Causes of Myopia in humans

Today it is hardly possible to meet a person who would not complain about poor eyesight. With increasing dependence and the need to work on a computer and various gadgets, the number of calls to an ophthalmologist is growing. Myopia (myopia) is considered the most common disease associated with ophthalmic pathologies . What is the cause of myopia in humans? Usually even experienced doctors find it difficult to answer this question. Indeed, there are some cases where it is simply impossible to establish the causes of myopia. We will talk about some of them in more detail.


Even before global research in the field of genetics, such a fact was known: if parents had poor eyesight, then their children are susceptible to this disease. Later, at the beginning of the twentieth century, this fact was scientifically confirmed.

myopia causes

The human eye is a kind of complex optical design that has refractive power. If expressed in scientific language, then refraction. It is the refractive power of the eyes that is determined by such factors:

  • corneal curvature;
  • depth of anterior chamber;
  • corneal thickness;
  • sagittal length of the eyeball;
  • curvature of the anterior and posterior surface of the lens.

The above factors are individual for each person, but it is this information that is transmitted by inheritance from different genes. They have no direct dependence or patterns on each other.

As a consequence of these factors, there is an incorrect intergrowth of any muscle groups, a change in the position of the natural optical lens, which is responsible for displaying a clear picture.

It has been scientifically proven that if parents had myopia, then the likelihood of developing this disease in their children is equal to 50%. Absolutely healthy - by 15-20%. That is why the causes of myopia in humans can reflect transmitted heredity.

Eyeball deformity

The reason for the development of myopia in humans is the anatomical and physiological - deformation of the eyeball. When this disease occurs, the eyeball is flattened in a horizontal plane, taking the form of a cucumber. This process occurs due to the displacement of the lens, which is responsible for focusing on the object in the field of view, as well as for the reflection of a clear image on the surface of the retina.

causes of myopia causes of myopia in humans

As a result, there is a loss of clarity of visual acuity and a person has a “blurry” picture before his eyes. Such a disease is called myopia.

Scleral impairment

The reasons for the development of myopia are a huge number. One of them is a violation of the sclera. What it is? With this disease, the connective tissues of the protein coat of the eye are weakened. After that, the eyeball increases in size, falling under the influence of increased intraocular pressure. The result is a change in the size of both eyes, a displacement of the lens and, accordingly, the development of myopia.

Violation of intraocular pressure during overwork

Do you think that daily overwork will not come back to nothing? In vain! What is the cause of myopia? With fatigue, our eyes are involved, so the eye pressure changes dramatically. This is one of the reasons for myopia. During an increase in intraocular pressure, the optic nerve is compressed, the oculomotor muscles are overstrained. The result is cramping. This can have a very negative effect on human health.

what are the causes of myopia

Myopia is also observed against the background of prolonged depletion of the human body. As a result, a reduced level of the immune system, a weakening of enzymatic synthesis, a lack of vitamins and minerals, and a sudden "spill" of chronic diseases - all this directly affects the appearance of myopia. That is why the treatment of the main pathology should begin from the initial stage - rest of the body.

Accommodation spasm

Accommodation is a kind of speed for adjusting the clarity of the visible image. The oculomotor longitudinal and transverse muscles are responsible for this process. If a spasm occurs, the shape of the eyeball changes. Accordingly, the location of the lens in the intraocular cavity changes. As a result, the eyes are overstressed and the “blurry” fuzzy picture in front of the eyes. This is a direct reference to myopia.

what is the cause of myopia in humans the reason for the development of myopia in humans

Spasm often occurs when a person for a long time concentrates on small (small) objects at a very close distance. Most often - on the smartphone screen.


This disease affects the condition of the cornea: it becomes thinner and takes on a conical shape. As a result, the light rays that fall on the eyeball pass through the optical lens in a different way from a healthy lens.

Sclerotic changes in the lens

This disease is characteristic of those people who have already reached a respectable age. The cause of myopia is clouding of the lens due to age-related deterioration of the visual apparatus. Over time, the oculomotor muscles lose their previous tone and the speed of nerve impulses decreases.

Wrong diet

It's hard to believe, but the diet taken directly affects our eyesight, causing myopia. Causes of occurrence can also be found in poor nutrition, when a person does not receive the necessary trace elements for the proper functioning of the organs of the visual apparatus. And this is a “favorable” environment for the development of myopia.

Scientists have established a scientific fact: when a person consumes a lot of bread in childhood, which contains a large amount of carbohydrates, he will develop myopia faster than a person who spends most of his time reading. Products containing a large number of carbohydrates include all confectionery products. The bottom line is that an excess of simple carbohydrates in the diet, as well as refined foods, can lead to the process of “washing out” the chemicals involved in physiological and biochemical processes to maintain normal vision. It should be noted that refined products include: refined vegetable oil and sugar, baked goods, corn sticks, cereals with flavorings, marmalade, imported chickens, dairy products with a long shelf life, white bread, ice cream, etc.

No wonder they say that you can’t eat a lot of sweets. When eating confectionery products that contain a large number of simple carbohydrates, an increased release of insulin, a growth hormone antagonist, occurs. Its excess can trigger the process of stretching the eyeball in length. The result is the development of myopia in humans.

At the psychological level

Answering the question: “What is the cause of myopia in a person?”, You must immediately pay attention to his psycho-emotional state. Very often it is a psychological state that can cause the development of myopia.

Scientists have proven that perfectionists have vision problems. Usually they visually build their future to the smallest detail, without missing a single detail. Also, problems with myopia are often found in those people who completely refuse to accept their future.

what is the cause of myopia

The disease of myopia is based on a physiological connection, which is caused by fear of the future. If a person is afraid to "take the next steps" in life or something does not work out with a detailed planning of the day, then this fear arises. In addition, myopia can develop due to insecurity in the future, when there are no clearly defined goals and priorities. Those people who live in the present have some idea of ​​their future. Usually this category of people has no problems with the visual apparatus.

