IK-2 (Engels): history of the colony, production

In 1961, the Khimvolokno plant began to be built in the city of Engels. In order to accelerate the construction of a national economy enterprise, the district executive committee decided to create a new correctional labor colony (IK) in the city. This decision was supported by the Saratov Regional Committee of the CPSU. Today, this correctional facility is known as IK-2 in Engels. Information on the history of the formation of the colony, as well as on production in the industrial zone, is presented in the article.

Acquaintance with the institution

PKU IK-2 in Engels is the Federal State Institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, namely penal colony No. 2. The institution is located at 41, 113, city of Engels, Functional passage, No. 14. The management of the prison is carried out by internal service colonel Panov A.V.

Colony on the map.

Start of creation

In December 1961, the Ministry of the Interior of the RSFSR issued Decree No. 0596, according to which in January 1962 a new penitentiary institution, IK-2, should be opened. The first consignment of convicts was brought to Engels in a general-regime colony, who were soon employed for the construction of the plant.

Combine "Khimvolokno".

The limit of prisoners was approved - 1,500 prisoners. The captain of the internal service, I. A. Bugankov, became the head of IK-2 (Engels), I. Isaykin, the captain, the head of the medical unit, V. A. Melnikov, and N. Bakutkina, the assistant medical officer, became I.A. AND.

On the reorganization of the colony

Until 1963, penal colony No. 137 functioned in Stone Sarma, where convicts mined gravel. This material was supplied to various construction projects in the region. In 1963, the leadership of the region decided to disband ITK-137, and determine the contingent of 600 people in IK-2. 100 convicts from colonies No. 3 (in the city of Balashov) and No. 17 (the city of Pugachev) were also transported to Engels. Such an influx of convicts could adversely affect labor discipline. The Saratov Oblast Executive Committee foresaw this possibility, since the chief in charge of protecting public order signed a decree on changing the regime in the EC to a strict one. In 1964, the colony created its own production. As the conditions of labor use of convicts changed and other tasks were set before them, a need arose for new qualified personnel. At this time in Engels in IK-2 produced a variety of products that were used at four enterprises: aviation, trolleybus them. Uritsky, automobile repair and State plant number 3 for the production of bearings.


By 1987, the colony had acquired a shop, a camouflage fence surrounding the perimeter, a sewage pumping station, a bath and laundry plant and a room with rooms for long visits. In addition, the prisoners built a checkpoint, a duty room, a dining room and an additional hostel. Three more prisoners reconstructed by attaching premises to them, in which they were engaged in educational work. During this time, prisoners produced military products - the hull used in napalm and ball bombs. For high performance indicators, the regional executive committee decided to introduce certificates of honor and diplomas as an incentive for distinguished prisoners.

About production after the collapse of the USSR

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to an economic crisis. State orders ceased to arrive in the colony. As a result, many correctional facilities were underfunded. The production facilities of colony No. 2 had to be adapted to new conditions, namely, to search for new customers and quickly master the production of products in great demand on the market.

PKU IK-2 Engels

Today the workshop, in which during the years of the USSR engaged in the production of hulls for aerial bombs, has been declassified. Now they process wood. It is intended for the production of furniture, window and door blocks. In addition, prisoners in this colony are engaged in the production of stairs, decorative grilles, metal doors, roof tiles, paving slabs. According to the management, at least 50 types of products are manufactured in IK. Recently, the colony has been purchasing grain for its further processing. Pasta and bread in this IR own production.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9525/

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