends primarily on the place of employment. Thus, an employee in a state-owned enterprise receives much less than an employee of a large corporation, although they perform similar functions.

duties of industrial safety engineer

When looking at vacancies in the market, one can notice that often a specialist is required not only to have appropriate education, but also to have knowledge in the field of company activity, the ability to use modern computer technologies and special personal qualities. Initiative employees who can clearly explain their point of view, quickly make responsible decisions, with the ability to manage people and with good resistance to stress are very appreciated.

industrial safety engineer

All information about what exactly the company management wants from a future employee is contained in the job description. And without the approval of this legal document, a specialist does not have the right to proceed with the performance of his duties. This is a very difficult job, the employee has a great responsibility, so you should not try to get this position if you are not confident in your abilities.


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