The right menu for losing weight every day

At home, without proper supervision, it is very difficult to organize the right menu for weight loss. It is always tempting to look in the refrigerator and eat something tasty. Therefore, on the Internet every day more and more ready-made menus appear. It remains only to choose the one that in your opinion is most suitable for you. This article will discuss the menu for weight loss for every day. Before you start viewing it, we’ll learn some rules for losing weight.

Slimming menu for the week

The basic rules for losing weight


  • First of all, many of us like to drink it while eating. This absolutely does not need to be done, since then all this can negatively affect the digestive system. Mandatory is the use of water before meals with a volume of one glass. A day is recommended to drink one or two liters.
  • Food should be taken not in large portions, as many are accustomed to, but in medium, and even close to small, 4-5 times a day.
  • It is possible and even necessary to diversify your diet. Experiment with spices, from them you certainly will not add unnecessary kilograms. When creating a menu for losing weight for the day, try to include carbohydrates in the morning diet, and in the evening give preference to protein products.
  • When losing weight, the best side dishes will be buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pasta.
  • To lose weight, take food for two, and preferably four hours before bedtime. If you feel hungry, drink one glass of kefir.
  • Try to refrain from high-calorie sweets, such as cakes, cakes, chocolate, sweets, soda and more.
  • Eliminate fatty foods from your diet . Do not use mayonnaise, butter, cheese, meat, etc. in dishes. For example, you can use olive or vegetable oil instead of mayonnaise.
  • Make your main priority in food - fruits and vegetables. Vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which allows you to speed up the digestion and metabolism in the body.
  • Balance your diet by eating different foods at different times in order to saturate your body with all the necessary vitamins.
Vegetables will help in the diet

If you have learned this set of laws, then you have nothing to fear and you can safely proceed to the selection of a menu for weight loss for every day. There are different variations on the Internet today, but we have chosen some of the best ones that are suitable for everyone.

Weekly Slimming Menu

Weight monitoring

In this menu, for your convenience, the days will be divided into parts. The diet is fully balanced and complete, as it includes vital products with a calorie distribution.

Initially, we divide our day into a meal schedule:

  1. 7.00 - 9.00 in the morning - first breakfast.
  2. 11.00 - 12.00 pm - lunch.
  3. 14.00 - 15.00 - lunch.
  4. 16.00 - 17.00 - afternoon tea.
  5. Strictly at 19.00 - dinner.

This is mainly a weekly weight loss menu for women. After the first demonstration, there will simply be numbers, the numbers of which indicate the meals described above.

Monday (1100 kcal)

So, we proceed:

  1. First breakfast. For breakfast, eat 200 grams of oatmeal porridge, which is cooked in skim milk with 50 grams of berries (fresh or frozen - you decide). You can drink this matter with tea or coffee, but without sugar and without milk.
  2. Lunch. Peel two carrots and consume them, they will give you many useful trace elements.
  3. Dinner. Cook 100 grams of buckwheat, then at your discretion. You can cook both vegetable stew and fresh vegetable salad. In any case, season with olive oil.
  4. An afternoon snack. In the afternoon snack you can eat half a glass of chopped fruit in the form of an apple, pear, kiwi or peach. Drink tea or water without gas.
  5. Dinner. For dinner, you can boil a serving of chicken or turkey (as you like). A salad made of fresh vegetables seasoned with olive oil is ideal for garnish.

Tuesday (1450 kcal)

The second day is marked by the following:

  1. In the morning you can treat yourself to 200 grams of low fat cottage cheese with half a banana. You can eat a banana either separately or chop it into cottage cheese.
  2. We eat the same as on Monday, but diversify with a spoonful of olive oil. From fruits you can eat an orange.
  3. For lunch, you can make a couple of salmon and boil 100 grams of brown rice for garnish. You can also boil 300 grams of various vegetables, such as (carrots, broccoli or cauliflower).
  4. A sandwich of Borodino bread, covered with 50 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, and on top - a circle of tomato.
  5. For dinner, beat a few eggs and add vegetables there, fry the vegetable omelette with very little olive oil.

