Dream Interpretation: why do small children dream? The meaning and interpretation of sleep

Night visions are not just beautiful pictures. These are signals from the subconscious that can reflect and explain events of reality, as well as predict the future. So, many people are interested in what young children dream of. In the dream books contain a variety of explanations on this issue.

dream dream of what a small child dreams of

Miller's Dream Book

If you are wondering why small children dream, in Miller’s dream book you will find such explanations on this issue:

  • A beautiful newborn baby portends well-being. It can symbolize the beginning of some new promising business.
  • A weak sick child portends strong unrest. Most likely, in the near future you will have to worry about loved ones.
  • A large number of babies is a symbol of numerous small troubles that will tire you greatly.
  • Beating a child is a symbol of cruelty and injustice. You should reconsider your attitude towards others. Perhaps your behavior greatly offends one of them.
  • If the baby was tightly wrapped in diapers, this promises you a vivid romantic adventure, which can have a very serious continuation.
  • Why do children dream about a man? To success in business and to profit. Especially favorable for the stronger sex is a dream involving a baby girl.
dream book adult child dreams little

Dream Book Wangi

Why do small children dream? In Wangi's dream book contains such information:

  • A healthy and beautiful baby symbolizes prosperity, and a sickly and weak one symbolizes material losses and minor problems.
  • If a child laughs out loud in a dream, then soon you will hear ridiculous gossip about yourself.
  • What is the dream of a small child in her arms? Vision is symbolized by the fact that you constantly put life off for later. It is time to start implementing our plans.
  • If in a dream you were frightened of the child or it was unpleasant for you to contact him, then in reality you are afraid of responsibility.
  • The dream in which the child slept peacefully symbolizes peace of mind.
  • Feeding a small child is a symbol that you should accept yourself as you are. Do not morally and physically exhaust yourself in order to comply with generally accepted standards.
dream book adult son dreams of a small child

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Many people are interested in what young children dream of. Aesop's dream book contains this interpretation:

  • The dream in which you bathed your baby portends health problems.
  • Seeing the process of having a baby is a favorable sign symbolizing the beginning of a new life stage.
  • If someone has abducted your child, it means that in reality you risk being in a difficult situation because of your own credulity.
  • A vision in which the baby reaches out for you testifies to your charisma. You are respected and respected by others.
  • A dream in which you experienced the joy and pleasure of contacting a little man portends you a pleasant pastime in the company of loved ones.
  • If in night vision you were surrounded by many small fidgets, then in real life you will plunge headlong into numerous small chores.
  • Baby crying is an alarming sign. He foreshadows major troubles that are likely to concern the family.

Universal dream book

In the universal interpreter, you can also find explanations about this dream. What is the dream of a small child? The dream book says the following:

  • A sick child is symbolized by the fact that you are behaving unreasonably. By this you harm not only yourself, but also your close ones.
  • Fun games with children are a signal that you need a rest and a change of scenery.
  • A capricious child is a reflection of your own emotional instability.
  • The dream in which you lulled the child means that you are in control. You will succeed if you remain calm and calm.
  • Punishing a child is a symbol of dissatisfaction with the current situation. You need to change something in life. Perhaps you should think about changing the scope of activities.
  • Nursing a baby is a good vision for a young single girl. A dream predicts her a happy family life in the future.
  • If the child in your dream crap one's pants, expect a big profit.
dream book why a little child dreams boy

Loff's Dream Interpretation

Often in a night vision you can see a small child. What is the dream of? Loff's dream book contains the following information:

  • Bathing the baby is a symbol of getting rid of troubles and emotional anxieties.
  • Walking with a child is a favorable dream that portends you an interesting journey.
  • If the baby smiled and rejoiced at you, it means that you will live a happy and serene life.
  • If the child did not want to go into your arms and was filled with tears of fear, then you should reconsider your behavior and attitude towards others. You are too selfish and cruel.
  • Why is a little baby boy dreaming? The dream interpretation of this vision is positive. It portends a joyful event.
  • A laughing pean portends the news of good news from relatives.
  • For a woman without children, a vision of babies may be a reflection of her subconscious desire to become a mother.

