Clever idea. Clever thoughts of great people. Clever thoughts about life

Aphorisms are short sayings that have a certain form, the deepest meaning and expressiveness. In a word, aphorism is a well-aimed and clever idea in which the message reaches its ultimate concentration. From Greek, the word “aphorism” (αφορισμός) is translated as “definition”. This term was first used in a treatise by the great Greek scientist, the physician of Hippocrates. Gradually, collections of aphorisms began to be created, and they were mainly thematic. And when the "Adagio" of Erasmus of Rotterdam was published, they became traditional.

clever thought

History of aphorisms

Throughout the history of mankind, inquiring minds have wanted at all costs to comprehend the essence of being, and then pass on to their future generations their discoveries in the form of aphorisms. In ancient times, such brief wise sayings were especially appreciated. The thoughts of smart people were necessarily recorded either by the author of the aphorism, or by someone from his entourage. The creators of these sayings were mainly philosophers, poets, scientists, who devoted most of their time to the study of being and understanding of the phenomena occurring in the world. In all periods of the development of mankind, there were so-called collectors of aphorisms, which created entire collections of wise sayings. They contain wisdom accumulated over many centuries. Clever thought gives rise to reflection, and in many cases provides answers to controversial questions.

smart thoughts and sayings

The use of aphorisms in everyday life

Thanks to these wise sayings that were once invented by certain people, you can diversify your speech, attract the attention of listeners, make an impression, arrange them to yourself. Aphorisms are also called “winged” phrases. Indeed, once a wise word is spoken, it flies from one person to another and for a long time remains in the vocabulary of many of them. Recently, there has been a complete enthusiasm for aphorisms. Many people buy special collection books containing aphorisms, quotes, clever thoughts and sayings of great people. By the way, in some of them these sayings are systematized, that is, sorted by topic. For example, there are smart thoughts about life, about love, jealousy, etc. Some people specifically memorize aphorisms in order to impress others. For example, some speakers, political and public figures, while speaking to the masses, operate on various aphorisms specially selected for the occasion. These clever thoughts and sayings are used in their speech by university teachers and high school teachers in order to win the sympathy of students. Sometimes these winged expressions give imagery to one or another phenomenon, because with the help of them it is much easier to remember one or another educational material.

Clever thoughts of great people and their meaning

smart thoughts quotes
Smart phrases, once expressed by the greatest people on our planet, are a kind of historical heritage. If we analyze some aphorisms invented by the wisest people on Earth, it can be noted that for each era, for each new stage of time, some common features are characteristic that are reflected in the subtext of each of the quotes. However, on the other hand, clever thought relating to certain phenomena, regardless of time and place, or nationality and social status of the person who invented this aphorism, contains truth. Here she is clothed in phrases, and through them we are given a great opportunity to join the greatest achievements of mankind, even after many centuries.
clever thoughts of great people

How to comprehend the words of great people?

It is said that if an explanation from the outside is needed to comprehend the meaning of the aphorism, then it means that it failed. The whole value of these short, well-aimed sayings is that they are understood without any explanation. The only thing that needs to be done is to read aphorisms, clever thoughts leisurely, trying to comprehend every word, stress, observing, where necessary, pauses. And then you will feel all the charm of the aftertaste. Good aphorism, well-aimed and clever thought, like fine wine, satisfies taste, caresses our consciousness, magnifying the state of mind.

Methods of comprehension

Nevertheless, the thoughts of smart people are sometimes difficult to understand from the first reading, just as it is difficult for a very hungry person to feel fullness from eating. So, in contact with the great, we cannot instantly appreciate the whole value of thoughts expressed by great minds. This takes time: one second, minute, or even an eternity, the main thing is that awareness comes by itself, without any explanation from someone else. Each time, returning to the source of knowledge and saying aloud quotes, clever thoughts and statements of the greatest people, we also become spiritually richer, charged with the semantic energy emanating from them. But even the strongest statement read in a hurry, as well as a piece swallowed on the go, will not bring any benefit. Our ability to comprehend and appreciate clever thoughts and statements is a great blessing that has been bestowed upon us by the mind and the entire Universe.

Aphorisms about aphorisms

  • Aphorisms are a storehouse of human wisdom.
  • Aphorism is food for a sharp and inquiring mind.
  • Aphorism is a map and a compass on the road of human life.
  • Aphorisms are a lifesaver that helps in the moment of making an important decision.
  • Aphorisms help make the right choice.
  • Aphorisms help to look at problems with humor.
  • Aphorisms help to overcome difficulties.
  • Aphorisms are a concentrated extract of feelings and thoughts, a portable form of wisdom.
    thoughts of smart people

Life science and aphorisms

There is no science in the world that would be called “life”, but life, nevertheless, is the most complex and completely incomprehensible science in the world. Here is such a paradox! This subject cannot be studied either at school or at a university. To do this, you need to go your own way and gain experience. There are aphorisms, which in their entirety can be called a textbook, or rather, a dictionary of our life. Ignorance of many things can lead to many mistakes. Of course, it is impossible to know everything about everything, but basic knowledge still needs to be obtained by attending school or university classes. However, some things can be comprehended only on the basis of one's own or someone else's experience. Aphorisms are composed of thoughts that are a description of this experience, and they help to understand the multifaceted nature and complexity of life.

