Biography of Ivan Demidov. Where is the former presenter of "Muzoboz" Ivan Demidov?

At first glance, the biography of the famous TV presenter, producer, and subsequently the politician Ivan Demidov is nothing remarkable and special. At the same time, it seems to many that he was always accompanied by success in business and career, the crown of which was the high post of Deputy Minister of Culture. At the same time, the showman himself claims that no one helped him in promoting his career, but in life he achieved everything himself. In other words, Ivan Demidov’s fate cannot be considered a minion.

Ivan Demidov


Ivan Ivanovich Demidov was born on July 23, 1963 in the city of Syzran. “Love of art” he appeared in early childhood. Biography of Ivan Demidov is noteworthy in that as a schoolboy he played in television shows, helped the leading local television. Such prospects were opened for him by the children's studio at Kuibyshev TV, in the collective of which he was a member.

Subsequently, in Kuibyshev, he received a certificate of graduation from high school, and then was drafted into the Armed Forces. "He gave the debt to the Motherland" in the airborne troops. The army officials decided to send him to a unit located in the Lithuanian SSR.

After the army (already with sergeant epaulets) for Ivan Demidov, life begins in civilian life. What to do and where to start? Ivan Demidov was most concerned about these issues. He moves to the metropolitan metropolis and begins to earn by selling Pepsi Cola. Ivan understands that without higher education, he will be very difficult to achieve serious heights in his career, so he submits documents to the Plekhanov Institute, where he is eventually credited. In parallel, he is busy looking for work, and he is taken on television as a light.

After some time, the author of the program “What? Where? When ”Vladimir Voroshilov. After this, Ivan Demidov’s affairs went even better: first he was an assistant, and later, in 1987, he was the administrator of the Main Edition of Youth Programs. Intelligent casino became incredibly popular with the Soviet audience and in part - this is the merit of Ivan Demidov: he helped to organize the shooting, negotiated the provision of premises for this.

He watched with interest and indescribable delight as the studio material turned into an incredible sight, in which often the intensity of passions was transcendental.


Ivan Demidov, Muzoboz

During this period, fate confronts him with the famous television journalist Anatoly Lysenko. He invites Demidov to the program “Vzglyad” and invites him to become the author of a television program intended for a youth audience. In this project, Lysenko recommended focusing on contemporary music.

Demidov Ivan Ivanovich immediately grabbed onto this idea and set about putting it into practice. He set himself the task: his program should be of interest to the average viewer.

As a result, a television project called “Muzoboz” appeared, which in its original version consisted of only two sections: an interview with a celebrity and the latest news.

Learned from foreign colleagues

It should be noted that Ivan Demidov did not create something conceptually new: he simply transferred the experience of American and English television people to Russian soil. Even the names, in particular the “Party Zone”, are a literal translation from English. One way or another, it was impossible to act differently at first, since it was necessary to create at least some appearance of Russian television broadcasting, even if it was copied from the West.

Demidov Ivan Ivanovich

Months passed and the ratings of Muzoboz popularity rushed up, the format of the program gradually changed. Now it was a project in which the analysis of the latest musical events took place in a detailed manner. Part of the headings, for example, “Sharks of the Pen” and “Party Zone” were transformed into independent projects. "Muzoboz" is turning into a kind of production center, which is engaged in the selection of new stars on the Russian stage. Ivan Demidov, as part of his authoring program, talked with a huge number of domestic pop stars. He becomes a well-known media personality, and photos of Ivan Demidov were printed on the covers of their magazines by almost all popular print media of that era.

Career takeoff

In the early 90s of the last century, he acts as a co-author of the television company "VID", and then he also heads it. In 1994, Demidov was entrusted with the position of head of the Moscow television channel TV-6, related to MNVK. A year later, he is already an assistant to the Chief Director of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation.

Photo by Ivan Demidov

In parallel with this, the host wants to become a student at the Pyatigorsk State Pedagogical Institute and chooses the faculty of Russian language and literature. He manages to realize his plan and already in 1995 he becomes the owner of a diploma of graduation from the above university.

After some time, Ivan Demidov begins to create a new copyright project on television. In the Olympic sports complex, a gala concert dedicated to the anniversary of the Muzoboz program, which turned 5 years old, is being held on a large scale. And this event became a certain starting point for its release. The project was positioned as an easy night show.

In 1998, Demidov brought to life another television project. On TV-6, a series dedicated to the centenary of the Moscow Art Theater was launched. Such popular actors as Sergei Yursky, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Stanislav Lyubshin, Alexander Kalyagin take part in it.

In the spring of 2001, Demidov, on his own initiative, resigned from the post of Deputy Chief Director of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation. Then he decides to create his own TV channel, as a result, a media resource called “Spas” appears, created in 2005.


Where is Ivan Demidov now?

Since 2006, Ivan Demidov has been actively involved in political activities. He becomes the coordinator for the ideology and political work of the youth organization Young Guard of United Russia, and then he became the head of the Coordinating Council. Then he was entrusted with managing the department of humanitarian policy and public relations in the same structure. After that, since 2010, he becomes an assistant to the head of the internal policy department of the presidential administration. In 2012, Ivan Demidov received the post of Deputy Minister of Culture. Subsequently, he leaves this post of his own free will.

Here is such a dizzying career made by Ivan Demidov. Where is the former showman now working? He currently manages the national theme park "Russia", which is located in Domodedovo, Moscow Region.

Biography of Ivan Demidov

A family

Ivan Demidov is married, he has a daughter who is studying at school.


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