Why dream of getting a job? The meaning and interpretation of sleep

Often dreams reflect our thoughts, aspirations, experiences. For example, why dream of getting a job? Perhaps in real life you really have a need for employment. But it’s better to turn to the interpreters for advice. Remembering the maximum number of details, you can use them to get the most complete decryption seen in night dreams.

Miller's interpretation of the interpretation

At the American psychologist Gustav Miller, we can find several options for dream interpretations related to job search.

  • If the dreamer is interested in prestigious and interesting work, in real life he will have an interesting event, which will also be useful for him.
  • I dreamed that you could find a job that meets your requirements - in reality you will be able to solve a problem that has been haunting you for a long time.
  • Why does a woman dream of finding a job as a cleaner or housekeeper - in reality, she will have to do heavy physical labor.
what does a woman dream of getting a job

Interpretation according to different dream books

Different dream books also paid a lot of attention to situations related to employment.

  • Dream Interpretation of the Oracle believes that such a dream reflects the principle of sleeping, confidence in the correctness of his beliefs.
  • In the dream book of Simeon Prozorov, we can also find out what dreams of finding a job - in reality, the work you started will prove to be profitable.
  • According to the interpretation from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically, getting a new place of service for the sleeping person means the following - his labor activity will be successful only if he does not give up his principles and beliefs.
  • Rommel's dream interpretation explains to us what dreams of getting a former job - in reality, you will be successful in a new workplace. You can improve your financial situation.
  • In the Dream Book of the White Mage this situation is considered. If in a dream you are busy looking for a new job, but in reality you like your specialty, this is good news that will affect you personally.
  • The modern dream book promises you that the search for a new job in your nightly dreams is a symbol of participation in an unforeseen, but profitable enterprise.
  • Aesop’s dream book says that trying to find a new job in a dream is connected with the sleeping person’s dissatisfaction with his financial situation.
in a dream get a new job

Why dream of joining an unemployed

Among different interpreters, we can find transcripts of dreams about the employment of people who do not have work.

  • According to the dream book of Smurova, if you can’t find a job in any way, in reality everything will turn out the other way around. You will never encounter such problems, and in the workplace you will get along well. If, being unemployed, you are lucky to get settled successfully - you will encounter some failures.
  • In Melnikov’s dream interpretation, the interpretation of such a situation is as follows - in reality, the sleeper must steadily meet impending difficulties. Thanks to self-confidence and optimism, he will be able to overcome everything. I dreamed that your friends who were left without work were forced to look for new activities - you will run into family troubles.
  • As for the Spring Dream Book, he warns the dreamer that he can be insulted by his own subordinates.
why dream of getting a new job

Interpretation depending on the way to find a new duty station

In your night dreams you can see various options for trying to find a job. Each of them has its own interpretation.

  • If in a dream you are worried and in a hurry to find a job - this means that you have accumulated a lot of things because of your own laziness. Therefore, you find it difficult to choose which one you need to finish in the first place.
  • I dreamed that you were looking at ads posted around the city, or go to various organizations with questions - a dream warns of the need to demonstrate your experience and abilities.
  • If you happen to get a job in a dream through newspaper notes on open vacancies - this is a sign that you can try to find an occupation that suits your interests. This will give you the opportunity to abandon activities that you did not enjoy.
  • The dreamer tried to find a job on the phone - in reality, his innate talent can be useful to convince him.
getting a job in a dream

Interpretation depending on the proposal received

Of great importance in the interpretation of dreams is the factor on which particular job you were offered to get in your night dreams.

  • In a dream, they took you to the company where you are currently working - in real life, this can mean career growth.
  • In a dream I had a chance to get a new job - in fact, you can agree to participate in some kind of experiment.
  • The dreamer was offered a higher position - he is waiting for profit.
  • If in a new place the sleeper has to do work unusual for him, such a vision promises surprises. True, taking into account the nuances. If a new activity is to his liking, surprises will be pleasant. It will be difficult to cope with a new job - such a dream promises unpleasant surprises.
why dream of finding a job for an unemployed

Interpretation according to type of activity

To understand what dreams of getting a new job, it is important to remember what kind of work you decided to do in your night dreams.

  • Your work turned out to be connected with intellectual activity - this is a warning that in real life you need to pay more attention to the rational planning of your time.
  • The dreamer will have physical labor - he needs to find time to control his well-being, to engage in physical education.
  • If in a dream you have occupied a high position - such a vision is a symbol of achievement of success in the labor field.
  • We got settled to work at a fixed rate - in fact, we will have to face forced measures.
  • I dreamed that you were offered piecework conditions - in reality, you need to be more responsible.
  • In a dream at a new job you liked it more than at a previous one - such a vision promises to increase well-being.
  • If the new place turned out to be worse than the previous one - moving towards your goal, you will have to face obstacles.
I dreamed that I got a job

Interpretation depending on the chosen specialty

The interpretation of dreams can also depend on who exactly the person decided to work in his night dreams.

  • Why dream of finding a job as a teacher, a teacher - in fact, you can help someone with good advice.
  • I dreamed that you became a medical professional - this may mean the occurrence of health problems. Therefore, pay attention to this issue, go through the examination.
  • In a dream, they chose a working specialty (miner, metallurgist, builder) - in reality, you will find quite hard, but well-paid work.
  • I dreamed that you got a job as an engineer or scientist - in reality you will be able to achieve a lot thanks to your gift to foresee and developed intuition.
  • If the dreamer's new activity is in danger (a policeman, firefighter, or rescuer), this is a warning that he might actually be in serious danger. But a cautious and reasonable person will be able to cope with any problems.
why dream of getting a former job

Interpretation depending on the actions of the sleeper in the new enterprise

You dreamed that you already got a new place. Remember what you did on your first business day.

  • In your nightly dreams, you decided to familiarize yourself with the work schedule - such a dream speaks about your feelings about a new serious task. After all, your professional activity will depend on how responsibly you react to its implementation.
  • If the dreamer came to a new enterprise and is looking for his workplace - in reality he will have to attend a meeting at which all claims against him will be removed.
  • I dreamed that your immediate boss was talking to you - such a vision means that discord can occur in a measured family life due to the excessive emotionality of your other half.
  • They saw in a dream a signed application for employment - in reality, you may encounter an unprofitable contract, which you will conclude by negligence. Do not overly trust potential partners. You must first carefully study each item of the proposed agreement.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9554/

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