Clever thoughts about life and the purpose of life

  • Life is the most positive form of death.
  • The purpose of life is not to try to find its purpose.
  • People can be divided into two categories: those who make interesting for themselves what is interesting to others, and those who make interesting to others what is interesting to themselves.
  • If you want to survive in a difficult situation, then become a weed.
  • Life is an intermediate between pre-death, that is, old age, and after-death - childhood.
  • Life is so despondent without sin that you involuntarily begin to sin, falling into despondency.
  • Everything that does not kill us makes us strong, and that which kills us is eternal.
  • Life is like a mill, in the millstone of which all grain is grinded.
  • Anyone who wants to find death knows perfectly the location of life.
  • And among the piles of sand there is always a pebble.
  • Life is prudent: what it throws up yesterday may come in handy tomorrow.
  • If you drive a nail with rust into the frame of life at least once, then corrosion can destroy it to the very bottom.
  • Life is like a sponge that absorbs smoke, but leaves behind only ash.
  • Life is like a joke in which the Essence jokes, the Person laughs at the joke, and in the end, Nature wins.
  • By depriving a person of the opportunity to live, you give him death.
  • In the life of anyone there is an hour of joy.
  • Life is not priceless because it is paid for by death.

Sayings of the great about life

  • How glorious, the doctor promised me 14 days of life. That would be great if in August. ( Ronnie Shakes )
  • In life, we begin to carry out difficult tasks right away, and impossible tasks a little later. ( US Air Force motto )
  • Life goes while we make plans. ( John Lennon )
  • When you are sober, try to fulfill all the data drunk promises, and this will help you keep your mouth shut. ( Ernest Hemingway )
  • I could not wait so long for success, so I hit the road without it. ( Jonathan Winters )
  • In life, a pessimist, whenever possible, sees difficulties in everything, and an optimist, on the contrary, is looking for a new opportunity in every difficulty. ( Winston Churchill )

clever thoughts about love

Clever thoughts about the beautiful half of humanity

Many poets and writers, as well as philosophers, have come up with a lot of aphorisms that include comic or clever thoughts about a woman. Here is some of them:

  • Women and thoughts do not come together. ( M. Zhvanetsky )
  • Mickey Mouse is more to my liking than all the women I have ever known. ( Walt Disney )
  • A woman needs a reason for sex, a man needs a place. ( Billy Crystal )
  • If a woman wants to learn how to drive a car, then do not stand in her way. ( Stan Levinson )
  • In order to sleep with a woman, admit to her that you are impotent. She will definitely want to check it out. ( Carey Grant )
  • A woman should be like a good horror movie: the more expanse for imagination, the success is guaranteed. ( Al. Hitchcock )
  • Well women! First, they drive a man crazy, and then they require prudence from him.
  • If you do not want to look like a fool, do not rush into the woman shouting “I know everything!”, Good luck, she will ask you when the battle of Trafalgar took place.
  • A woman, like a good piece of music, must have the right end.
  • A woman belonging to another is five times more desirable than that which is easy to get. ( E.M. Remarque )
  • The female kingdom is life in tenderness, tolerance and subtlety.
  • There are no cold women: they just have not yet met those who would awaken love and warmth in them.
  • You love a beautiful woman with your eyes, a good woman with your heart. The first can be a wonderful thing, and the second - a real treasure. ( Napoleon Bonaparte )
  • If a woman agrees without love, she will certainly demand to pay for it, but if she still loves, then you will have to pay twice.
  • A woman either loves or hates. There can be no third option.
  • If the robber requires either life or a purse, then the woman immediately needs one and the second. ( S. Butler )
  • Any women is a rebel, but she rebels more with herself. ( O. Wilde )
  • A good woman, before getting married, dreams of giving happiness to a man, and a bad woman is waiting to be presented with happiness.

Aphorisms about love

The most beautiful and painful feeling is love. It is unlikely that there will be a man who at least once in his life has not experienced this feeling. Clever thoughts about love just arose precisely when a person was in a state of falling in love or was disappointed. We present to your attention some of these aphorisms.

