What does a process pump driver do?

Technological pump driver is a very important and necessary profession. All the features of this work will be discussed in this article.

Who is a process pump driver?

The specialist, which will be discussed in this article, is engaged in the maintenance of special equipment for pipelines. It doesn’t matter what kind of pipelines it can be : main or vapor, intended for liquid substances or for gaseous. In order for certain substances to circulate, it is necessary to maintain, repair and constantly check the available equipment. This is what the representative of the profession in question is doing.

And what about the demand for the profession? Since the majority of enterprises in the CIS countries operate using internal communications that operate under a certain pressure, the work of the process pump driver will remain in demand and necessary in the labor market for a long time to come.

About professional duties

A process pump driver, like any other worker, has many responsibilities, tasks and functions.

process pump driver
Here are the most basic of those that can be called:

  • Timely repair of elements of compressor stations, elimination of problems and malfunctions.
  • Ensuring optimal transport of substances through the pipeline.
  • Inspection and repair of pump units.
  • Work with pump units - their adjustment.
  • Preparation of liquid fuel for transportation.
  • Work with liquid substances - their discharge and pumping.
  • Work with reports.
  • Carrying out technical inspection according to the plan.
  • Pressure setting in pipelines.

It has, of course, a process pump driver and many other functions. But it depends on the rank of a specialist.

Education required for work

The representative of the profession in question, of course, could not have worked without proper education. Almost anyone can go to college or college with a degree in “Process Pump and Compressor Engineer”. And what knowledge and skills are needed to work in the specialty in question? Here are just some points that an employee should know:

  • The principle of operation and automation.
  • Design features of compressor equipment.
  • Equipment setup.
  • Accident response.
  • Starting transportation through pipelines.
  • Design of shutoff valves.
  • Pressure adjustment.
  • Protective aggregates - their device.
  • The use of control devices, the basics of their operation.

Above are just a few points that will need to be learned during training. It is also worth noting that in a college or technical school you will have to master the following subjects:

  • Materials Science;
  • drawing;
  • BZD;
  • electrical engineering;
  • technical mechanics;
  • the basics of transporting substances and some others.

Thus, it will not be possible to just occupy a workplace in the specialty "Process Pump Engineer". Education is a necessary and most important component of the profession.

On the demand for the profession

Young people who graduate from an educational institution in the necessary specialty are unlikely to be able to get into a difficult situation with finding a job.

machinist of technological pumps and compressors
The profession "Process Pump Engineer" is very much in demand today. Those who wish to work in the specialty in question will easily find the optimal workplace. Indeed, almost any enterprise that has and operates pipelines needs competent, educated specialists.

It is worth noting that the profession in question is not suitable for everyone. At the workplace, physically weak, weak people are unlikely to feel comfortable and confident. After all, the work in question is truly masculine, to some extent difficult and difficult. But it is compensated by all the excellent career opportunities and good wages.

About the second category according to the job description

Workers of the second category are, as a rule, newcomers who are just beginning to master all the intricacies of the profession. What are the responsibilities of such specialists?

A worker of the second category is obliged to service pumping stations, as well as installations that pump or prepare oil. Preparation of technological piping schemes, elimination of product leakage (under the guidance of a worker with a rank above) - all this also falls within the competence of the worker. It is necessary, among other things, to constantly monitor the operation of pumps, cooling systems, lubrication, ventilation, etc. The monitoring of the health of various valves, measuring instruments, pipelines also lies with a specialist of the second category.

It is worth mentioning some other functions, namely:

  • sampling;
  • check of gate valves, as well as their closing and opening;
  • wiping, starting and stopping pumping units;
  • change of laying.

Naturally, far from all the functions of the working second category were named above. After all, responsibilities and their number depend on the enterprise in which the professional activity is carried out.

About the third category according to the job description

A worker with the third category is obliged to carry out constant inspections of pumping stations, to service them (we are talking about stations pumping and preparing oil products with a capacity of 500 cubic m / h).

job pump driver
This also includes inspection and repair of electric motors (from 500 kW), as well as maintenance of technological pumping units (not more than 1000 cubic meters per hour).

