Why do we need lawn grass? How to plant lawns correctly?

Each of us tries to make our existence as comfortable and cozy as possible. That is why a person ennobles the space surrounding him, not only inside the home, but also outside. Lawn grass is designed to perform the same functions in the garden as the living room in the house. Therefore, it is very important for the owners of their sites to know what lawn grass is. How to plant lawns correctly?

lawn grass how to plant

In fact, the purpose of lawns is much broader than the function of a simple green lawn near a house. This is an element of decor, a place for parties and picnics. In addition, a dense lawn prevents the germination of weeds.

How to plant lawn grass so that it fully carries a protective function, retains moisture in the soil and protects it from drying out? Let's try to figure it out.

Seeds of such herbs come in several varieties, and, accordingly, lawns can be: decorative, sports, flowering, regenerative, universal. As a rule, blooming, universal or decorative varieties are used in garden plots. Particularly distinguished is the grass variety. If you know how to plant lawn grass and follow the rules for caring for it, then its freshness and beauty will bring joy all season. So how do you make yourself feel so good?

Lawn grass: how to plant correctly?

There are certain factors for successful lawn planting. First of all, this is the climate, soil indicators, the choice of plant variety, etc. are also taken into account. However, any advice should be considered only as a material for reflection, and not as a guide to action.

how to plant lawn grass

According to experts, the most suitable time for sowing grass is from August to September. This is explained by the fact that the soil at such a time is soft and saturated with moisture. There is plenty of heat and light for seed germination . However, there are no restrictions on the landing time. This can be done under the May sun or already in the first summer month.

Before deciding why lawn grass is needed, how to plant it correctly, make sure the quality of the soil. Be sure to properly fertilize the earth. In specialized stores you can buy excellent top dressing for high-quality growth of lawn grass. A prerequisite is the leveling and compaction of the soil.

As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the following information on the packaging: what kind of lawn grass is, how to plant it correctly. After planting seeds, it is very important to deepen them in the ground. This will protect the crops from birds and speed up the shoot process.

After germination, lawn grass also requires a lot of attention. It needs to be watered and trimmed, otherwise the lawn will quickly lose its aesthetic appearance.

Landing stages

First step: preparing the ground. We clean the site from last year's foliage and debris. Remove weeds with roots. You can remove the topsoil, then pour new soil. It is advisable to fertilize the earth. Second step: start landing. You do not need to dig up the soil, it is better to carefully compact the surface. Just before sowing, just walk a rake and loosen it.

how to plant lawn grass

If the earth is dry, you need to water it. Then we sow the seeds. When everything is ready, you need to water again. In a week, sprouts appear, and after another two, the time for cutting is coming.

Now the lawn will delight you and serve as a beautiful green rug!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9590/

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