  • In history, those who are alive always triumph over the dead, however, those who are close win in love. ( S. Zweig )
  • The memory of love is dimmer than the memory of hate. ( S. Zweig )
  • Love is a sense of disrespect. ( M. Curie )
  • You can truly love only the only person to whom you have respect and admiration.
    Clever thoughts of love
  • In love, as in war, everything is good for achieving a goal.
  • We love people for the good invested in them, but we hate them for the evil they cause.
  • What happens in a love relationship has already happened inside of us before.
  • Love is a dream, perhaps the most beautiful, but nonetheless a dream, but before falling asleep, you need to make sure that you are not in a dirty pool.
  • If you love him, this does not mean that you know him.
  • Love should be invited to the family as a special and dearest guest.
  • When creating a family, a wise person chooses a person with whom he will be able to create a strong family, and not love.
  • Love experiences are like soap bubbles: they have a large volume, but burst instantly.
  • You can not be jealous of a person whom you consider below yourself in all respects.
  • In a kiss, one kisses, the other turns his cheek, and in love: one loves, the other accepts this love. ( J. Galsworthy )
  • To be loved is to burn, and to love is to constantly shine. ( E.M. Rilke )
  • For a leisure person, love is an activity, but for a busy person it is leisure.
  • True love is like a ghost: everyone speaks of it, but rarely has anyone seen it. ( Laroshfuko )
  • Old love is no better than a past illness.
  • Anyone who shaves at night seems to be hoping for something.
  • Lovely and in a hut paradise, if this hut in paradise.
  • If there is no one near you who you love, you begin to love the one who is next to you.
  • Only some people get married in love.
  • The more a woman gives a man, the stronger her feeling, and the weaker it is. ( Jean de Labruyer )
  • Love without quarrels cannot last long. ( Ovid )
  • It is difficult to understand the mind of the heart with the mind.
  • Often loneliness pushes mad love.
  • Love is not a therapy.
  • It is much better to be the first man in a plain woman than in the thousandth in a written beauty.
  • In the night you dream of the gentle words of the only thing than the applause of the public.

Clever thoughts about the strong half

There are much less aphorisms about the strong half of humanity. Why? Yes, because the authors of the aphorisms are mainly men themselves. However, if you search, you can find in the collections of clever thoughts about men. Here are some of those that were found:

  • A man who thinks he is changing women like gloves is deeply mistaken: it is he who walks on their hands.
  • With the help of a man, a woman should feel weak, and she will be able to become strong without him.
  • A man is a creature that can sit fishing for three hours in a row and calmly wait for a bite, but does not want to wait 20 minutes while his wife gets dressed.
  • Ordinary men differ from real men in that their heads hurt from the first, and they spin from the second ...
  • Three words are enough for a man to communicate with a woman: buy, go, and, of course, love!
  • Some men give happiness by their presence, others by their absence.
  • Only a Russian man can laugh at a woman’s driving while sitting on a bus.
  • Every man loves to stroke women's hair, kiss and play with them, but he is furious as soon as he sees them in a bowl of soup.
  • If a man wants to drag a woman to bed, then he is ready for any meanness, but a woman can surpass him, deciding to marry him. A man, in order to drag a girl into bed, is, in principle, capable of any meanness.
  • In men, life is like a zebra: brunette - blonde, brunette - blonde, in women - a solid zoo: goat, bunny, donkey ...
  • For some reason, the worst of men cause sympathy among the best of women.
  • A man cannot love and be clever about love.
  • A man first loses his illusions, then his teeth, and then his mind.
  • To understand what a man really is, you need to file for a divorce.
  • A man will never believe what a woman thinks of him.
  • There is a difference between a woman and a man: they say about a woman with character - “a harmful woman” or “bitch”, and about a man - “tough guy” or “good guy”.
  • Both man and woman mentally create the image of an ideal partner, and, believe me, these images are almost the same.
  • No matter how much the wolf feeds, he looks into the forest, no matter how much the man feeds, he reaches for another woman.
  • If a man opens a car door in front of a woman, this means that either the car is new or his wife.
    clever thoughts in pictures

Aphorisms and we

Today, there is an obsession with aphorisms, while they are read mainly on the Internet. In this article, we covered aphorisms about life, about love, about women and about men. These are precisely the topics that most often interest people. People make quotes, aphorisms and clever thoughts as statuses on their social pages. By this they want to briefly describe to everyone, friends and acquaintances, about the state of their soul or about their vision of life in general. Some make the clever thoughts of great people their slogan. Well, at least at some of the periods of life. In addition to textual aphorisms, smart thoughts in pictures are also popular today. They clearly show the meaning contained in the quote. Sometimes text messages are also placed in the drawings, and sometimes they by themselves, without further ado, reveal the meaning of a particular thought.


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