"Flying swallow", tea for weight loss: instructions, composition and reviews

Now the Internet is simply flooded with reviews about Slimming Swallow tea for weight loss tea, but in practice a fairly small number of people know about this herbal remedy, which promises not only to help lose weight, but also to effectively cleanse the body. It's no secret that many women are now ready to simply do anything to get the perfect figure, but at the same time not to limit themselves in terms of nutrition and the variety of food consumed. According to those who have lost weight, “Flying Swallow” slimming tea is just one of those products whose composition helps to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. However, how it can be used to achieve the desired result and not harm the body will be described below.

What is Swallow Slimming Tea?

Tea Flying Swallow

There is no need to look for anything supernatural in this herbal infusion, since the plant components included in it have the effect of a good laxative, which helps to lose unwanted kilograms. It is produced by a very respected Chinese company, whose activities are aimed at the manufacture of health-improving products. By itself, slimming tea "Swallow" is a health-improving dietary supplement, which is sold to the consumer in several versions - both in the classic composition and with the addition of flavorings, such as lemon, strawberries, pineapple and several others, which are aimed at improving the taste.

In no case should this tea be classified as a medicine, since it has not undergone clinical trials that would prove significant effectiveness. The main plus of such a remedy is its complete naturalness, since it simply will not be able to harm herbs to the body, in addition to being forced to often go to the toilet. Judging by the reviews, “Swallow” slimming tea is best accompanied by physical exercise and a simple diet with a reduced calorie intake to achieve the best result.


Slimming Tea

In total, in the original, classic version of the composition of Slimming tea for weight loss, there are 6 components that play a significant role in the process of losing weight. These include:

  1. Tea leaf, which is the main component. The direction of its action is that it interferes with the absorption of fast carbohydrates, which prevents the body from gaining excess weight.
  2. Lingonberry leaf is often used in laxative infusions, as it removes toxins and various fluids from the body, and also normalizes digestion functions.
  3. Loofah fruits have the ability to improve the natural metabolism in the body, as well as rid the intestines of toxic and slag substances.
  4. Cassia seeds have an additional diuretic and laxative effect, thereby removing most of the excess fluids from the body, which leads to the loss of kilograms.
  5. Pakhima coconut, although it has a laxative effect, however, its main role here is to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea.
  6. Tangerine peel from immature citrus fruits supports the normal state of the gastrointestinal tract and helps fight cellulite.

The benefits of tea

Tea for slimness

As mentioned earlier, the main effect of Slimming tea for weight loss is achieved as a result of laxative and diuretic action, which helps the body get rid of long-standing stagnant fluid and slag deposits in the intestines. It is they that eventually form toxic toxins, which are converted into fatty layers. After getting rid of toxins, the gastrointestinal tract is completely cleared, and therefore metabolic processes are normalized and active burning of fatty tissues begins. Judging by the reviews of doctors, “Swallow” slimming tea is in many ways similar to express weight loss, so diets can be easily replaced with this drink.

In general, the use of such tea helps not only to cope with excess weight, but also helps to improve the work of all internal organs. In addition, it makes it possible to stabilize blood sugar levels, has proven itself in the fight against hemorrhoids and constipation, and serves as a prevention of gastrointestinal cancer. As you can see, Flying Swallow tea can have a very diverse effect on the body.


Of course, the main indication for drinking such a drink is overweight, which a person wants to get rid of. In addition, it is well suited for those who have unpleasant swelling of the body and permanent bags under the eyes, as it relieves the body of excess fluid. It is believed that up to 5 kg of excess weight can be completely eliminated in one course of using such a drug.


It should always be remembered that although the Swallow Slimming Tea has a number of useful properties, it has numerous contraindications. This is especially true in cases where there is a desire for a long-term intake of funds. However, in the presence of the following contraindications, in no case should you drink this tea:

  1. The period of pregnancy and lactation. No matter how much you want to lose weight after giving birth, it is not worth resorting to such teas, since the child will receive less nutrients.
  2. Hypersensitivity or allergy to herbal constituents. It is especially forbidden to allergy sufferers, who can get a completely unpredictable reaction of the body.
  3. The presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since tea can often provoke their exacerbation. It is also not recommended to drink it with enuresis or irritable bowel syndrome.


Tea "Flying Swallow" is primarily a laxative, so it is better not to use it for a long time. After a certain period of time, he begins to wash out not only toxins, but also useful substances that are needed to support the normal state of the body. As a result of this, severe pain in the stomach, hypovitaminosis may begin, disturbing constant diarrhea and an increased level of body fatigue. Also, some people who used this tea for a long time noticed signs of addiction, because over time they could not achieve normal bowel function without using this drug.

Recommended Duration of Use

Original tea

It is best to drink Swallow tea for a fairly short time. He showed himself most effectively in cases where it was necessary to cope with constipation or quickly lose a couple of kilograms before an important event. If a longer consumption of this product is required, it is best to consult a doctor first, and then brew it according to the instructions and use it with great care to prevent possible harm to the body.


Brewing tea

According to the instructions, Swallow Slimming Tea must be used strictly in accordance with these requirements:

  1. About 20 minutes before taking the remedy, you need to have dinner with light food. You should not choose anything high-calorie or fatty, otherwise the effect simply will not.
  2. A tea filter bag should be poured with a glass of hot water, and then left to infuse for 5 minutes.
  3. After that, you can drink a drink. The recommended course is 10 days, after which you need to take a break for at least 5 days, so that the body replenishes useful substances.

The action of tea will appear only after a few hours, so the urge will begin only in the morning.


Before and after photos

Tea "Flying Swallow" should not be expected immediate and lasting results. In general, for a month of its use, you can lose from 2 to 5 kg. Tea will have the most noticeable effect on the body in the first couple of days after the start of the intake, since it is during this time period that all the main deposits of toxins and toxins will come out. If after 2-3 days the loose stool does not stop, then you should immediately refuse to take the product. In the first couple of days, you should carefully monitor the reaction of your body to tea, so that in the presence of side effects, you can immediately get help.


Russian version

At the moment, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find a wide variety of slimming teas called "Flying Swallow". These fakes are carried out by both Chinese and Russian manufacturers, so you should carefully consider the purchase. Let them all have a similar effect - a laxative, but their components are often completely unbalanced, and therefore can have a negative effect on the body.


In general, that doctors, who have lost weight in their reviews, refer to Flying Swallow tea as an effective means for weight loss. However, all this is true only if it is known for certain that the composition is original and natural, and not one of the fakes. But at the same time, the result of such weight loss is extremely unstable, therefore, after stopping the use of tea with improper nutrition and the absence of physical exercise, kilograms easily come back. The article presents a photo of slimming tea "Swallow". According to reviews, the results after taking this drug are not always unambiguous, since the components of the drink can affect the body in different ways. Indeed, such tea helped many, however, it had absolutely no effect on more people or even brought an unexpected side effect.


There is a possibility of weight loss with similar slimming teas, but they simply will not bring a significant result. The main thing here is to choose an original tool, which is quite difficult to do in the presence of a huge number of fakes. But in general, for those who do not want to switch to proper nutrition and play sports, such tea becomes a very effective help in the fight for a slim figure, although you need to be careful with it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9568/

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