How to get a speck out of your eye safely

Each person is familiar with the sensation that occurs when a foreign body enters the eye. Immediately there is a feeling of discomfort, pain, difficulty blinking, lacrimation. Such a nuisance can happen at any time. A mote, midge or eyelash may suddenly get into the eye. When working with metal, wood without the use of protective equipment, the organ of vision can be damaged by small chips.

In such a situation, you can not hesitate so as not to injure the eyeball and prevent the inflammatory process. This article proposes to consider how to remove a speck from a person’s eye.

how to get a speck from the eye

Actions that you can’t do

  • Rubbing the eyes. When an unpleasant sensation occurs, a person instinctively begins to rub the eyelid, involuntarily trying to get rid of the mote. You need to keep him from this, because through unwashed hands you can easily make an infection, and when rubbing, inflammation of the mucous membrane will inevitably appear.
  • Rinse with tap water. The tap fluid that most Russian residents consume today has a rather low quality score. It may contain microorganisms, microscopic specks or grains of sand. Treating the eyes with such water can be very harmful to eyesight.
  • Use of sharp objects. Trying to remove a foreign body, some people resort to tweezers, toothpicks, matches with a wound cotton swab. It is doubtful that such actions will bring relief, but irreparable can bring harm.
  • Forced blinking. Trying to get rid of an extra particle in the eye, a person begins to blink quickly. As a result, discomfort and pain can only intensify.
  • The use of folk remedies. Do not resort to dubious methods such as instilling eyes with honey or aloe juice. Removal of a foreign body using the tongue is also unacceptable. Such actions are unlikely to help, but to introduce a foreign protein and thereby cause a severe inflammatory process is very possible.

What to do first

First of all, you need to pull yourself together and not succumb to panic. Then wash your hands with soap. If this is not possible, then clean them with wet antibacterial wipes or drinking water from a bottle.

how to remove a speck from the eye How to remove a speck from an eye? Carefully pulling the eyelid, begin the slow rotation of the eyeballs in a circle in different directions. As a result, the speck will shift to the inner corner of the eye, and it can be removed with the corner of a paper towel or a clean handkerchief. It is convenient to do this if there is a mirror at hand.

If the previous steps did not help, then the question arises of how to get the speck out of the eye on its own in another way. You can draw warm water into a wide container and lower your face into it. Opening your eyes underwater, you should move them in different directions. Small particles will definitely come out.

How to get a speck from the eye with a beaker? In many people’s first-aid kits, there are likely to be special containers for washing their eyes. There are such improvised means and every motorist. With their help, the procedure is much more convenient.

Filling the beaker with water, firmly press it to the eye area and throw the head back. Being in this position, open and close your eyes wide several times.

Attention! Flushing water should only be used purified or boiled.

What to do if a speck gets into the eye of a child

With children in a similar situation, acting is a little more difficult. A small child can begin to cry, rub his eyes and thereby cause additional harm to himself.
How to get a speck out of a baby’s eyes painlessly? You need to try to calm him down and gently wipe the sore eye with a wet cosmetic swab in the direction from the outer corner to the inner one. The swab can also be made of gauze, bandage or a handkerchief.

how to get a mote out of your eye

It is good if a decoction of chamomile flowers is at hand - it is able to quickly relieve pain and relieve inflammation. You can also dampen a napkin with warm tea or clean water.

If these simple measures do not help, then do not hesitate, you should immediately contact a medical institution.

How to remove shavings from the eye

Do not think about how to get the speck out of the eye if it got there as a result of careless handling of metal or go to a tree. In this case, you need to urgently seek medical help.

Hard particles with sharp corners are dangerous because they can easily scratch or pierce the eyeball. Trying to independently remove a foreign body, you can only exacerbate the injury.

how to get a speck out of the eye yourself

In what cases should I see a doctor

There is a situation when a particle is safely removed from the eye, but the feeling of its presence still remains. How to remove a speck from an eye if it is not already there? Most likely, an unpleasant feeling arose due to rubbing or irritation of the eyelid. If unpleasant symptoms do not disappear within a few hours, it is best to go on a visit to an ophthalmologist.

If you managed to safely get rid of an extraneous object in your eye using your own forces , you can still further protect yourself from possible inflammation. To do this, instill the eye with special eye drops that have antibacterial properties.


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