Family dream book

According to the family interpreter, visions of children mean the following:

  • A crying baby is an alarming omen. It indicates possible health problems or financial difficulties.
  • A healthy cheerful child is a symbol of family and material well-being.
  • If in a dream you saw a baby walking on the street itself, you should recognize yourself in it. This vision testifies to your loneliness and despondency.
  • If in a dream you give someone your child to someone, then in life you can unconditionally trust that person. He will not let you down.
  • A smartly dressed child symbolizes tremendous success in some new business. You will gain not only material well-being, but also public recognition.
  • To feed a child is labor and material waste that will bear fruit in the future.
  • Punishing a peanut is a symbol of the fact that in life you are not doing your job. Because of this, you feel dissatisfaction with yourself and break down on others.
what is the dream of a small child boy

Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

To decipher the dream of young children, refer to the interpreter of Prozorov. Here is what information you will get from this source:

  • If the child cried and was capricious, then your plans were not destined to come true. Please try again after a while.
  • Rocking the cradle with the baby is a welcome sign. You will have to work hard, but the reward will be consistent with the efforts made.
  • What is the dream of a little child-girl? The dream interpretation interprets this moment negatively. Some kind of minor nuisance awaits you.
  • The little boy is a harbinger of good news.
  • If in a dream you rocked a newborn baby in your arms, although in reality you have no children, then soon you will receive news that will dumbfire you.
  • The dream in which someone gives you their baby symbolizes the fact that in reality someone will try to shift his responsibility onto you.
  • In a dream, a pregnant woman can tell the sex of the unborn child.

Psychological dream book

The psychological interpreter about visions with children contains the following information:

  • Swaddling a child is an unexpected life turn, positive changes.
  • If your adult child dreams little, the dream interpretation interprets this as the need to pay attention to his child. Perhaps he has some problems that only you can solve.
  • If a sick person had a funny laughing baby, this gives hope for a speedy recovery.
  • Frolicking children are a symbol of frivolous behavior and rash spending.
  • If the child runs away from you, then you risk making some kind of mistake that will negatively affect your relationship with others.
  • Dropping a baby is a symbol of the fact that you are not ready to take responsibility and are even afraid of it.
  • A dirty and sick child symbolizes your guilt. Perhaps it is not too late to correct old mistakes and ask for forgiveness from the one you once offended.
dream book why a little child dreams

21st Century Dream Interpretation

Here is what is said about young children in an interpreter of the 21st century:

  • If the heroes of the vision were your own children, try to remember as many details as possible. They contain a valuable clue regarding your children.
  • If an adult son dreams of a small child, the dream book decrypts it negatively. You are estranged from your child. But he needs your attention and care, despite an impressive age.
  • Games with kids are a symbol of a pleasant and carefree pastime. Perhaps this is an unplanned vacation.
  • If the child you were looking after fell or injured, it means that in reality you are irresponsible in your work.
  • Punishing a child is a symbol of the fact that you doubt the correctness of the decisions made. Perhaps you should think it over carefully.

Dream Interpretation Rommel

If you saw small children in the night dreams, consult Rommel’s dream book for interpretation. Here is what information you will find in this source:

  • The dream in which you read a fairy tale to children means that you can find a common language with an important person.
  • A large number of kids - a symbol of anxiety and trouble.
  • If the pean in your dream cried loudly, then you risk becoming a victim of vile deception.
  • The good news is what a little baby boy dreams of.
  • Having a baby is an auspicious sign for a young girl. He portends family well-being in the future.
  • If a girl dreamed of a man holding a baby in her arms, it means that soon she will have a boyfriend with serious intentions.
  • Drop a child - a symbol of the failure of the plans. If, in the story, you dropped your own baby, then in reality he may have health problems.
  • Beating a child is a symbol of injustice, the source of which is yourself.
what is the dream of a little child girl

Noble dream book

The following is said about dreams involving young children in a noble interpreter:

  • Dirty and thin children are a negative sign that portends a major conflict. It is possible that the case will go to trial.
  • Kids engaged in drawing or some other kind of creativity symbolize the embodiment of hopes and dreams in reality.
  • If in a dream you saw someone hit your child, perhaps someone is very jealous of your family happiness. Try to less advertise your personal life.
  • The dream in which the child runs away from you means that in reality, people around you consider you too intrusive and do not seek to communicate with you.
  • A vision in which you yourself acted as a little peanut means in reality you are tired of endless worries and responsibilities. You need a break.
  • A completely naked child symbolizes family quarrels and troubles at work.
  • If in a dream you reassured a crying baby, then in reality you will have to provide moral support to a loved one.

Modern dream book

Information on visions involving babies can be found in the modern dream book. Here are some interpretations:

  • Bathing and swaddling a baby is a favorable sign that portends you a happy and cloudless family life.
  • Unpleasant surprise - this is what a little child-girl dreams about.
  • Punishing the baby, shouting at him means being rude and unjust to a loved one.
  • Beautiful healthy children in elegant clothes - to material well-being.
  • Frolicking and having fun with the kids is a symbol of the fact that, despite an impressive age, you were able to maintain children's sincerity and spontaneity.
  • Being a nanny for a large number of children is an alarming sign that promises you many small problems and worries.
  • Losing the baby entrusted to you is a symbol of your frivolity and irresponsibility. Perhaps it is these qualities that are the cause of failures both in personal life and in work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9532/

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