Ozone Generators: Benefits and Features

Today, devices called ozone generators used to process air and liquids are gaining in popularity. They are used to remove chemical contaminants, cleanse microorganisms and disinfect. Ozone effectively fights against almost all pathogens due to its high oxidizing characteristics; it removes fungi, viruses and bacteria in the air and in water. It also eliminates harmful organic and inorganic substances.

ozone generators


Ozone is formed as a result of the interaction of electric discharges and air in a special tube. Today, ozone generators are divided into many types and are found in various fields. The most widely used household and medical devices used for water and air purification.

The ozone generator for water allows you to get rid of several basic problems associated with water consumption. It removes harmful impurities and compounds (pesticides, manganese, iron), oil products, extraneous taste, smell and disinfects the liquid. A similar design consists of a feed system, a generator and a destructor.

Ozonator for air is indispensable when it is necessary to disinfect the room. This cleaning method allows you to eliminate chemical and microbiological contaminants, carcinogens (xylene, formaldehyde, phenol) and other types of volatile chemical compounds.

Altai ozone generator


The Altai ozone generator significantly improves air quality and is used in public and medical institutions, in refrigeration units, warehouses and industrial premises. A low concentration of ozone has a beneficial effect on human health, in particular, well-being improves, headaches, irritation of the skin and eyes go away. At the same time, exceeding the permissible level harms the lungs, weakens breathing and contributes to the development of asthma.

Today you can also find efficient ozone generators with an extensive range of functions. They can be simultaneously used for the treatment of water and air, interior items and food products, disinfection of offices and residential buildings, ensuring safe living conditions for humans and animals.

DIY ozone generator

DIY ozone generator

Creating a device does not cause much difficulty, for this you need a high-voltage transformer from a microwave oven and a dielectric film. The role of the latter can be transparent material used for laser printers - it is polytetrafluoroethylene. It is resistant to high levels of voltage and temperature. The use of ordinary polyethylene is irrational, since its integrity is violated as a result of exposure to voltage of the winding.

The film on top is covered with a small segment of the grid, it is connected by a wire to one part of the high-voltage winding, isolated by polytetrafluoroethylene and represents the first electrode of the generator. The transformer core becomes the second electrode. It is worth noting that the transformer from any microwave oven is always connected to the core at one end of the secondary winding.

Using a magnet, you can prevent the grid from slipping off the transformer during the operation of the device. It is enough to install the magnet, having previously placed conventional toothpicks under it, thus ensuring the free passage of air flow over the grid.

water ozone generator

What you need to know

The principle of ozone exposure is to oxidize the surrounding area, which ensures the elimination of fungi, viruses and bacteria. During the oxidation process, the contaminants present in the air and water pass into insoluble compounds or acquire a form that is safe for the human body. It is also worth noting that ozone generators increase the shelf life of products and improve nutritional properties, but during their work it is recommended to open the windows and leave the room. In addition, hormones, pesticides, parasite larvae and harmful microflora contained in food are removed. Ozone provides a significant increase in the concentration of oxygen in the air and reduces the level of chlorine, which is especially important in pools.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9523/

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