Side nod. Rods for summer fishing

Summer fishing from a shore fishing rod is often difficult in some places due to dense vegetation. It is sometimes impossible to throw tackle exactly into the “window” or onto the line of demarcation of open water and plants. This is where the fishing rod comes to the rescue with a side nod and mormyshka. A long rod, the absence of a float clinging to algae, as well as a clear bite signaling - these are far from all of its advantages.

Side nod

In this article, we will look at where and how the side nod is used, as well as how to independently make tackle for summer fishing with jigsaw.

What is the essence of a summer fishing rod with a side nod

In the view of most fishermen fishing for mormyshka is an exclusively winter occupation, because the essence of such fishing is the correct placement of the bait. It is almost impossible to carry out such a procedure with a long summer fishing rod. But in fact, there is nothing complicated about this. It is enough to have a long and light rod that you can hold in your hands for a long time, a set of mormyshki, as well as a high-quality nod that not only signals a bite, but also plays along with the bait.

Conventional fishing rods for summer fishing, equipped with a float, do not allow fishing in places densely overgrown with aquatic plants, especially when it comes to casting over long distances. Even if the snap and sink to the bottom, the float is sure to get stuck or hook.

A fishing rod with a side nod is a completely different matter. A long fishing rod allows you to "bring" the equipment to the right place, the mormyshka falls to the bottom without problems, and a nod helps it to play with the slightest swaying of the form.

Where to catch

Catch on a similar tackle on rivers with a weak current, as well as in still water. As for the place, you can fish on the summer side nod anywhere, both from the shore and from the boat. In the latter case, of course, a long rod is not required.

This tackle is great for fishing in the snag and in places where there are flooded trees. It is also suitable for fishing from a cliff for hunting such cautious fish as a chub.

What kind of fish can I catch in summer on an ice-cat

In summer you can fish with mormyshka for any fish, including predatory fish. If this is an ordinary mormyshka with an addition in the form of maggot, bloodworm or caddis, it can take roach, crucian carp, perch, and even pike perch. When using the rewinder, you can safely count on the bite of the chub, roach, crucian carp, carp, the same perch.

Mormyshka summer fishing rod

When choosing a fishing rod, start with the material of its manufacture, because here one of the main factors is the weight of the blank. The smaller it is, the more comfortable fishing will be. It is best to use carbon fiber for these purposes. The mass of the longest rod from this material does not exceed 350 g.

Rods for summer fishing

Now about the design. Fishing on a side nod in the summer involves the use of a telescopic blank. Neither plug nor solid fishing rods are used here. As for the length of the blank, it should be at least 5 meters.

Pay attention to the system. Fast fishing rods with a long hard whip are more suitable.


There are no special reel requirements for this type of fishing. Some fishermen generally use a reel, but for catching large fish, such as bream or crucian carp, it is better to use inertialess. Take some inexpensive branded model with a spool size of 2500-3000 with a friction brake.

Fishing line

As the main fishing line, both monofilament and braid are suitable. The recommended thickness for the thread is 0.2 mm, for the cord - 0.15 mm. At least 30 meters of fishing line should be wound on the reel.

Nod requirements

But the requirements for the nod are the most stringent, because the whole success of fishing depends on it. It should have sufficient elasticity to signal even the most careful bites, as well as a certain elasticity, clearly corresponding to the weight of the mormyshka.

Side nod fishing

As for its size, it should be proportional to the rod: the larger it is, the longer the nod should be. For example, for a 6-meter blank, a 20 cm long gatehouse would be ideal.

And another mandatory requirement - it should be clearly visible due to the bright color, contrasting with the color of the environment.

We make a simple plastic nod

A side nod for a summer fishing rod can be purchased at a fishing store, or you can make it yourself. It is only necessary to determine what bait it will work with. Ideally, if it is without load it will be straight and bend at an angle of 90 degrees under the weight of the mormyshka. To carry out such tests, of course, is necessary after its manufacture.

The simplest side nod can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle. To do this, select a bottle of the desired length and cut a longitudinal blank of 20x0.7 cm from it. Next, narrow one of the ends of this strip to 0.3-0.5 mm and process it with fine sandpaper in the places of cuts to remove burrs. Now we take a thin clip and form a loop from it with two ends brought together. This will be our final “tulip”. We attach this loop to the narrow end of the future nodding with threads and cover the connection with waterproof glue. The end of the nod is recommended to be painted red or orange so that it is better visible. This can be done with ordinary nail polish.

Plastic nod from the knee of an old fishing rod

A denser nod can be made from an old or broken telescopic fishing rod for summer fishing. To do this, disconnect one of the thinnest knees and cut out a strip of the indicated sizes from it. Adjust its width to the specific weight of the mormyshka. At the end of the gatehouse, attach the loop of the paper clip as described above. Paint the end in one of the bright colors (red, yellow, orange).

How to make a summer side nod from roulette

For harder mormys, a tougher nod will be required. It is best to make it from thin sheet spring steel. But where to get it, you ask? A good side nod will come from ordinary building tape. Here you don’t even have to measure the length - be guided by the existing scale. With metal scissors, cut the workpiece with the dimensions indicated above, and carefully process it with sandpaper. The width of the strip can be made smaller, because the density of the steel is much higher than plastic. Try a nod by attaching a fishing line with mormyshka to the thin end. If the gatehouse bends under its weight, then you are on the right track.

