What is the best profession?

Choosing a profession is not an easy question. You always want to find yourself the best place where you can work and develop at the same time. Therefore, sooner or later, each person faces the question of what is the best profession for him. Where does he want to settle down? Who to be?

It’s hard to answer. After all, it is no secret to anyone that each person has his own views on life and work. So, one specialty is the best for some, and the worst for others. You should not be surprised at such ambiguity - everyone decides for himself. But what answers can be found most often? What say, for example, applicants? What specialties are preferred?

the best profession

By gender

It is difficult to say for sure which answers to our today's question are most common. After all, you can divide all professions into many categories, each highlight its own characteristics and selection criteria for the best option. So you yourself must decide which direction to give preference.

It is important to remember that how the best profession is determined, no matter how strange it may sound, directly depends on gender. That is, for men and women, this question will most often have different answers. This is a normal occurrence. For example, a man may consider shipbuilding to be the best direction, and a woman would prefer to work as a store administrator or secretary. But still, what options are most often found in polls?

For girls

The best professions for girls are, as you might guess, areas that do not require much physical effort. We can say that the fair sex is most often offered by intellectual and creative professions. Those that do not imply special physical exertion. This is normal.

And what is the best profession for girls and women? Many will answer - the administrator. And it doesn’t matter which one and where. That is, in fact, a leadership position that does not imply heavy physical exertion.

Also among the most popular and best ideas for employment, the fair sex can offer a profession:

  • hairdresser;
  • manicure / pedicure masters;
  • fitness trainer;
  • waitresses
  • secretary;
  • the operator;
  • sales manager;
  • beautician.

In general, purely female trends. Very good options. But it's up to you.

the best profession in the world


The best professions for men are not those that make you work physically. Rather, it is customary to choose directions that bring moral and spiritual satisfaction, career prospects and, of course, high profits. Also often the best profession for the stronger sex is some narrow specialty.

Here you can highlight a lot of different options. It depends on what criteria to evaluate. In any case, men believe that they are more suited to leadership positions, as well as something like a driver (driver), installer, welder, engineer, businessman. As you can see, there are also quite diverse directions. It is generally accepted that there are purely male trends that are suitable only for the stronger sex. And among them, such professions as engineer, builder, welder, installer, programmer are the best.


But this is not worth stopping at. You can often hear that the best profession in the world is one that brings you pleasure and moral satisfaction. Often people work in one direction or another just for the sake of money, quietly hating their own responsibilities.

All this leaves its mark on the effectiveness of fulfilling labor obligations. And of course, even if the work brings good profit, but at the same time it does not concern spiritual and moral satisfaction at all, such an option will not be considered the best.

the best profession 94

Once again, the best profession is one that brings moral satisfaction. That is, you are happy to go to work and gladly fulfill your duties. And among these, creative professions are most often found:

  • photographer;
  • writer / poet;
  • designer;
  • programmer;
  • videographer;
  • designer;
  • Beautician
  • the hairdresser.

Nevertheless, the list goes on and on. Indeed, perhaps, any profession to which you surrender with all your heart will be considered the best. So here you decide for yourself what direction will be in the first place for you.


Often, the imprint on both popularity and the prestige of a particular direction is left by earnings. The best paid professions are considered to be the best. But each country has its own views on this. What options are found in Russia?

what is the best profession

Businessman, engineer, programmer, system administrator, IT specialist, builder, designer, economist, lawyer, lawyer, private doctor, deputy, official - these are the professions that are most often called among the well-paid. So, they are the best for most citizens.

The list does not end there. Moreover, if you look at the statistics, then teachers, rescuers and doctors can be added to popular specialties. Only in practice, their salary is not the largest. And these areas, if we evaluate them by earnings, alas, will never become leaders in our current issue.

For students

The best professions in Russia for students are almost any job. It is generally accepted that a direction that allows you to combine study and work is what students will like. This is somewhat correct. Indeed, it is far from always and not in all specialties that one can work and study at the same time.

The best profession for a student, if you look closely at the places of employment of students, is to work as a waiter or cashier / cook in a fast food cafe. You can include the manager-consultant, the seller in the clothing / cosmetics store, as well as the nanny, merchandiser or operator on the phone. In reality, these areas cannot be considered the best and most profitable, but for students they are most suitable.

Professions can be judged by the game.

What is the best profession? "94%" is a game that asks a similar question. And you need to answer it. How exactly? What, according to the creators of this product, is considered the best option for employment?

the best professions for girls

You can answer in different ways. The first option that is offered is a doctor. You can’t do without it. Such a person saves the lives and health of patients every day, so his activities fit the definition of "the best profession."

But here, too, there are other options. In second place is the teacher. Also extremely important, and therefore the best specialty. Further, the president (also prestigious), actors (everyone knows about them), astronauts (everyone used to answer that way), bankers (profitable direction), directors (leadership position, which means the best) and lifeguards. All these options, according to the game "94%", are the best professions. It is interesting that in practice, often citizens do not give preference to many areas of the above.

The medicine

It is generally accepted that the best profession in the world is a doctor. Moreover, if you ask citizens, many will express such an opinion. Yes, working as a doctor is not so easy. This is a huge responsibility. Therefore, this direction is decided to somehow elevate in comparison with the rest.

the best professions in Russia

But in practice, a slightly different picture is obtained. It’s no secret that the best professions in Russia for some reason are not included in their list of doctors. Except perhaps for some narrow specialists, and even with the prefix “private”. In our country, doctors are state employees. And they get a low salary for their daily work. And this is a direct indicator that doctors in Russia are not too valued.

Therefore, speaking of medicine, we can safely say that the best profession is a private doctor. Any orientation. This is especially true for dentists, dentists, cosmetologists and psychologists. A private doctor makes good money, which attracts the interest of citizens in this area.


It is also worth paying attention to another rather important area of ​​human life - this is education. Teachers, according to statistics, are highly valued in Russia. And their work (by analogy with doctors) can be considered the best. Only again, in practice, it turns out somewhat differently.

Teachers are also state employees. Their responsibility is high, but their salary is not very. Therefore, such a profession is not in great demand in Russia. More precisely, the country needs such personnel, but there are few candidates.

the best paid professions

The prestigious and best profession of a teacher is considered when it comes to tutoring, as well as private lessons. In general, the situation is comparable to doctors. Public sector teachers are not what they strive for. But the "private sector" stands out already by many citizens.

Finding out which profession is the best is almost impossible. How many people - so many opinions. Nevertheless, we called several fairly popular and common options.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9583/

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