Hunting in KOMI: terms of permitted hunting, beginning of a season, obtaining a license, payment rules and membership in a hunting club

In Russia, the number of hunters is constantly increasing. For some, this becomes a hobby, and for someone, the only way to get food and farm. The hunting periods of Komi are established taking into account the rules that apply in the territory of the Russian Federation. The article details how and where you can hunt in this region.

Komi Republic

Normative base

Hunting in KOMI is determined by the Federal Law No. 209 of the Russian Federation โ€œOn the Protection and Preservation of Hunting Resourcesโ€. It is this law that relates to the conservation of hunting grounds. He only touches on the rules of the hunt itself. This legal act has been repeatedly amended. In particular, the latest edition deals with the following points:

  • hunting restrictions;

  • production requirements for certain types of prey: furs, bears, ungulates, steppe, pine forest, mountain, swamp, meadow, waterfowl;

  • requirements for the use of hunting birds and dogs;

  • standards for shooting and trapping animals;

  • installations for shooting and catching animals.

These items are reflected in the approved Rules. Hunting in Komi is regulated by regional parameters of this type of activity.

Komi Republic hunting seasons

Spring period

In this season, pine forest, waterfowl is in special demand. How is hunting organized in KOMI? Spring is the time when lovers of this industry go to the territory of the land. In the region, the following territories are allocated for these purposes:

  • municipalities of the districts "Koygorodsky", "Priluzsky", "Sysolsky" (dates from April 27 to May 6);

  • Moscow Region Kortkerossky, Syktyvdinsky, Ust-Kulomsky, Ust-Vymsky, Udorsky (from April 30 to May 9);

  • MO of municipal districts "Sosnogorsk", "Troitsko-Pechora";

  • MO of urban districts "Vuktyl", "Ukhta" (from May 7 to May 16);

  • MO of the municipal districts Izhemsky, Ust-Tsilemsky, Pechora (from May 14 to May 23);

  • MO of the urban districts Inta and Vorkuta (from May 21 to May 30).

What are the remaining hunting dates? The Komi Republic is no different in other indicators from the Federal Rules.

Komi hunt opening

Autumn period

According to paragraph 41.1, marsh, meadow, waterfowl, steppe, as well as field game are determined from 2 Saturday August to 15 November. Hunting in the Komi Republic under paragraph 41.3 is allowed for upland fowl from the penultimate Saturday of August to the end of February.

With hunting birds and dogs:

  • with continental and island cops, spaniels, marsh and meadow game retrievers without pneumatic and (or) firearms for hunting weapons (from July 10 to July 24);

  • on steppe and field game without pneumatic and (or) firearms from July 10 to August 4;

  • on steppe, field, and upland game during the period from August 5 to December 31.

Hunting in KOMI for game birds with a single gun dog is allowed with the participation of no more than 3 hunters. Moreover, each of them must have permits.

Hunting for waterfowl with hunting dogs without weapons is carried out in the period from August 1.

Hunting for game birds with hunting birds is expected during the period from July 25 to December 31. In autumn, brown bears are allowed to be hunted from August 1 to November 30.

Ungulates are allowed in the following periods:

  • for all age groups of wild boars from June 1 to the end of February;

  • on adult male moose from September 1 to September 30.

There are some features in the timing of hunting for fur:

  • from 3 Saturday August to 31 October, chipmunk mining is permitted;

  • from June 1 to October 25 for an ordinary mole;

  • from September 15 to February 28 for a hare (roe, white hare), wolf, fox, jackal, otter, beaver (Canadian, European);

  • badger hunting is permitted from August 15 to October 31;

  • From 3 Saturday August to the end of February, the production of squirrels, minks, martens, and ferrets is allowed.