Rod with side nod and jig

After grinding, attach a loop of paper clip to the thin end and paint it bright.

How to attach a nod to the whip

Now that we have figured out the design of the nod, it remains to determine how to fix it on the top. The easiest way is to attach it to the whip perpendicularly and thread it, pouring the connection with waterproof glue. But this method is absolutely inconvenient, as it will cause problems when transporting the rod. Consider a few alternatives.

You can take a piece of rubber insulation, which is used for gluing doors and windows. At its core, it is a thin elastic hose with a rectangular cross-section. Having cut off a piece of a sealant 3-4 cm long, we put it on a rod tip. If he doesn’t sit down tightly, we wind up an electrical tape under it.

After that, in the upper part of the sealant, using a scalpel or knife with a sharp and thin blade, make horizontal cuts 0.5-0.8 cm long. We insert our gatehouse into them, orienting its end in the right direction.

If there is no “tulip” on the tip of the rod, instead of the seal, you can use a tube from a dropper or any other similar tube. If the whip is equipped with a “tulip”, we take a cocktail tube, cut a 3-4 cm piece from it and insert it into the hole between the ring and the tip. Poke a nod into the tube and get an almost ready tackle.


Catching on a side nod in the summer will be effective only if the bait is successfully selected. Four factors play a major role here:

  • weight;
  • the form;
  • the size;
  • color.

When choosing mormyshki, keep in mind that summer models are slightly larger than winter ones, so you don’t need to be shy about size, unless it’s about fishing in the stream using tungsten models. But, since our type of fishing is not used for strong currents, we confine ourselves to jigs made of lead and its alloys.

Side nod fishing rod

For ordinary baits, we omit the description of the form, since they, for the most part, have round or oval outlines. For them, the main thing is not appearance, but what is on the hook.

But for summer mormyshek-bezmotilki form and color are decisive factors. In this period of the year, you need to focus on the natural diet of fish, because summer is not the most hungry time for it.

Summer fishing on the side nod of bream and roach will be more effective when using red, orange and yellow colorless beads, as well as their combinations with black. For the chub, dark colors are more suitable: brown, gray, black.

Crucian carp will respond better to a side nod if the bait still contains bait of animal origin, so it is preferable to use ordinary mormyshki to catch it.

Regarding the shape of the bait, something definitely cannot be said, because in the summer all the fish are very finicky. It’s good if you have a set of summer mormyshki at your fingertips, including both ordinary models for fishing with bait, and a variety of rewinds: “devils”, “ants”, “goats”, “drops”, “uralka”, etc.

Ways of fishing on a summer fishing rod with a side nod

If there is a universal tackle for fishing in the summer, then this is summer mormyshka. Lateral nod allows you to fish from the shore, and ford, and from the boat. Free fishing is considered the most difficult, as it requires stamina and patience from the angler. In addition to standing in the water, constantly holding a long rod in your hands, you must also try to make the correct wiring. Fishing from the shore is a little easier, at least you can put your gear and bait here.

Summer side nod

It’s easiest to fish from a boat: it’s easier to choose a suitable place, and a long fishing rod is useless. For such fishing, you will need a short blank (1.5-2 m) of fast formation with a hard top. All other gear requirements are the same as for a long fishing rod with a side nod.

Technique for side nod fishing in summer

For summer fishing on mormyshka, there are several types of postings:

  • simple vertical;
  • vertical stretch;
  • finger play;
  • jerking;
  • horizontal bottom;
  • drawing wiring;
  • passive.

With normal vertical wiring, the tooling is brought to the right place using the rod. Then it is slowly lowered to the bottom. Mormyshka is lifted by light vertical movements directed upward, with a pause of 1-2 seconds every 10-15 cm. After that, the equipment is returned to the bottom again and the process is repeated.

The vertical pull-up wiring is for the most part carried out in the presence of a small flow. It is it that helps mormyshka to produce vibrations that attract fish. To do this, the equipment is sent to the bottom, after which it is slowly raised to a distance of 7-10 cm, and so hold for 5-10 seconds, after which the procedure is repeated.

When playing with fingers, a similar process occurs, however, during the rise, the angler additionally “excites” the bait with small strokes of the fingers on the fishing line, departing from the reel or reel, pulling and releasing it.

Jerk wiring is that the mormyshka is lowered to the bottom in two stages: first to half, after a few seconds completely. After that, make a sharp rise 30-40 cm up, followed by a repetition of the cycle.

How to make a summer side nod

Horizontal bottom wiring implies oscillations of mormyshka along the bottom surface at a distance of 10-15 cm from it, carried out by small-amplitude twitching of the rod in the horizontal plane.

Dragging the bait along the bottom is possible only in the territory of the reservoir open from water plants. The mormyshka is lowered to the bottom, after which the rod is slowly led away, dragging the bait along the bottom surface.

Passive wiring is designed for lazy anglers who do not want to contribute to the game of mormyshka. Two options can be applied here: lower the bait to the bottom, so that it just lies there, or halfway, so that its mild current sways.


The above recommendations regarding the choice of mormyshka, fishing method and technique may not be mandatory. Any fishing is a kind of experiment, during which the fisherman, even the most seasoned, gets a certain experience, which will be useful to him next time.

Therefore, do not hesitate to experiment with baits and fishing equipment. Only in this way can you comprehend all the secrets of this fascinating activity called "fishing".


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