Special Forces, OMON and SOBR. What is the difference between units?

Special forces have all law enforcement agencies. Similar formations are used in the army, police and the Ministry of Emergencies. There are SOBR, riot police and special forces. What is the difference between the two? Despite the fact that these units are designed to maintain law and order by performing highly specific tasks, they differ from each other. Each of the units is designed to perform certain functions. So what is the difference between riot police and special forces? The hint is already in the abbreviations themselves. You will learn about the main specifics of using these units from this article.


In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. At this time, namely on February 10, a special unit was created, now known as SOBR. Initially, it was located in the department of the Main Directorate for Public Order (GUOP). It is a special quick response unit. They can be both regional and federal special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, namely the criminal police. Initially considered a structural unit of the government that opposes organized crime (RUBOP). Today it is subordinate to the Russian Guard. Fighters of the special rapid response detachment are involved in cases where it is necessary to conduct force detention of especially dangerous criminals.


Through this formation, namely, the mobile special purpose unit, public order and security in the city are ensured. Riot policemen can also be sent to hot spots.

riot police and special forces what is the difference

What is the difference between these units?

SOBR and riot police have long been considered departmental structures of the Ministry of the Interior. This is the only thing that makes the formation data related. However, these units were created for different purposes. Unlike SOBR, the mobile special forces unit has sergeant and rank-and-file personnel. According to experts, all officers of the SOBR with officer ranks are considered operative. They do not provide public safety. Sobrovtsy do not reinforce patrol squads and traffic police posts. Due to the fact that the β€œclients” of Sobrovtsy are predominantly armed and especially dangerous criminals, capable of displaying vicious resistance, which is fraught with grave consequences in the conditions of the city, SOBR fighters undergo very careful selection and special training.

what is the difference between riot police and special forces

According to experts, their psychological and physical training is an order of magnitude higher than that of employees of the mobile special forces. This is a special rapid response unit is different from riot police.

Special Forces

It is an army special forces formation. Almost every state structure from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Emergencies is equipped with it. What is the difference between riot police and special forces? According to experts, you will not meet special forces on the street or at any event. The fact is that, unlike riot police, special forces oppose terrorism and carry out their combat missions on enemy territory.

what is the difference between riot police and special forces


The Federal Service for the Execution of Sentences has its own special forces department. Unlike riot police, the FSIN special forces carry out the following tasks:

  • Prevents and suppresses crimes and offenses at objects controlled by the relevant service.
  • Engaged in the search and capture of criminals.
  • Provides safety at special events.
  • Releases hostages taken by prisoners.
  • Protects the highest officials of this department.

Tasks of the mobile special squad

OMON differs from special forces in that its employees are sent to various socio-political, sports, cultural, entertainment and other events at which public order is provided by fighters of the special forces. They can also be attracted if a natural disaster, an epidemic, a major industrial accident, catastrophe or any other emergency occurs. In addition, riot police suppressed the reasons that could provoke group violations and riots. Like SOBR, a special forces unit, if necessary, is involved in the detention of criminals.

Special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations "Leader"

Unlike the above units, employees of this elite formation do not need to kill the enemy. The fact is that special forces subordinate to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and perform completely different tasks, namely, conducts rescue operations with special risk. For example, it removes blockages, works in areas of technological disasters, puts out fires of a special level of complexity, evacuates people, etc.

Special forces "Leader".


Until 2016, the SOBR and the militia mobile special forces detachment were subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior. In April of the same year, the President of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 157. Today, the special rapid response detachment and riot police are subordinate to the Federal Guard, namely the FSVNG (Federal Service of the National Guard Troops).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9536/

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