What is ICQ? How to install ICQ for Windows or Android

Almost every person who has access to the Internet at least once in his life knows about what ICQ is, or, as we are used to say among our compatriots. This text messaging system used to be called an “Internet pager,” since there really are a lot of similarities with this small device. Mostly text can be transmitted via ICQ, and in small volumes. Each message comes instantly, regardless of the speed of the Internet. But in order to understand in more detail what ICQ is, when it appeared and how exactly it works, we will consider everything in order.

what is icq

The first most realistic communication

Nowadays, there are a lot of social networks, thanks to which you can not only very quickly correspond with the interlocutor, but also talk in real time, and even see him through a webcam. However, literally 10-15 years ago, all this did not happen, but a program like ICQ has become a real find for the public.

Compared to email, this application works much faster and more efficiently. You can choose different statuses for yourself, tag them, attach a whole lot of emoticons to your messages. In the old days, when ICQ just appeared, it immediately captivated millions of people with its realism and high speed of sending messages. In offices and apartments, people started installing ICQ for the computer, choosing for this purpose such well-known programs as the standard ICQ client, QIP, Jimm and many others.

icq for windows

Some points when registering

It is worth noting that nowadays, ICQ is almost never used. Young people prefer Skype, VKontakte, Viber, and other services with which you can communicate through speech, rather than correspondence, and even see each other from a distance. Nevertheless, in some cases, the installation of "Asi" is necessary for work or other reasons (for example, in some eastern countries it is really possible to communicate only through ICQ, since access to other networks is blocked).

In order to create an account here, download the client program to the computer. Most often, we note that people prefer QIP. Initially, this program is built in English, but today you can find a Russified version. After downloading, all that remains for you is to fill out the appropriate fields. You come up with a nickname (you can be found by it), then enter the name, surname (optional), indicate gender, age and, if you want, you can also fill in the column that indicates your interests. At the end of the procedure, you also need to come up with an ICQ password and confirm it.

icq for android

ICQ Number Exchange and Communication

Before we move on to the moment of searching for friends within ICQ, it is worth noting something. Be sure to write down the ICQ password that you think of for yourself, since it is extremely difficult to recover it. Of course, if you are well versed in computers and devices of various servers, you can associate your ICQ for Windows with mail. So, through the “soap” it will then be easier to recover the password. In other cases, it is very problematic to do this, and most often people start new numbers.

After the registration was successful, you get a UIN - that’s what your “number” is called by which your friends can find you. It is also used to log into the system. You enter this number, an invented password, and you will immediately see a list of your contacts, who is online, who is not, and so on. Similarly, entering your friends in the UIN search box, you find them in ICQ, add them to your contact list and communicate with them.

password icq

Appearance and design of your correspondence

We figured out what ICQ is and how to become its client, and now we will consider how the communication process will take place. Most often, people prefer to chat via QIP, which contains two windows: one with contacts, the other with messages.

The dialog box is divided into two parts. At the top, the history of correspondence with the selected user is shown, at the bottom you type the text itself. Contacts are arranged in alphabetical order, and those whose nickname begins with the English letter are higher than others whose name is written in Cyrillic. It is worth noting that in your contact list you can change the nicknames of users, and only you will know about it. Also, all your friends who are online now are pulled up to the top, and offline users remain below.

It is also important to remember one important point related to the exchange of information in ICQ. Correspondence is always tied to a specific program, to a specific computer. If VKontakte is a network that saves your messages no matter which device you logged into, then in ACE the opposite is true.

icq for computer

Internet pager for modern mobile devices

A few years ago we still used standard mobile phones, for which we came up with a whole lot of “awesome” programs. Now all mobile devices operate on Windows, IOS or Android operating systems. For them, manufacturers of the Internet product have developed new versions of this program that allow you to communicate in real time with the same comfort and speed.

For example, ICQ for Android is already 18 applications that work differently and have a diverse design. Among these can be called Asia, Slick, Imo.Im, Meebo IM and many others. You can download them through the Play-market and install it on any Android platform for free. Looking at the different versions of these programs, you will notice that the design of some of them is completely borrowed from Quip, while others look like Skype. In some similar applications, the dialog box looks exactly like the VKontakte correspondence. In general, there are many options, and which one to choose is a matter of your taste and preference.

icq correspondence

What is ICQ nowadays and how does it work?

Nowadays, thanks to the ICQ information exchange system, you can send not only small text messages to your interlocutors, but also photos, Word files, archives and much more. Both in new versions of computer programs and in clients for mobile devices there is a “attach” function, and all that remains for you is to select the desired document and send it.

Of course, this is not the limit of technological progress, and many people today prefer newer services for communication. However, writing in “ICQ”, you can remain mysterious, mysterious, not as open and accessible as, say, in “Skype” or in the same “Contact”. The interlocutor will see only what you send him, and everything else will remain secret from your friends. Only basic information remains available to them, as well as your status. You, in turn, can also change it and be online only for a separate list of friends.

Little conclusion

Now you know the brief history of this communication service. Based on the above material, you can also decide whether to install this program on your portable device or computer or not. Although it is worth noting that "Asya" is the best way to communicate for people who are at a great distance from each other. Therefore, everyone who wants to know about the lives of their distant relatives and left friends is recommended to install this application.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K959/

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