General rules

Hunting in KOMI is carried out according to general rules. Which is important to observe. The hunter must have:

  • hunting ticket;

  • permission to carry and store hunting weapons;

  • permission for the extraction of hunting resources, permit

At the request of the inspector or other officials, the hunter is required to produce documents. He is also required to comply with the norms and terms for the extraction of hunting resources. On the back of the resolution after the extraction of the animal you need to make a special mark.

Komi hunting dates

Obtaining permission through "State services"

How to get to the opening of the hunt? KOMI is one of the other regions in which official permission for this type of activity can be issued through the State Services portal. To begin with, it is important to understand exactly where it will go: in public or private lands. The second option involves the purchase of a ticket in the office of the hunting farm. If it is decided to go hunting in the state forests of Komi, the following documents will be required to obtain permission through the State Services:

  • passport;

  • hunting ticket;

  • TIN;

  • type of game;

  • deadlines;

  • state duty.

A permit, a hunting ticket, permits - those documents that are important to take with you. It is important to comply with the terms of the permit. Any violations are punishable by ticket cancellation or fines. In order to obtain a permit for the extraction of certain game, you must go to your personal account on the "State services".

Next, the opening of the hunt is chosen - the KOMI Republic (region). A questionnaire appears, which is important to fill out correctly. It must be remembered that the state duty applies to one application. For a different type of game, you will need to fill out a new questionnaire and pay an additional fee. The finished document is sent to the applicant by registered mail or by e-mail.

hunting specifics in the republic

Important aspects

This year, according to the new hunting rules in the Russian Federation, the following bans are established:

  • to get game with firearms from housing closer than 200 meters;

  • shoot at an incomprehensible target, at noises and rustles;

  • shoot at game, which sits on poles, supports, information signs;

  • to hunt the pen drive.

Hunting rules do not propose adjustments to the terms when hunting is permitted or prohibited. In particular, in Komi there is a ban from July 10 to 24 for hunting with pneumatic and firearms.

The following are permitted:

  • from July 25 to November 15, you can hunt with dogs, weapons, birds of prey;

  • from July 10 to December 31, production is allowed for field game without weapons;

  • from August 1 - to a fox, waterfowl, hare without weapons, with driven dogs;

  • from August 25, on a hare and a fox with weapons.

Among the main prohibitions established in the Rules:

  • be on mechanized, swimming means, air and aircraft in the land;

  • you can not use weapons with a long rifled barrel;

  • hunt feathered game from smooth-bore weapons with bullets and shots of more than five millimeters, use semi-automatic weapons in collective hunting with a capacity of more than five rounds.

opening of hunting in the Komi Republic

What to consider

According to Order No. 512, spring hunting in Komi only for upland and waterfowl is carried out. The order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation prohibits fishing for gray geese in the spring. The term is limited to ten calendar days.

KOMI, like any other region of the Russian Federation, has the right to independently set specific dates that do not contradict Russian law.

The autumn season in KOMI this year is represented by the following dates:

  • from October 13 to January 10 on the moose;

  • from August 1 to November 30 on a brown bear;

  • from October 1 to February 28 on a water vole, on a muskrat;

  • from October 1 to February 28 for the Arctic fox;

  • from the last Saturday of August to the end of February for pine forest.

On the territories of the Moscow Region, the urban districts Inta and Vorkuta, mining of waterfowl is allowed from May 18 to 27. From May 11 to 20, hunting is allowed on the farms of the Izhevsk, Ust-Tsilemsky municipal districts.

hunting komi

To summarize

City bustle, constant stress, all this negatively affects the mental state of people. That is why many citizens go hunting to enjoy communication with wildlife.

In order not to become a poacher instead of the planned rest and relaxation, it is necessary to strictly observe the Hunting Rules adopted by the KOMI (take a set of permits with you). They do not contradict all-Russian rules, differ only in some dates in the autumn and spring season. Vouchers for hunting elk and waterfowl in autumn are especially popular in the Komi Republic. Increasingly, hunting permits for residents of the region began to draw up through the Gosuslug portal.


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