With a head injury

Usually a head injury ends with a concussion. Of course, in the "main compartment of the body" is the visual cortex, which is responsible for processing the visual image, and the middle part of the brain is responsible for the clarity of information transfer. Any even minor injury can lead to an imbalance in the activity of the organs of vision. It should also indicate those injuries that are associated with a violation of the integrity of the external eyeball and the ingress of harmful chemicals into the eye.

Incorrect vision correction

Causes of myopia can even be caused by incorrect correction of visual acuity. So, if steps were already taken at the first manifestations of the disease, but preventive rules were not followed, then this can lead to the progression of myopia. One of the most common actions is incorrectly selected corrective tools: glasses or contact lenses.

what is the reason for the development of myopia in humans

As a result, an increase in the body’s energy expenditures on optical power, which is necessary for the appearance of a clear picture in the human field of vision. That is why the unauthorized wearing of glasses or ordering at random the lenses you like on the Internet can lead to dire consequences.

In what cases are the eyes strained?

The causes of myopia can be hidden even, at first glance, in frivolous actions. So, for example, eye strain occurs under such conditions:

  • long time reading a book in a poorly lit place, resulting in increased intraocular pressure;
  • while reading in a moving vehicle: you should not read for a long time while driving in vehicles, since frequent jumps, distractions and loss of the necessary “piece” of text cause eye strain;
  • when reading a book while lying down: at this time an outflow of blood from the head occurs, which causes the work of the organs of vision with greater intensity, as a result - rapid overwork of the eyes;
  • during prolonged use on a computer or with frequent use of a smartphone;
  • with improperly selected lenses or glasses, extremely uncomfortable sensations appear that have a negative effect on the organs of vision.

That is why it is worth minimizing the common causes that cause the development of myopia.

Causes of Myopia in Children

Eye strain in the form of myopia in a child usually occurs at preschool age. Myopia can progress to adulthood, or vice versa does not develop. What are the causes of myopia in children? Often they are the same as in adults. However, it is necessary to highlight the differing causes, namely: premature delivery and rapid growth of the child.

During preterm birth, the baby is born prematurely. This marks the underdevelopment of certain physiological signs. In almost 95% of such cases, children suffer from myopia.

The rapid growth of the body in a child also causes myopia. The bottom line is that during the accelerated growth of the bone structures of the body, the risk of insufficient production of vitamins, minerals and other useful components for the necessary development of other body systems increases. Also increases the likelihood of deformation of the eyeball, causing a change in the shape and size of the hollows of the eyes. This may be a determining factor for the development of visual organs.

One of the most common causes of myopia in children is eye strain. So, excessive eye strain can trigger visual impairment, namely the development of myopia.

causes of myopia in children

It is for this reason that parents should monitor proper lighting in the children's room, the correct position of the body when reading, and, of course, set time limits when using gadgets.

Mixed Type of Myopia

This type of myopia occurs in 25% of patients. This type of disease is caused by such factors:

  • congenital weakness of connective tissue;
  • high visual load.

With a mixed type of myopia, a drop in vision of 7-8 diopters is observed.

Myopia: causes and prevention

It is almost impossible to stop the appearance of myopia, which is caused by a hereditary factor. You can prevent only other causes that contribute to the development of this disease.

It is necessary to carry out preventive measures from childhood. They are quite simple, the main thing is to develop a habit:

  1. You can not write or read in a poorly lit room, in moving vehicles, as well as lying down. These actions contribute to excessive eye strain.
  2. It is necessary to dose the visual organs. Accustom yourself to short breaks, breaking away from working at the computer every 20 minutes. And take large breaks every 2 hours.
  3. The right approach to the choice of lighting, as this is the key to not only effective work, but also to maintain health. So, the light should not be too dim and bright. And the working surface should not glare.
  4. Be sure to monitor your diet. Make every effort to ensure that the nutrition is complete and contains the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.
  5. If the work involves an increased load on the eyes, then it is necessary to take special complex vitamins for the eyes. He may be prescribed by a doctor.
  6. With prolonged work at the computer, the surface of the eye dries up in a person. It is for this reason that it is necessary to bury eyes with drops, which are an analogue of a person’s tear.

Doing gymnastics

In order to relieve tension from the eyes, you must constantly do special exercises. Performing this gymnastics takes a few minutes. Even very busy people should find these precious minutes for their own health.

So, to prevent the development of myopia, it is necessary to perform such exercises:

  1. “Butterfly” - this exercise helps to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eye. You need to quickly blink for centuries for several seconds, after which take a short break and repeat the action again.
  2. "Clock face". It is necessary to imagine that before your eyes there is a dial, along which the second hand moves smoothly.
    myopia causes prevention
    This arrow must be "escorted" by the eyes, drawing a circle clockwise and against its movement.
  3. “5 minutes” is the simplest exercise. It is necessary to tighten your eyes tightly, counting to yourself to five, then open your eyes wide for exactly 5 seconds.
    causes of myopia in humans
    This exercise should be repeated 4-5 times.
  4. “We draw infinity” - this exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to visually draw an eight that lies on its side.
    myopia causes prevention in children

    5. “Follow your finger” - you need to bring your finger to your nose, and then stretch your hand forward.

    the cause of myopia is clouding of the lens
    Performing these actions, you need to carefully monitor the eyes for a moving finger.

What is the cause of myopia in humans? It is caused by various factors, from heredity to eye strain. To prevent the development of myopia, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in time and regularly perform gymnastics for the eyes. The question of a possible correction of myopia is exclusively dealt with by the doctor, and not by a close friend. In some cases, it is simply impossible to correct myopia.


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