Vitamins "Complivit Selenium": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Complicit Selenium vitamins are quite popular. Instructions for use contain information that this drug acts as a source of a wide range of minerals. Special manufacturing technology ensures absolute component compatibility.

Vitamins Complies Selenium Instruction

Why is selenium needed?

To maintain the normal functional state of the body, patients are often prescribed "Complivit Selenium". Instructions for use contain information about such beneficial properties of the main active substance:

  • acts as an antioxidant that neutralizes harmful substances and free radicals that can destroy the membranes of healthy cells;
  • protects the body from the damaging effects of heavy metals;
  • significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular, as well as cancer.
    Complies with selenium

Properties of other components of the composition

A rich multicomponent composition is characterized by the drug "Complivit Selenium". Instructions for use contain information that its composition, in addition to selenium, includes such substances:

  • Vitamin A is a necessary substance to maintain normal vision. It takes part in the formation of bone and epithelial tissue. Provides reproductive function.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that, in combination with selenium, slows down the oxidation of fatty acids and ensures the stability of red blood cells. It has a positive effect on the state of nerve and muscle tissues, as well as the work of the sex glands.
  • Vitamin B1 - takes an active part in metabolism, as well as the process of nervous excitement. It has a protective effect on cell membranes.
  • Vitamin B2 - provides active cellular respiration. It takes part in the metabolism and synthesis of hemoglobin. It supports the normal functioning of the visual apparatus.
  • Vitamin B6 - takes part in metabolism. Provides the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin C - regulates redox processes and normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. Normalizes blood coagulation and accelerates tissue regeneration. Strengthens the protective function of the body, making it more resistant to infections. Also acts as an antioxidant.
  • Nicotinamide - provides tissue respiration, and also activates metabolism.
  • Folic acid is an essential component for normal erythropoiesis.
  • Calcium pantothenate - promotes the regeneration of epithelial tissue.
  • Vitamin B12 - acts as a factor in normal blood formation and the formation of epithelial cells. It plays an important role in the processing of folic acid and the synthesis of myelin.
  • Zinc is a powerful immunomodulator. It takes part in the process of assimilation of vitamin A. It has a positive effect on the condition of the hair.
  • Copper is an antioxidant that protects cells from destruction. Activates collagen synthesis. Prevents oxygen starvation of tissues and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Manganese - provides normal collagen production.

Complivit Selenium Instructions for use Price

Vitamins "Complivit Selenium": instruction

This vitamin complex is a food supplement that is recommended to be consumed in the cold season, when epidemics of colds are rampant. Also, the drug can be taken in the recovery period after ailments.

You need to take one tablet of the drug "Complivit Selenium" per day. Instructions for use note that this is best done with food to ensure the best absorption by the body. In this mode, vitamins are taken for a month, after which a break is made (at least 2 weeks). The attending physician must decide on the advisability of undergoing a second course.

scope of compliance of selenium

Indications and contraindications

Contains detailed information about a drug such as Complivit Selenium, instructions. Indications for use - this is a lack in the body of vitamins and minerals contained in the composition of this tool. In most cases, this complex is used to maintain the body's defenses.

As for contraindications, the main factor is allergy, as well as individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to take this drug for pregnant and lactating women (except in cases where the attending physician considered it necessary).

Complies selenium instruction indications

Side effects and overdose

The main side effect that may occur when taking this drug is an allergic reaction. It can be stopped by taking antihistamines. In rare cases, the doctor may decide to cancel the dietary supplement.

With a single dose of a large dose of the drug, poisoning or hypervitaminosis is possible. In this case, it is necessary to take urgent measures (gastric lavage, intake of sorbents). Further, the attending physician may prescribe symptomatic treatment corresponding to the patient's condition.

Positive reviews

The scope of "Complivit Selenium" is to fill the lack of vitamins and other beneficial substances in the body. This tool is widely popular. Buyers note such positive aspects of this dietary supplement:

  • the course of taking vitamins is only 1 month;
  • reasonable price, compared with similar drugs from other manufacturers (200 rubles for 60 tablets);
  • selenium protects the body from heavy metals, which is especially important in regions that are characterized by poor ecology;
  • after taking the drug, the frequency of colds is significantly reduced;
  • even at the stage of taking the drug, the well-being becomes more active and alert;
  • attractive blue tablets;
  • tablets are small in size, round in shape, and therefore it is quite easy to swallow them;
  • a rich vitamin composition that meets the needs of the body during epidemics.

Complivit selenium instructions for use price reviews

Negative reviews

For patients who have been prescribed "Complivit Selenium", instructions for use, price, reviews are the most important factors. Unfortunately, not all patients report improvement after taking this vitamin complex. It is worth paying attention to such negative reviews:

  • some vitamins in the composition are in excess relative to the daily dose;
  • selenium is contained in an inorganic form (sodium selenite), which is not approved by all physicians;
  • some women report disruptions in the menstrual cycle during and after taking the drug;
  • after taking white spots on the nails, besides the plates become somehow brittle.


It is mandatory to study before taking the drug "Complivit Selenium" instructions for use. Price is also an important factor when buying a product. It may vary, depending on the region and pharmacy network. On average, it ranges from 180-200 rubles.


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