Eagle Tattoo on the chest: The meaning of the eagle tattoo in religion, among criminals. Common values ​​for men and women.

Eagle tattoos on the chest can be found in a variety of people, regardless of age and gender. The meaning of this "body painting" has different meanings. It depends on who owns it. This article describes the meaning of an eagle tattoo.

The Importance of Tattooing in Religion

An eagle tattoo on the chest or other part of the body can change its meaning if you look closely at the additional details depicted with it. A ravenous, proud bird, grabbing a snake with its powerful claws and tearing with its beak, speaks of victory over evil spirits. This is due to the fact that the snake has long been associated with treachery and evil.

eagle with a snake

In the Middle Ages, among Christians, the eagle was associated with Jesus Christ, his ascension. Currently, an eagle tattoo on the chest speaks of love for God and a strong faith in the Almighty.

The value of tattoos in custody

In prison, each tattoo has its own, separate meaning. It differs from what is associated with the image at large.

The eagle is considered the king of birds, ruling in the sky. Strong and proud, he becomes an adornment for the most respected criminals who are able to keep everyone else in their submission. It is also worth noting that the person who escaped from prison is called an “eagle” in prisons. The meaning of a tattoo may be related to this fact.

Among women in prison, an eagle tattoo is as popular as among the stronger sex. Prisoners often have a tattoo depicting this bird sitting on a woman’s shoulder. Most often, the lady in the image is naked, and the eagle has a crown on its head. Such a tattoo suggests that its owner has authority among others.

Special symbolism of an eagle tattoo on the chest

"Body painting" speaks about the hidden traits of a person’s character, about his thoughts and actions. To accurately determine the meaning of a tattoo, you need to pay attention not only to the image itself, but also to the part of the body that it is decorated with.

The owner of a tattoo on the chest in the form of this strong bird has great ambitions and power - the meaning of the tattoo says. The eagle symbolizes pride and fortitude. A person with such a tattoo wants to achieve everything, overcoming difficulties and will not stop, no matter what. He is domineering and proud, wants to rise above everyone else and become even stronger.

Among tattoo lovers, an eagle's head on his chest speaks of wisdom and the ability to look forward, make plans for his future in advance.

Common Values

This tattoo is most suitable for a man. It speaks of courage, strength and determination. A tattoo with the image of this proud bird means that its owner is ready to defend himself and his loved ones without fear of enemies. He is a strong and hardy warrior.

But for girls with masculine traits, this tattoo is also suitable. She speaks of pride and an endless pursuit of freedom. Also, this "body painting" is associated with the desire for wealth, prosperity and prosperity. It is believed that a tattoo depicting this strong bird speaks of human honesty and justice. For women, an eagle tattoo means love for their children. The tattoo symbolizes maternal care and protection of their offspring.

In different cultures, the eagle was considered a symbol of rebirth. According to legend, this bird flew so high that the sun scorched its wings. Falling into the sea, he was reborn again, received a new life.

In America, tattooing has a completely different meaning. The bald eagle is depicted on the coat of arms, which makes the bird a symbol of patriotism, love of the motherland.

The Indians equated the eagle with divine beings; it symbolized strength of spirit, unification with nature. According to their beliefs, an eagle tattoo is considered a talisman that can protect a person from the influence of unclean forces.

Flag Eagle Tattoo

A tattoo depicting an eagle sitting on a rock speaks of the courage of its owner. A person with such a “body painting” is a true warrior, able to overcome all troubles no matter what. A proud bird sitting on the top of a pine tree is associated with long years of life and good health.

Eagle in flight

The proud king of heaven, spreading his powerful wings, is perfect for a large tattoo on his chest. An eagle is a bird that can fly a great distance and see many beautiful places in a short time. It is associated with a sense of freedom and flight. It is believed that this is a symbol that helps a person overcome obstacles.

Flying eagle tattoo

A soaring eagle on a tattoo means that a person is independent of other people's opinions and is free to act as he wants. Also, the tattoo symbolizes the flight of thought and inspiration.

Hunting Eagle Tattoo

The image of an eagle rushing to the ground in order to attack its prey speaks of an aggressive attitude against its enemies. The sharp claws of a bird of prey, ready to grab prey, symbolize a person’s desire to uphold his principles, no matter what. The owner of such a tattoo is ready to begin the fight for what is dear to him. He is confident that he will come out of it as a winner.

hunting eagle

A diving eagle or a feathered representative holding a prey is a popular tattoo theme among felons.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9518/

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