How to part with the guy you love painlessly?

Parting with a loved one is the most difficult step in life. With age, we become wiser, and it is easier for us to perform certain actions. But when there is no experience in parting yet, it is difficult to venture into eternal separation if the feeling of love still warms the soul. But you can look at it on the other hand, for many girls, parting with a guy means becoming happier. Only how could this process be made painless for two people who until recently were happy together? Everything in our life is quite simple, we complicate everything ourselves, and after that we complain about our hard life. To be happy every day, you need to remember that everything in this world is not eternal, even loneliness.

Love or separation is not an easy choice

If you still love a person, but want to break up, you need to prepare for the worst. If you don’t know how to part with the guy you love, then The following tips will help you decide on temporary loneliness. All psychologists advise not to delay the decision. If love bothers you, the time has come for a change. Nobody says that the process of parting is an easy way to happiness. But strong girls do not look for easy ways, and this is a fact. At the end of the difficult road a pleasant gift awaits you - this is the law of life, it is undeniable.

How to part with the guy you love

Do not delay the moment

None of the couple will feel better if you delay this unpleasant process. Cutting the living a thousand times prudently than tormenting a person with his coldness. The sooner you tell your beloved that it is time for you to leave, the less there will be mutual accusations and reproaches. Perhaps this news will surprise him, or maybe he himself understands that goodbye will benefit both of you. If you constantly think about how to part with the guy you love, the advice of a psychologist will be most welcome. Taking into account the recommendations of professionals, you can survive any gap painlessly. And then negative emotions will not overwhelm you from the intensity of passions that has appeared in your life.

To be tolerant is the lot of strong girls

The basic and most important rule is to let the person speak. Perhaps he has something to tell you, or he just wants to say goodbye to you in such a way as to remain friends. When parting, a person always wants to talk. The ability to say what you think helps in time to respect each other.

Remember that a taboo when breaking up a relationship is a public separation. A complete humiliation for a guy - to be thrown in front of strangers, this situation will also be unpleasant for you. Therefore, if your gap provoked a quarrel, make sure that you are left alone, others do not need to listen to your scandals.

It is very important to put yourself in the place of a partner, to feel his emotions, so to speak, to be in his shoes. And then a dilemma arises: how to part with the guy you love, painlessly, how to feel what he feels if there is no bright love for him in your heart? Would you like the guy to say goodbye to you as you do? If not, make the moment of separation less painful for both of you.

I want to part with a guy, but I love him

When love still lives in your heart

If love still lives in your heart, but you understand that this feeling does not make you a happy person, then what is the point of such a relationship? Naturally, this feeling grew into attachment, and the latter into a habit, and it is all too difficult to eradicate. But life for that is given to live as we consider it necessary. If you feel that love is strangling you from the inside, uproot it before it's too late. It is difficult to believe that with a dear person you can be unhappy. You increasingly find yourself thinking: I love a guy, but I want to leave, what to do. And you can not find the answer to your question. How to part with him, so as not to feel guilty? This is another issue that plagues many girls.

How to part with the guy you love, psychologist's advice

What to do?

Parting is an integral part of our lives. And often we offend those who are dear to us. If you decide to leave, no persuasion should stop you. After a while, you will realize that it was a difficult choice that gave you freedom. Love makes us clothe ourselves in the robe of the person we might not want to be. It makes us obey the other, illuminates us and makes life brighter. There are always minuses and pluses, and if you understand that loving and being unhappy is not for you, take action. Your friends often complain about their young people, and you constantly think: how I want to part with a guy, but I love him. And you do not see a way out of the situation. This happens often, as if you are walking in a circle and you understand that you want to get out of it, but something stops forever. You realize that tomorrow everything will be different, no one will write or call, and you do not understand how to live on.

Pity in love will not lead to anything

You regret yourself, regret those days that you will no longer spend with him. But who knows, maybe, breaking off relations with him, you will meet a more worthy person and find long-awaited happiness. Very often, to part with a guy, we need other people's advice, the opinion of adults who already have that wisdom that does not allow mistakes. And here the advice of professionals who know a lot about love come to the rescue. If you don’t know how to part with the guy you love, tips people taught by experience will help you. This may be an older sister who already knew the breakup process, mom, or maybe even a grandmother. Each of them will judge by their relationship, advise them to do as they did in their time. But do not forget, you are not them, your relationship is not their relationship. All you have to do is listen, remember and draw conclusions. Perhaps you listen to their advice, or maybe you will do everything in your own way, which is more likely. But the truth is that the older generation knows what they say, their advantage is that they have already gone through all this: pain, resentment, parting. Therefore, their advice should be taken into account, and you should listen to what they say, it certainly won’t be worse.