However, this is not all responsibilities. The instruction of the driver of the technological pumps prescribes the following functions for the specialist of the third category:

  • Monitoring the load of electric motors, the pressure in pipes and pumps, lubrication systems, ventilation and cooling systems, etc. All observations are carried out on instrumentation.
  • Work with electric motors: their start and stop.
  • Checking the proper amount of grease in certain devices.
  • Checking the operation mode of the equipment.

About the fourth category according to the job description

What functions does the job description entail for a representative of the fourth category? What are the responsibilities of the process pump driver?

process pump driver training
The shift taken by the fourth-rank worker looks something like this: the specialist keeps all the necessary entries in the journal. Next, care is taken for the following areas:

contactor drives of alkylation plants;

  • pumping stations (from 500 to 1 thousand cubic m / h);
  • pumping technological installations (productivity - from 1 thousand to 3 thousand cubic m / h);
  • sections with pumping electric motors (power from 500 to 3 thousand kW).

In addition, the specialist must monitor the necessary pressure at the pump outlets. Monitoring transformer substations (under the supervision of a worker with a discharge higher) is also the responsibility of a specialist with a fourth discharge.

Depending on the place where the specialist works, the functions may vary slightly.

About the fifth category according to the job description

The driver of technological pumps of the fifth category is obliged to perform the following functions:

  • maintain control panels;
  • monitor and maintain areas with transformer substations;
    process pump driver salary
  • serve pumps and electric motors (not more than 3 thousand kW);
  • to serve pumping stations for the preparation and production of petroleum products with a capacity of 1 thousand to 3 thousand cubic meters. m / h;
  • Serve oil processing plants with a capacity of at least 3 thousand cubic meters. m / h

Among other things, a worker with the fifth category is obliged to comply with labor safety rules, competently organize a workplace, provide first aid, etc.

About the sixth category according to the job description

What is obliged to do a worker with a sixth rank? What are its functions?

work of the driver of technological pumps
The following points can be distinguished with which the specialist in question is dealing:

  • Starting and stopping the existing equipment of the pumping station; checking the operation mode of this station.
  • Detection and elimination of various malfunctions in the operation of technical pumping stations.
  • Repair and inspection of pumping stations (capacity from 3 thousand cubic m / h).

It is also worth adding that a specialist with the sixth rank already has the right (or rather, the obligation) to supervise workers with lower qualifications. There are many kinds of tasks here: it is the control of work, the process of training workers in certain skills, etc. Again, the number of duties will depend only on production.

About the seventh category according to the job description

A worker with a seventh rank is endowed with the following functions and responsibilities:

  • adjustment and verification of pumping station modes;
  • selection of the necessary modes at pumping stations;
  • care for various pumping pipelines, units, electric motors;
  • work on the management of pumping stations pumping and preparing oil products (capacity from 3500 cubic m / h);
  • conducting various kinds of operations to detect and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of pumping units.

In addition to all of the above, the driver of technological pumps with the seventh category is obliged to work with the documentation. The preparation of plans for testing, checking and repairing pumping equipment is also the responsibility of the employee. Plans are also being drawn up for the development of operations to improve service and increase the operation of various devices. Also, a specialist with the seventh category is obliged to lead employees with lower qualifications. Here, everything will directly depend on the enterprise: in the competence of the employee with the highest level will be only those functions that the authorities will endow.

Pros and cons of the profession

As in any other profession, the work of the specialist in question has both advantages and disadvantages.

instruction for the driver of technological pumps
What are the advantages of the profession is a process pump driver?

  • Salary . Of course, the level of income will depend on the level available. The higher the qualifications, the greater the earnings. However, it is worth considering that the specialist referred to in this article, even if he has a second rank, receives very good money.
  • The possibility of rapid career growth. As already mentioned, in the profession as many as seven categories. With proper effort, you can easily upgrade your skills.

But the profession in question has its drawbacks. Among them are:

  • Employment problems. A workplace can not be obtained immediately. This is what you should pay attention to before you enter the specialty of “Process Pump Engineer”. Jobs, unfortunately, are far from everywhere.
  • High responsibility. Workers have really many functions and responsibilities. Almost every driver of technological pumps agrees with this. Nonetheless, the training of a profession will help to fully get used to and gain all the necessary knowledge and skills.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9580/

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