Watermelon diet: benefits and harms. Watermelon diet: reviews of doctors, contraindications

Watermelon diet for weight loss every year attracts more and more girls who want to part with extra pounds. Does she suit everyone? How long does it take to eat a special diet to get visible results? Who is contraindicated in a watermelon diet? You will find reviews, photos and other materials in the article.

Watermelon diet benefits and harms

What is the use of striped berries

Watermelons are rich in riboflavin, carotene and antioxidants. They also contain B vitamins, magnesium, ascorbic and folic acid. Watermelon is extremely beneficial for the kidneys and heart. To obtain a daily rate of magnesium, it is enough to eat only 100 g of striped berries. It is worth noting that a deficiency of this trace element can cause weakness, nervous strain and muscle cramps.

Side Effects of Watermelons

For all its merits, the striped berry can also harm the body, especially if it is consumed excessively. What is the harm of a watermelon diet? Firstly, this product has a strong diuretic effect. For people with kidney problems, this can be a serious challenge. Secondly, with the use of watermelon, along with some products, bloating and the formation of gases can be observed, so this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone.

Watermelon diet: reviews of doctors

Watermelon diet for weight loss
To avoid health problems it is worth listening to the opinion of experts: is the watermelon diet so good? Benefit and harm - which of these outweighs? We are ready to share the necessary information.

We invite you to consider in detail what a watermelon diet is. Doctors reviews help determine its effectiveness. The ability of a watermelon to accelerate the process of weight loss is associated with several factors. The first can be called its diuretic effect. Watermelon allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, and this is minus 1-2 kg. Great for unloading! The second factor is that the flesh of the watermelon fills the stomach. For several hours, a person feels full. The calorie content of watermelon is 38 calories per 100 g of product. It is permissible to eat no more than 1-1.5 kg of pulp per day. Excessive use may cause gastrointestinal problems. Side effects include dehydration and diarrhea.

Watermelon diet for weight loss is contraindicated for people suffering from:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • urolithiasis;
  • diabetes mellitus accompanied by impaired renal function;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • prostate adenoma.

Now you understand that not everyone fits the watermelon diet. The benefits and harms must be analyzed and compared. Otherwise, health problems cannot be avoided.

Watermelon Diet

Pros of the diet :

  1. Easy to carry.
  2. Helps to cleanse the body (from toxins, excess fluid, etc.).
  3. Improves a metabolism.
  4. Not accompanied by a feeling of hunger.
  5. It does not require serious cash costs.
  6. Allows you to achieve good results in a short time.

Cons of the diet :

  1. Does not cover the body's need for fats, proteins, and certain other substances.
  2. Increases the load on the organs of the urinary system.
  3. Represents a certain stress for the body.

Fasting days

3-day watermelon diet

A watermelon diet will help you get rid of 2-3 kg that appeared after plentiful feasts. The benefits and harms of this method of losing weight have been considered by us earlier. Now it's time to talk about the varieties and features of the diet on watermelons. According to doctors, the most effective and safe option for health is holding fasting days. The duration of such a mini-diet is 24 hours. Eat from 0.5 to 2 kg of pulp, dividing this amount into 4-5 receptions. Between meals, you can drink a cup of green tea. In addition to watermelon, for lunch you need to eat a plate of boiled rice or steamed chicken.

Watermelon Diet Options

For girls who have 10 or more extra pounds, one fasting day will not be enough. To obtain visible results, they need to adhere to a special diet for several days.

5-day watermelon diet

3-day watermelon diet

The necessary conditions:

  • We divide 1.5 kg of pulp into 3-5 receptions.
  • During the diet, the use of crackers and black bread is allowed, but in reasonable quantities.
  • You can drink plain water and mineral water without gas. Tea and coffee are prohibited.
  • Weight loss in three days of drinking watermelons will be 2-3 kg. After a week, the diet can be repeated, but do not get involved in this method of losing weight.

Watermelon diet for 5 days. First option

  • For breakfast, we consume 300 g of watermelon pulp. After an hour, we drink a cup of green tea, eat yogurt (low fat) or toast with a thin layer of Parmesan cheese.
  • Lunch: 300-350 g of watermelon. After an hour, you can eat light soup, boiled chicken or fish, steamed without salt.
  • Dinner: 300 g of watermelon pulp. After an hour, eat a vegetable salad (without potatoes).

Second option

  • For breakfast and lunch, it is allowed to use a vegetable salad, two pieces of cheese, lean meat, steamed fish and unsweetened cereals cooked on water. As a dressing, you can use lemon juice and low-fat yogurt.
  • For dinner, eat 1-1.5 kg of watermelon. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water (regular or mineral without gas).

Diet efficiency

With strict observance of the diet and the recommendations of doctors for a week, you can get rid of 2-7 kg. The result depends on several factors: the initial weight, the characteristics of the organism of a particular person and the type of watermelon diet chosen.

Harm watermelon diet

Physical activity in the process of losing weight plays an important role. Push-ups, squats and other exercises only contribute to the active breakdown of subcutaneous fat. In addition, physical activity will prevent sagging skin, which often occurs with rapid weight loss. Take note of this.

Reviews about the watermelon diet can not be called unambiguous. However, this state of affairs is understandable: this diet was suitable for some, but not for someone. If we analyze the reviews left by losing weight girls, we get the following picture. The best result was obtained by those who strictly followed all the rules and recommendations, as well as went in for sports (at least at home). Negative reviews were received from girls who violate the prescribed regimen. They complain of a poor diet, dizziness and slight weight loss. Be that as it may, there are more positive reviews than negative ones.

At the same time, doctors do not associate dizziness and nausea with nitrates contained in watermelons, but with bacteria or chemicals that impregnated the watermelon peel. In order to avoid such consequences, it is not recommended to buy fruits in a cut form. If you purchased a whole watermelon, wash it thoroughly before eating.

The right way out of weight loss

Losing extra pounds is only half the battle. It is necessary to exit the diet correctly in order to maintain the results. How to do this in this case?

Watermelon diet reviews photos

After you get a good result, eating a pulp of watermelon, you need at least 7-10 days to adhere to a certain diet. We offer you the following menu option.

Breakfast :

  • oat, buckwheat or rice porridge on the water (you can alternate them);
  • hard-boiled egg, a slice of cheese or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Lunch :

  • vegetable salad with chopped herbs (can be seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice);
  • lean meat or steamed fish.

Dinner :

  • 1-1.5 kg of pulp of watermelon.

What do we know about watermelons

Finally, we decided to list the most interesting facts about the striped berry:

  1. The main component of watermelon is water (from 85 to 90%). Unlike other fruit juices, there are no complex sugars. This means that even diabetics can consume the flesh of watermelon (of course, moderately), without fear for their health.
  2. Low calorie content. 100 g of the product contains only 38 calories.
  3. The antioxidants contained in the striped fruits protect the female body from age-related damage. Watermelons of some varieties even have an anti-cancer effect.
  4. Scientists from the Texas Center for the Study of Vegetables and Fruits made one interesting discovery. They found in watermelons the substance citrulline, which in the process of metabolism turns into arginine, contributing to the expansion of blood vessels. By this action, the striped berry was even better than the Viagra preparation.


Now you know what a watermelon diet is. The benefits and harms of it for the body are quite clear to us. Is it worth it to try this method of getting rid of extra pounds - it's up to you. Good luck!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9597/

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