Dream Interpretation. Why dream of a broken watch?

All dreams are interpreted taking into account the personality of the person who saw them, his life circumstances and the details of dreams. Dreams of time are no exception. To understand what a broken watch is dreaming of, one can only possess complete information about the life and secret thoughts of a dreamer, as well as knowing every small detail of the night vision plot.

What does the watch symbolize?

In general, a clock is a symbol of time, in all possible variations of the meaning of this concept. Each well-known dream book gives an additional meaning to the symbol.

Clock is a symbol of time

For example, according to Miller's collection of interpretations, the watch in dreams is a harbinger of imminent misfortunes and sorrows. Why dream of a broken watch in this case? This speaks of an approaching black stripe in life.

Numerologists consider the chronometers themselves in the plot of dreams secondary. From their point of view, details are important - arrows, numbers, the location of cracks on broken glass. For example, if the hands of a broken clock froze at a time of one hour, then this means that for something important in human life a month has been set aside.

Why break the clock yourself?

A dream in which a slumber breaks the watch is a vision that is difficult to interpret. Understanding what dreams of breaking a watch depends on the details of the dream. Important points for interpretation are:

  • the chronometer was specially broken or by accident;
  • which clocks are worn, wrist, desktop or wall;
  • personal was a thing, family or common;
  • the device was completely crushed, or only parts of it were damaged.

In addition, important details for understanding sleep are even finer details - whether there was a strap or chain, what happened to them after breaking, the clock went or stood, ticked or not.

Clockwork Details

What dreams of breaking a watch, your own, is an attempt to stop time, to slow down the course of events taking place in life. If an elderly person sees a dream, then this is evidence of his unwillingness to grow old and die.

If in a dream a person breaks a large public clock, for example, a street chronometer on a city tower, then such a dream testifies to his conservative beliefs and an attempt to influence the opinions of others. Such a dream may portend that he who sees him will become an obstacle to the development of any ideas or the embodiment of innovations at work.

Accidentally broken watches are a bad sign. This means that events in life will develop beyond the will of the dreamer and not at the speed with which he would like. Such a dream can also foreshadow that the plan was not given to happen.

Why dream of a broken watch?

The following points are important for understanding this dream - whether the watch is worn or not, whether the item belongs, its general appearance, or the degree of damage. For example, a dream in which a person sees someone else’s clock lying somewhere and passes by means only that he lives in a faster rhythm than other people. If the dreamer picks up this watch, then this suggests that in the near future a person will accept the general rhythm of life.

What a broken watch is worn on a sleeping man has a different meaning. Such a dream is directly related to the personality and health of the person who saw the dream. It as if warns that time is up. But for what exactly there is no more time left, only the dreamer himself can interpret.

Why do women dream about broken watches?

If a woman dreams of a dream, then most dream books interpret the meaning of vision as a warning about imminent menopause or about women's diseases. What dreams of a broken watch on a woman’s hand can be interpreted as a warning of infertility.

Broken hourglass

In such a dream, you need to pay attention to whether there are arrows or numbers in the watch, and try to remember their location or combination. The position of the arrows, like the combination of numbers, is not a symbol, it is a direct indication of the chronological period of time. That is, if the hands show for two hours, then the woman has two years left to give birth to a baby.

Why dream of a broken watch glass?

Such a dream has a different meaning than the one in which a broken chronometer is seen in general terms. This dream is a good sign for the dreamer. However, in addition to its positive meaning, such a dream carries chronological information. You need to try to remember the location of the hands or the digital value on the chronometer.

Repair watch

Why dream of a broken watch glass? Most interpretations speak of overcoming barriers, obstacles that prevent a person from achieving life goals. Glass is a symbolic image of those obstacles that a person does not notice in life. But they interfere with the dreamer in achieving any goals, building a career or in approaching the embodiment of desires. Arrows or numbers indicate the length of time during which obstacles will be overcome.

Why dream of a broken watch in my hands?

The dream in which a person holds a broken chronometer is ambiguous. The key to his understanding lies in the dreamer's actions and in the variety of the device, as well as in his belonging.

Broken alarm

For example, the meaning of why a broken watch is dreamed on the other person’s hand, which the dreamer takes off and takes in his own hands, lies in the premonition of the emergence of emergency responsibility for someone. If a man has a dream , and in his story he takes a broken chronometer from the hands of a close woman - his wife or girlfriend, then a dream portends her imminent pregnancy.

Why dream of a broken clock on the wall?

The key points for understanding this dream is the age of the watch, the presence of a cuckoo, a pendulum or a chime in it, size and, of course, belonging. What a broken wall clock dreams of is interpreted only taking into account the details of a dream.

A vision in which the sound of a cuckoo is heard, but the clock itself is broken and standing, reports that the dreamer did not receive some very important news. The sound of battle, chimes has the same meaning.

A broken family old watch is not a good sign. Such a dream indicates a lack of development in the family, and predicts the routine coexistence of people under one roof, without warmth and kinship.

Broken big clock

If you dreamed of an old big clock with a pendulum, smashed to smithereens, with protruding parts of the mechanism, dangling arrows, then this dream has an extremely poor interpretation. This dream portends the destruction of unshakable foundations, traditions, the collapse of all that is familiar and seems permanent.

For example, such a dream could portend a political coup in the country or a revolution, war, natural disaster. If in a dream there is a clear understanding that the old watch belongs to the dormant family, then the ruin and collapse of traditions will concern personal life and home. That is, a vision can predict divorce, loss of an apartment, or other adversity.

The interpretation of what a broken clock on the wall dreams of must necessarily take into account its size. The value of the dimensions is simple - the more hours, the greater the trouble.

Why dream of a broken desk clock?

Desktop chronometers in dreams symbolize work, employment and, in principle, everything related to a person’s social life. A broken or broken clock on a table is a dream portending a stagnation in a career, routine, boring and boring duties without any prospects.

Broken Desk Clock

Why dream of a broken clock on a table? Interpretation depends on the occupation of the person who saw the dream, their position and age. That is, if such an dream was visited by an elderly person, then it portends the absence of shocks and changes at work until retirement.

If such a dream has visited a young man, then this is a dream indicating the need to change jobs, because no prospects are expected for the current one. A dream dreamed up by a middle-aged man warns that at this workplace he has exhausted himself and his career will not develop.

Why dream of fixing a watch?

Dreams in which a person repairs a broken clockwork are very good. If we approach the interpretation of such a dream in a generalized way, then the meaning of a night dream is directly opposite to those meanings that have plots with broken clocks.

That is, if a dream with a broken cuckoo wall clock means that the person has not received important news, then the dream in which the one who sees it, has repaired the mechanism, portends that the message or other information will still find the addressee. In a similar way, other plots of dreams should be understood.

For example, a dream with a women's watch that does not go or is broken. If a woman in such a dream could fix the breakdown or start a watch, then this means that she will cope with the health problems awaiting her or will avoid them altogether.

Clock Repair

In the interpretation of such dreams, such a nuance is extremely important - was the mending of the mechanism completed, did the clock go? If in a night dream a person just repairs the mechanism, but does not see the result of this process, that is, serviceable hours, then such a dream does not bode well. Such a dream tells a person that all his efforts to prevent something in life will be useless and in vain. And in what exactly the efforts of the dreamer will not make sense, you can understand from the rest of the plot of a night dream. That is, from such nuances as a kind of mechanism, the location of the watch, its size and belonging.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K95/

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