Funny scenes for the company: jokes, miniatures and fairy tales

It’s great when funny scenes are played out at the festival. For a company that is slightly tipsy and liberated, it will be interesting to even take part in an impromptu humorous performance. Do not pre-cook the number, let it be based on improvisation. And it’s best to choose fun scenes for the company from works known to everyone, changing their plot a little.

funny sketches for the company
Let's play a joke - we make laugh honest people!

You can offer such a competition: in teams of three people to play funny anecdotes. For a company of even unfamiliar people, this task will not be very difficult, but it will allow you to quickly get to know and make friends. After all, everyone knows that nothing unites so much as a joint cause, all the more creative. The task may already contain a detailed scenario of a funny joke scene, but can be made tentatively. For example: “A joke scene about an evil mother-in-law and resourceful son-in-law” or “To stage an anecdote about the wise Chapaev and the naive Petka”. You can even use cool pictures with a proposal to beat them in front of the guests.

fun script

Preparing for the fun miniature contest

To play mini-scores, you need to choose the necessary props. It can be headscarves and hats, a variety of glasses (old ladies with an elastic band and super-fashionable sun glasses), false beards, mustaches, noses, cosmetics, an umbrella, fishing rod, fishing boots, children's toy weapons (sabers, swords, carbines, pistols, bows with arrows) . However, the choice can be much wider, it all depends on what fun scenes for the company come to mind artists. It is likely that they will need a children's tricycle or grandmother's knitting, skiing or a mushroom picking basket.

Christmas story

A fun scene will surely please guests if it basically contains a fairy-tale magical plot. For example, it could be “The Old Tale of the Golden Fish in a Modern Way”.

Words from the author:

There was an old business lady with a young hubby
By the sea, on the island of the Caribbean.
They lived in their magnificent castle
Exactly three years, three days and three nights.
The old woman lived in the castle on short visits
The young guy is constantly.
Leaving, the old woman punished ...

Old woman:

You behave, my mole, right!
There’s no need here to welcome anyone
Call to the castle and put at the table.
After all, it’s not good ending,
Especially since you start to lure women.
I don’t want to scare my fish -
I'll never do him harm ...
But there are creatures in the world that are evil,
Insolent, cunning, envious and greedy!
“Woman” essentially has a little idea -
This is whom you must fear forever!


The old woman answers her boyfriend
A modest little eye sinking into the ground ...


What are you, my mom, puzipuzichka!
You are my beautiful watermelon!


Saying so, he patted the old woman
Now on ... lower back, then on a thick belly!
Winked at the same time
Now a servant, then a driver, then a gardener.
And how the old woman left the island,
The young guy rushed to the sea.
He began to click a goldfish.


Fish, and fish! Quickly, go here!
My old woman, the opposite, toppled to work again!
New Year ’s on the nose
Well, you didn’t give me a present!
I’m waiting another minute or two, if you don’t show up, blame yourself!

funny fairy tale


A fish came to him, asked ...

Gold fish:

What are you yelling, lad, is not the case, then?
I have prepared such a gift for you.
Here look…


And I went ashore!
And not a fish at all, but a girl!
Young, beautiful, stately!
The old businessman witch is not paired, look.
And Rybka told the kid
These are the words of recognition ...


Though the fish, I seem to be wordless,
And the sea animal is cold-blooded,
But I am by no means an incorporeal concept -
I am a female, before the affection of a male submissive.
You hold me tight, kiss my mouth hot -
And I will do everything that you ask -
A wish will come true at New Year’s midnight ...

Curtain (two "stage workers" come out, holding in their hands a stretched sheet or just a piece of fabric).


So the guy caught in the net of fish,
So he was led on false speech ...
He tried to love the slimy fish,
The one that only seemed sweet.
However, the guy is not a wonder:
He used to sell for money.
Now the moment has come for him to be joyful,
When the fish desire to fulfill it
She expressed readiness. And he said ...

“The curtain is moving apart” - “stage workers”, holding a piece of fabric in their hands, go to the side.


And I want, my beloved Rybka,
So that my wife would be younger than me

Beauty would be indescribable!

And all real estate
It was mine ...

The author (reads the text, and the actors portray, improvising):

Grinned Fish gloatingly,
She showed the guy a toothy mouth ...
At that moment he turned into a decrepit old man,
The old man is decrepit, gray-haired and weak.
In an armchair, he sat
Sadly glanced at the sea surface.
And the girl was his young wife.
And whether it’s true, loving, we don’t know.
Only the story seems to us all
Repeatedly, only a little changed.
Because as on New Year's Eve
It follows the desire to make wise.
Do not wish for a stranger
And ask for good luck, health!
And then good wishes
Do not fail to instantly fulfill!
And let the glasses fill with wine!
And their faces will be lit with smiles
And let the fun in the house settle!


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