How to part with the guy you love, but he is not you

Parting or torment? The choice is yours

And if thoughts are still spinning in your head: I want to part with a guy, but I love him, you should do one thing - to break off relations with him. Psychologists recommend initially embodying on paper everything that you want to say when breaking up. Write everything exactly as you would like to tell him, pour out all your emotions and thoughts, and then the process of farewell will be painless for both of you. Well, if in your throat the words became lumpy, write him a letter and give it personally. This method of separation is slightly naive, but then you will definitely say what you planned. The paper can endure everything, even the most derogatory words that you would like to tell him. Do not be ashamed of your weakness, this is the normal state of any person. You don’t have to tell the guy everything in the eye.

If he does not like

It also happens that it's time to part with a guy, as you understand that he does not love you. But you have strong feelings for him. Everything is more complicated here, here you can blame yourself until the last days of your life for taking the wrong step. But this is not so, if you love a guy, and he does not have you - these are not real feelings. In any interpretation, this feeling must be mutual. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to part with a guy whom you love, but he is not you, think over a thorough breakup plan so that you do not regret what you did later. For him, this parting will be painless, but you can eat cakes for weeks at night, seizing your pain from the flood of loneliness. No one has yet died from being left alone. Everything has its charms. Temporary loneliness is not the end of the world.

How to part with the guy you love is painless

Temporary loneliness on the way to happiness

The advantage of being alone is that it is a temporary event. Sooner or later you will meet the guy of your dreams and forget about those who were not worthy of you. All that remains for you is to take the will into your fist and begin to act. Cut it lively, but without a knife, speak sharply and clearly so that he believes you. And go away without looking back, be proud and confident, guys admire these qualities. Remember one simple rule: never send SMS to the guy you broke up with, but love its crazy. If you have made a decision, do not give up, be confident, do not give in to momentary weaknesses. After a while, you will understand that this SMS was superfluous, and he would not appreciate such an act. If you parted, then, finally, what is the whole farce? A week or two will not change anything, sooner or later such a person will disappear from your life and will never remember you. It is difficult to take and change fate, to throw a person out of your life, it is difficult, but everything is possible.

SMS to the guy who broke up, but love

Seriousness or frivolity?

The guy’s unwillingness to have a serious relationship suggests that he lives for himself. Such a man meets, walks, has fun and leaves his passions. Sooner or later you will want a more serious relationship with this person, but he will only have short-term hobbies on his mind. What could be worse than neglect? If you constantly suspect him of lying, he does not inform you when his plans change, this guy is not worthy of your attention. Worse than neglect can only be the quenching of passions. If this feeling has not been discussed between you for a long time, what is the meaning of such a relationship?

Neglecting no place in a relationship

Another question is how to part with a guy you love and who uses you. This is the most painstaking process, because it is difficult to get rid of love for a person to whom she is attached with all her heart and soul, especially if he does not let you go because of his own benefit. Then various manipulations can be used. As soon as you notice such manifestations, immediately begin to act, do not expect a special case.

It's hard to get away from the guy you are addicted to for one reason or another. A person who hurts you, and knowingly, for his own benefit, does not deserve your love. There are always reasons to think about your relationship. Indifference kills even the strongest love. If you have ceased to count on his help and support, you notice that he is comfortable, but you are not, it is time to beat the bells. If a guy is not worried about you, then he doesn’t care about this, what could be worse?

You ceased to interest him, he began to pay attention to other girls, it was time to talk heart to heart. Every man wants to look at beautiful women, but there must be a limit to everything. Constant monitoring also does not mean unlimited love, it is most likely an indicator of distrust. And if there is no this feeling, what kind of relationship can we talk about? He began to consider you his property, so it's time to get rid of such a candidate.

I love a guy, but I want to break up, what to do

Guys also worry about breaking up

We are all convinced that the guys are not worried about the breakup, that they do not care what happens next. But, as it turned out, this is not so, men are also weak, especially if they are in love. Being depressed is normal, we are all human, each of us has emotions. Sometimes even guys are more upset than girls. If a man breaks up with a woman because of her infidelity, these may be the worst months after breaking up in his life. Therefore, do not think that the guys do not regret, are not upset, do not cry. They also have feelings, they also love and wish to be loved. Therefore, if you decide to leave, do it not by phone, not by SMS, but in person.

Look into each other's eyes and say what you think. Perhaps fate will bring you back in many years, maybe you will never see this person again. In any situation, it is important to remain worthy, not to cause people that pain that you would not want to experience on yourself. And only then in your life kindness, harmony and immeasurable happiness will prevail. And what could be better than loving and being loved?


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