Wednesday (1350 kcal)

We continue to eat right:

  1. Cook 200 grams of oatmeal in skim milk. Remember that all products that are bought in the store should be close to 0% fat. You can also eat one medium apple and add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to the porridge.
  2. At lunch, you can eat half a grapefruit with 20 grams of walnuts.
  3. We will have lunch this day with vegetable soup cooked on a non-fat broth without meat.
  4. Let's have a berry smoothie. To do this, put in a blender 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese, half a glass of berries (can be anything), half a glass of milk. Whip it all until smooth, and voila - you can enjoy a delicious smoothie.
  5. You can have dinner with a piece of cottage cheese casserole without added sugar, with spices. The casserole also includes low-fat cottage cheese. Along with it, you can drink a glass of kefir or cranberry juice without sugar. Before going to bed, fruit or herbal tea.

Thursday (1570 kcal)

On this day, diet for weight loss is as follows:

  1. For breakfast, we use 200 grams of berry muesli and pour skim milk. Of fruits, an apple or grapefruit is perfect. You can wake up with tea or coffee (without sugar and milk, respectively).
  2. On a grater, three two peeled carrots and season with a tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. Lunch remains the same as it was the previous day. Prepare a large pot of soup in advance, knowing that the next day your diet will be the same. Such actions will save a lot of time and effort.
  4. Thursday afternoon ration coincides with Tuesday.
  5. For dinner, get a piece of chicken. Boil or do not bake it much. As a side dish will be 300 grams of stewed vegetables with herbs. You can stew in olive oil, it will take two tablespoons, no more. Before you go to bed, you can drink a glass of skim milk or kefir.

Friday (1335 kcal)

The fifth day of proper nutrition:

  1. For the first time we use a boiled egg as breakfast. To him go a piece of rye bread, a leaf of lettuce, one cucumber, one sweet pepper and coffee or tea as a source of vigor, as always without milk and sugar.
  2. Get used to the fact that at lunch you often have to snack on carrots. The principle of preparation is the same as on Thursday.
  3. We dine traditionally with vegetable soup on a very low-fat broth.
  4. Lovers of sweets are allowed to drink 2 slices of dark chocolate with freshly squeezed orange juice on this day.
  5. We make a salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with a spoon of olive oil, and for the main course as a protein we will have a portion of boiled chicken or turkey.

Saturday (1100 kcal)

Here's what you can cook on this day:

  1. A pleasant Saturday morning breakfast is fully copied from Wednesday.
  2. The second breakfast will make us happier thanks to natural yogurt with zero percent fat.
  3. We have lunch with 100 grams of boiled lean beef with a side dish of 100 grams of buckwheat. As fiber, we use 200 grams of lettuce, one small zucchini and tomato, seasoned with one tablespoon of olive oil.
  4. An afternoon snack in the form of a berry smoothie will cheer us up on a day off.
  5. A portion of steamed sea bass (if you have not found any perch anywhere, you can use trout or pike perch) with boiled vegetables. We wash down this beauty with one glass of tomato juice and jam one rye bread. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Sunday (1570 kcal)

We complete the week:

  1. Pamper yourself with breakfast on Thursday.
  2. For lunch, eat half a grapefruit in bite with twenty grams of walnut.
  3. The lunch ration will consist of 100 grams of brown or wild rice with a portion of steamed salmon. A side dish (300 grams) of boiled or steamed vegetables seasoned with one tablespoon of vegetable oil can also serve as a side dish.
  4. An afternoon snack will pamper us with 100 grams of cottage cheese (up to 4% fat can be) and half a glass of ripe fruit sliced.
  5. Supper a portion of vegetable omelet with 200 grams of salad seasoned with one tablespoon of olive oil.

That's the whole menu for a week for weight loss. It seems there is nothing supernatural in it. But sometimes not all people maintain such a diet, especially after they had recently eaten large, fatty steaks with french fries and washed down with sweet cola. Therefore, there is also a set of some tips that will help you move from one nutrition system to another without harming your health.

Preparing the body for a diet


If you want to go on a diet from tomorrow, then, excuse me, it is strictly forbidden to do such things. The body must first be prepared, but then you have to choose the right diet menu for weight loss. Myself needs to be prepared both morally and physically. An example is the same sport. Where have you seen an athlete start a 100 meter race unprepared? Right, nowhere. So in the diet, you need to properly warm up before serious trials.

