Dream interpretation: there is fish in a dream

Most people cannot imagine their life without fish in one form or another. So, someone loves fish dishes, because the meat of these aquatic animals is very useful and gives the human body a lot of necessary trace elements and vitamins. Someone is holding decorative fish at home in an aquarium. And what to expect if the fish dreamed in a dream? We suggest learning the interpretation of such a dream. To do this, we turn to several popular dream books for help.

eat fish in a dream

What is the dream of fish: Ukrainian dream book

According to this dream book, fish, as a rule, dreams of rain and bad weather. If this aquatic animal was dreamed of by a young woman, then she will soon become pregnant. Big fish predicts good earnings; dead fish promise weakness or illness. There is a fish in a dream , given that this dream is a man’s dream - to a possible appearance in his mistress, if a pregnant woman has such a dream, it portends an easy birth.

ate fish in a dream

What is the dream of fish: Italian dream book

The dreaming fish is regarded as a good sign by this source, and in some cases it is also considered as a phallic symbol. So, if in a dream someone gives another person a fish, then in fact he wants to have sex with him. There is a fish in a dream - to gain and strengthen power and strength. Catching fish in a dream reflects your desire to relax and get rid of your daily worries and worries at least for a while.

What is the dream of fish: Russian dream book

If you dream that you are fishing, then such a dream can predict a deterioration in health and illness. Aquarium fish promise the dreamer small, but numerous joys. Rotten fish warns of possible financial losses. There is a fish in a dream - to the tenderness and pleasant moments in the society of its second half.

eat salted fish in a dream

What is the dream of fish: a dream book of the future

If you dream that you are fishing, then in the near future you will find a rather difficult and time-consuming, but very profitable occupation. Dead fish bodes trouble and stomach ailments. There is a fish in a dream - to wealth and prosperity.

What fish dreams about : a dream book of a modern woman

A beautiful fish swimming in clear transparent water promises a happy affair with a very interesting man. If the fish swims in dirty or muddy water, then you are unlikely to find a suitable partner in the near future. If a woman ate fish in a dream, then soon she will receive a marriage proposal from a very promising groom.

What is the dream of fish: a dream book from A to Z

According to the interpretation of this dream book, the purchase of fish in a dream is a sign of fraud and falsity threatening the dreamer. If in a dream you clean fish, then get ready for serious trials. Cooking fish promises the acquisition of long-awaited well-being. There is salted fish in a dream - to the feelings associated with the fact that someone will tear your old spiritual wounds. If as a result of fishing you managed to catch a fish on a fishing rod, then you will be disappointed. A large fish caught promises an important and, possibly, fateful meeting, while small fish in large numbers warn of the need for a long wait. The complete lack of bite on fishing portends a failure in business.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9579/

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