Why dream blackcurrant? Interpretations

Why dream blackcurrant? The interpretation of the meaning of such night vision varies in some dream books.

Interpretations in different books

In some publications, it is indicated that to see currants in a dream is wealth. And, for example, Miller believes that such berries are dreaming of a tempting offer. It can be love, or maybe business. But surely interesting.

why dream black currant

Now we look through Wang's dream book. Currants in this interpreter indicate that your expectations will be deceived.

Most astrologers interpret night vision with a berry as the appearance of troublesome, and sometimes unpleasant things.

Why dream blackcurrant? For example, if you collect it, it means that you will have to make an effort to achieve some goals. The smaller the berry in a dream, the more labor you need to invest in the work you have begun.

If you dream that you are washing a dirty berry, then you may lose money or something expensive. You should be careful about new offers. At the slightest doubt, it is better to refuse.

see currants in a dream

Currant jam in a dream

But if in a dream you are making jam for the winter, then you can expect a pleasant love date. To a family person, a vision can promise a new one in a relationship with his soul mate. Single girls should expect a serious offer. This Sunday dream portends interesting encounters in life.

Blackcurrant jam in a dream means pleasure. Depending on real plans and expectations, it can be amorous, financial and just for the soul. For example, preparing a family vacation or a planned wedding, or maybe a financial transaction that raises doubts, will certainly end up getting the maximum result, to the delight of someone who had a dream.

If in a dream you admire how much jam they have prepared, then in reality you will find unexpected financial wealth.


Why dream blackcurrant? If you ate berries from a bush, this can mean a lot. If they are small, then tedious burdensome troubles will fall, from where they did not wait. Don't make rash promises. Their implementation will be delayed and bring great difficulties. But the result will be disappointing.

dream book currant

If the bush grows in its own garden, or the dreamer is sure that it belongs to him, then eating berries belongs to relatives and relatives. It is possible that someone will suffer an unexpected illness or injury and will have to take care of a sick person for a long time. And it is possible that you personally will have to go around medical institutions in search of lost health. Sour black berries indicate a deplorable result. Sweet ones mean that everything will work out.

Why dream of blackcurrant yet? If you pick wild berries and eat, it means that soon you may have a pleasant vacation. Or it will be a trip to a restaurant with a loved one. Or maybe a chance meeting with his fate. The berries are sweet - a pleasant stay will end with a continuation of the relationship or vivid impressions. Sour ones mean that no matter how pleasant at the very beginning, everything will end in disappointment.

Currant bushes

Planting blackcurrant bushes means that some gossip and intrigue are woven around. And the reason for this was the actions and actions of the dreamer. You may have caused envy by boasting a good deal or purchase. Or maybe relationships on the love front cause the hatred of others or the condemnation of loved ones. It is worth remembering and thinking whether to change the style of behavior or turn away from envious people and go the chosen way.

sleep on sunday

A dream is very good, where a bush of currant burns, and the dreamer observes this process. This means that all the bad will soon be left behind. Madam Luck, who for a while forgot about your existence, decided to turn to face you and reward you for your long patience. It is important to remember whether you yourself set fire to this fire, or simply saw what had already begun. It depends on whether your efforts will be required in the struggle for happiness, or whether it will fall fabulously right into your hands.

Little conclusion

In our article, we described the interpretation of night vision with a black berry. Now you do not need to leaf through the dream book. Currants in a vision can mean both good and bad. The main thing you need to know is that a dream is just a clue. How night vision turns around is up to you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9576/

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