Dream Tulle: Dream Book

We have all kinds of dreams. But whatever these visions are, they are always symbolic. And, accordingly, in each of them there is a certain meaning. If you dream about tulle, you should definitely look into the dream book. This is an unusual vision, so now it will be discussed precisely its significance.

21st Century Interpreter

From this book you can learn a lot of interesting things. Here are the interpretations this dream book offers:

  • Tulle fluttered on the windows, and the dreamer watched with fascination? This suggests that he does not succeed in solving his problems, which it is high time to pay off.
  • The girl was a dreamer, and she bought a beautiful tulle for herself? This portends her the appearance in life of a noble, impressive and wealthy man.
  • For a guy, the vision in which he saw the tulle means increased attention from the opposite sex. His popularity among women will suddenly increase.
  • Tulle torn? Such a vision also has a good explanation. It says that, despite all the difficulties that a person will face in the near future, he will succeed.
  • Did the dreamer hang the tulle on the windows? This bodes down onerous and pleasant chores.

As you can see, mainly tulle is interpreted as a positive symbol by the 21st century dream book. And if the vision did not cause disturbing thoughts in a person, then you should not worry.

Waving white tulle

White and black

When interpreting vision, it is important to consider the color of the fabric. Here is what the dream book says:

  • Did the white tulle just flutter on the window? This suggests that it is time for a person to let go of all his thoughts of concern. All troubles and problems will be solved by themselves.
  • For a girl, this image is a foreshadow of a marriage proposal. Whoever does it will become an attentive and caring husband.
  • For a married woman, this vision is a portent of divorce. And the initiator of the breakdown will be herself. The reason will be the neglect of the spouse and the lack of attention on his part. After the divorce, she will begin a new, happy life.

But the black tulle dream book is perceived as a bad sign. For a girl, this image portends a break in relations that will bring a sea of ​​pain.

But he promises a man serious trials - the appearance of large debts and the loss of a loved one.

The dream book will tell you what the tulle dreams of

Other shades

Continuing to talk about what the tulle on the window means in accordance with the modern dream book, it is worth paying attention to other colors. Here are some other options:

  • Gold. A tulle of this color represents the pursuit of happiness and harmony.
  • Blue. Usually portends new acquaintances, which at first will bring some problems, but later prove to be useful.
  • Green. A tulle of this color portends joy and satisfaction.
  • Red. It portends positive changes in personal life. Perhaps the emergence of a "second half" or the exit of existing relationships to a new level.
  • Gray. This is a disappointment.

Most importantly, the tulle should not be dirty and old. Because it portends quarrels, conflicts and serious troubles. And here it doesn’t matter what color they were.

Black tulle in a dream

The interpreter of Medea

It is worth looking into this dream book. Tulle interpretation has the following:

  • To the young man, a new curtain on the windows promises a profitable marriage.
  • If she fluttered, then the vision promises a pleasant, but short-lived love affair.
  • Was the dreamer's tulle annoying? This suggests that very soon he will try to hide from strangers the events of his personal life.
  • Did you hang tulle on the windows? The dream interpretation considers it a favorable sign. Very soon the dreamer will in reality acquire new things or make a long-awaited purchase.
  • Did a man hang completely transparent, colorless curtains on the windows? This suggests that he will soon be engaged in a business that will begin to bring him maximum pleasure.

It is also worth mentioning that expensive, luxurious curtains portend a rich and comfortable life. But torn and old curtains warn of the need in life to deal with adversity.

What does the dream tulle portend?

Miller's Dream Book

In this popular source, you can also read something interesting about the meaning of the vision in which tulle appeared.

A man erased it, but in the process did it break? This is good. This means that very soon the dreamer will finally get rid of all the troubles and difficulties that overcome him.

If the tulle did not tear, and the person calmly reached it, and then hung it to dry, this is also good. This vision portends a difficult struggle with ill-wishers, enemies and competitors, but the dreamer will master it.

But if a person bought this piece of furniture, after which he went to hang a tulle - a dream book is recommended to relax. Vision is a good sign as it portends positive changes in life.

If you dream about tulle, then you should look into the dream book

Loff's Dream Interpretation

This interpreter sees every vision in which something textile and airy is present, sees it as a mysterious sign. It is recommended to remember on whose window the person saw the tulle. On your own? So, in reality, he is afraid that someone will learn about his secrets. On a stranger? This is because soon someone will entrust him with classified information.

A waving white tulle warns against waste and unnecessary acquisitions. If you don’t “tighten the belt” in time, you will have to face serious financial difficulties.

By the way, often curtains and curtains embody attempts to intervene in the dreamer's personal life. If nothing special happens in it, then you should take this sign as a harbinger of the unexpected arrival of guests.

But on the other hand, new, not swaying curtains portend the beginning of a new relationship. Entering into a romantic relationship with someone, a person needs to be prepared for the fact that this will provoke the appearance of a mass of gossip about him and his relationship with a new partner.

What does dreaming tulle mean?

Esoteric dream book

The interpretations offered by this book are worth considering in the end. Here are the interpretations in this interpreter:

  • Had to hang a tulle on the curtain? This is for a change in personal life. If managed to hang evenly, then they will be positive.
  • The girl dreamed how she tried on a black tulle? This is the most unfavorable vision. It promises grief and misfortune.
  • Was the tulle stained with blood? Such a vision warns a person that his enemies started another villainy. This portends a girl a quarrel with her lover, because of which their relationship will cool.
  • Did you give someone a red tulle? This is a meeting with a persistent person who will do everything just to get the dreamer's attention. But you should not respond to it. It is unlikely that a connection with such a person will end with something good.
  • Did the wind rip the tulle from the curtain and take it somewhere in an unknown direction? This is to the appearance in the life of the dreamer of people who will play a big role in it.

By the way, there’s also Freud’s spicy dream book! It indicates a very interesting interpretation. A sprawling tulle is a hint that a person should have more and more fun. Following this advice, he will be surprised to notice how much the quality of his life has improved.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9588/

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