How to turn off the sound on the iPhone: on the camera and not only

Modern mobile phones perform a variety of functions. To do this, there are a large number of settings and options. Today we have to learn how to turn off the sound on the iPhone: on the camera and just on the smartphone.

Each owner of the apple product must know about these two processes. Bringing an idea to life is not so difficult. It is enough to adhere to certain algorithms. What should each user pay attention to? How does the sound turn off on the iPhone?

Not always possible

Before answering this question, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is far from always possible to bring an idea to life. Silent mode on Apple gadgets is not included in all cases.

how to turn off the sound on the iPhone on the camera

By default, the iPhone camera setting provides the ability to mute the sound during shooting. But if the device is made in South Korea or Japan, for example, such an option will not be.

This phenomenon is connected with the fact that a number of countries prohibit by law shooting in silent mode. In this case, using standard methods, it will not be possible to refuse sound during photographing.

Standard approach

Fortunately, such circumstances are not very common. Therefore, you can often easily figure out how to turn off the sound on the iPhone (on the camera and smartphone in general). No complicated operations are required. With standard actions, everyone can take pictures silently.

You should pay attention to the fact that the mute on the camera occurs automatically when the iPhone is switched to silent mode. This is far from the best scenario, it is not convenient for everyone. However, without a jailbreak, there are no longer any ways to mute the camera of the "apple" smartphone.

How to put iPhone in silent mode? To do this, you just need to click on the silent mode button on your mobile device. To date, a similar switch is available on all iPhone models. It is located on the side panel.

As soon as the owner of the "apple" phone moves the switch to the desired position, the indicator on the device will light up, and the image of the crossed out bell will appear on its display. The smartphone will stop making sounds, but the alarm on it will work at full strength.

iphone 5s

During a call

Now it’s clear how to turn off the sound on the iPhone on the camera and the gadget in general. This is only one of the possible techniques, a standard approach to solving the problem.

Sometimes you need to turn off the sound of an incoming call, not the camera. It is not difficult to do this. As in the past case, the owner of the mobile phone must press a specific key combination.

To turn off the sound of an incoming call on the iPhone 5S or any other "apple" phone, you need to simultaneously press the "Volume" and "Shutdown" buttons. After a single click, the device will go into silent mode. Pressing again will clear the incoming call.


There is another scenario. The thing is that you can turn off the sound on the "apple" phone not only by using a special switch. This method is good for gadgets without jailbreak. But what if this process has already been carried out? Then the answer to the question of how to turn off the sound on the iPhone on the camera will require other actions.


  1. Download to your computer any file manager that works with iOS. For example, iFunBox or iMazing.
  2. Run the appropriate application on the PC.
  3. Connect the iPhone to the computer using a special wire.
  4. Go to the System-Library-Audio folder. Find UISounds there. Open it.
  5. Find document photoShutter.caf. Rename it. This file is responsible for the sound of the camera. After changing the name, it will no longer be recognized by the operating system.

That's all. To return the sound of the camera, you will have to return the original document to the mentioned document. There is nothing difficult or special about this.

iPhone camera setup


How to turn off the sound on the iPhone on the camera? The last way is to use a variety of specialized programs. Not the best and most effective, but convenient option for the development of events. As already mentioned, the switch on the phone mutes the sound completely. And special programs - only on camera.

To translate ideas into reality, you can pay attention to the following applications:

  • No Cam Sound;
  • Silent Photo Chill;
  • Bye Shutter Sound.


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