Preparation for the diet should begin a week before it begins. Slowly begin to limit yourself in certain products and in your head work out a diet menu for weight loss for a week. It’s best to start the restriction with meat dishes, as weaning from meat takes a very long and painful time.

You should not refuse to cut, you only need to limit yourself in its quantities every day. If in a week you were not able to put yourself in order, do not worry, add another week and look at the result. The habit has not passed? Then you should consult a nutritionist for advice and, most likely, refuse a diet.

A particularly important point is that you will gradually begin to get used to your menu for losing weight for a day. Teach you to gradually stop eating a few hours before bedtime. It will be difficult to unlearn, but if you correctly distribute the load, then everything will work out. Soon your stomach will simply not get used to the fact that nothing enters it before the sleep phase. You will notice how almost immediately you will sleep more calmly and see pleasant dreams, while, filled at night, your stomach does not rest, but digests the remnants of food. Sleeping with this option is almost impossible.

To make it easier to follow the diet menu, start drinking fluids correctly. Wean yourself from drinking with food, as this contributes to an increase in toxins in your body. When you drink food with water, it fixes the food that you swallowed in the stomach, that is, digesting it will drag on for a long time.

Drinking balance

So, let's briefly outline the steps to prepare for a diet:

  • Get a special notebook or notebook where you write down your correct menu for weight loss. You will record how many kilograms you weigh, what successes, failures, or disruptions occurred over a given period. Do not be afraid to weigh yourself and see a figure that is unpleasant for your eye. Start with the original weight, which will be entered in a notebook. Draw a histogram to visually show yourself all the changes taking place with you.
  • Before you begin, in a week or two, it is worth arranging the so-called "course of a young fighter." Start introducing products from your future diet diet to lose weight in order to prevent a difficult transition. Try to slowly switch to your diet and stick to it.
  • Accustom yourself to consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables every day. What is the point of making a diet menu for weight loss? The point is to keep that balance when you should only eat healthy food. Fruits and vegetables are just such.
Slimming with vegetables
  • Keep water balance. Water for weight loss should be consumed in large volumes. Any diet food menu for weight loss contains tips that say that water is the key to successful weight loss.
  • Eliminate bad habits. Smoking leads to clogging of blood vessels, and alcohol is very high in calories and makes you get fat right before your eyes. Refuse to drink and sweet soda. It contains a lot of sugar, from which fat deposits form more quickly.
  • Get used to the fact that in the following months of the diet, sour-milk products will often appear on the menu for losing weight for a week. Buy low-fat products or with the lowest fat content.
  • Allow occasional indulgence. For example, if you have strictly adhered to your diet for a week, then in the end you can treat yourself to something tasty, but in small sizes.
  • Eat at certain hours every day. Everything should be scheduled for you up to a minute.
  • Your zeal and your desire to lose, for example, thirty kilograms per week is commendable, but unfortunately, this is unrealistic. Set feasible goals and objectives, do not back down from your menu for weight loss.
  • Switch to small meals. Eat less, but more often. The body is much more comfortable to digest food in this way, plus when you overeat, you stretch your stomach, as a result of which your stomach forms.
  • Start playing sports, do not spare yourself. The harder you work out in training, the sweeter the result will be in the end. If you do not have time to visit the fitness rooms, then forget about the elevators and sometimes leave the car, walk. Scientists and nutritionists from around the world have proven that an intense walk in the park can burn up to 700 kcal. This will be a great addition to your daily weight loss menu.
Weight loss through sports

Slimming menus for women and for men are similar to each other. The difference is only in the calories consumed per day. By slightly increasing the portion, a man can restore balance and use this menu.

You can also experiment and add your meals to your diet. Do not be afraid, this certainly will not make you sick.

If you adhere to all the above tips, principles and rules, then losing weight is not at all difficult. One only needs to want this, because how a person will achieve them depends on the desire of the person and his goals.

This technique is suitable for all body types. Do not forget to combine a diet with exercise in order to double the effect.

Good luck to everyone!


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