Copper basin for jam: advantages and disadvantages

With the onset of the canning season, every housewife raises the question: what to cook jam? Of course, it’s better to do this in a large copper basin so that you can cook a lot of jam for the whole winter at a time. But about why a copper basin is suitable for this purpose, about the advantages and disadvantages of such dishes and about effective methods of cleaning it, we will tell in our article.

What utensils to choose for cooking jam?

Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of dishes that can be used in the process of making jam. It is clear that it is most convenient to cook it in a basin, not too deep and with a wide, even bottom. It remains only to find out what material it should be made of.

copper basin for jam

  1. Aluminum basin. Such dishes are not suitable for cooking jam from sour fruits and berries. Experts attribute this to the fact that the acid contained in them, when heated, destroys the oxide film on the surface of aluminum and thus the metal gets directly into the dish. If there is no other basin for making jam in the house, then you should at least gently wash it after cooking, do not use metal sponges, spoons and forks, so as not to damage the protective layer of aluminum on the surface of the dishes.
  2. Enameled basin. This dish for cooking jam is almost perfect, but you can use it only until the enamel is damaged and chips are not formed, otherwise it can also become hazardous to health.
  3. Stainless steel basin. Strong and reliable stainless steel cookware is also suitable for making jam. The stainless steel does not react with acid, it is a strong and durable metal. The only drawback is that jam in such dishes often burns.
  4. Copper basin for jam. It was in such dishes that our grandmothers cooked a sweet delicacy of fruits and berries. Why? The answer to this question is in this article.

Why is jam cooked in a copper basin?

Copper ware in Russia has been used for centuries. A samovar, a copper basin for cooking jam, pots, bowls - all this kitchen utensils were in every family. Such dishes were valued no less than wood, and jam was generally made only in a copper basin. The explanation is very simple.

why jam is cooked in a copper basin
Copper is one of the best heat conductors. In the process of making jam, the contents of the pelvis are heated evenly, do not stick and do not burn, and it does not even need to be stirred. However, in order to avoid the ingress of copper into the body, it is important to ensure that during preparation of the jam do not scratch (do not damage) the bottom and walls of the dishes. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to mix it, then it is recommended to use only a wooden spatula, and not a metal one.

The advantages of copper utensils

It should be noted the main advantages of a copper basin for making jam in front of dishes made of other metals:

  • high thermal conductivity of copper provides uniform heating;
  • jam very rarely sticks to the bottom and walls of the pelvis and does not burn;
  • fruits and berries during cooking can not be mixed;
  • attractive appearance of the dishes;
  • strength and durability (with proper care);
  • copper utensils have bactericidal properties, deactivating Staphylococcus aureus viruses;
  • relative copper safety for humans. Even when ingested, copper does not accumulate, but is gradually eliminated from the body.

is it possible to cook jam in a copper basin
A copper jam basin is an excellent dish for making sweet sweets from berries and fruits. But there are, however, some contraindications to its use.

Copper basin for jam: harm to the body

However, despite all the advantages of copper utensils, there is information that it can be very dangerous for humans. The harm to the body is as follows:

  • ions copper, which is released during the preparation of jam, destroys ascorbic acid contained in berries, as well as most other vitamins;
  • when cooking jam from sour berries, the acid contained in them reacts with copper. As a result of this, metal oxidation occurs, and harmful oxides enter the product;
  • Copper can cause irreparable harm to people with liver diseases. This is due to the fact that this body is responsible for filtering the blood and removing harmful substances from the body, including metals. If the functioning of the liver is impaired, then copper will accumulate in the body, which over time will lead to serious poisoning.

copper basin for jam harm
Now the question arises: is it possible to cook jam in a copper basin? It is possible and necessary, but there are several nuances. To avoid the harmful effects of copper oxides on the body is possible only thanks to high-quality cleaning dishes immediately after use. The darkened copper basin for jam is no longer suitable. It must be washed and polished properly to a shine. Leaving ready-made jam in such dishes is also not recommended. It should immediately be laid out on the banks.

How to cook jam in a copper basin

Regardless of which fruit or berries jam is made, the process of its preparation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Prepared berries, clean and with the seeds removed, are placed in a copper bowl for jam and pour in the cooled syrup made from 1 kg of sugar and 1 cup of water (per 1 kg of berries).
  2. Leave the berries, covered in syrup, in the basin for 3-4 hours. This will allow them not to deform during the cooking process.
  3. Cook the jam according to the recipe. His willingness is determined by several signs. Firstly, the foam is concentrated in the center of the jam, and not at the edges. Secondly, the syrup itself becomes viscous, even thick, and almost transparent.
  4. After this, the jam can be laid out in jars using a wooden spatula.

copper basin for jam cooking
After cooking, the used dishes should be immediately poured with water for several minutes, washed and dried.

Recipe for cooking in a copper basin

In a copper basin, you can make delicious blackcurrant jam. To do this, you need 5.5 cups of washed berries, 6 cups of sugar and 1.5 cups of water. First, sugar syrup must be made from water and sugar. Then pour the berries, sprinkled in a copper basin, prepared and slightly cooled syrup. After this, jam should be boiled for 15 minutes over low heat and rolled up in sterile jars.

How to clean a copper basin from burnt jam?

The situation when jam burns to the bottom of the copper basin is extremely rare. If this suddenly happened, then first of all you should try to fill the basin with water and salt and leave it in this form for several hours. After that, it will be possible to clean the copper basin from jam with the help of an ordinary soft sponge. All soot should be behind the bottom of the dishes.

clean the copper basin from jam
In general, it is recommended to wash any copper utensils by hand, in the most difficult cases using a mixture of salt, soda and flour.

Cleaning a copper basin from oxide

The jam remaining on the bottom and walls of the copper basin does not have to be cleaned so often, since it rarely sticks to its surface. A more common problem is cloudy, greenish spots, that is, traces of an oxidative reaction.

How to clean the copper basin for jam from oxide spots that protruded on the surface of the dishes? Here the most famous improvised tools are used:

  1. Hot water will help get rid of weak green spots. It is enough to just wash the basin well with soap or a mild detergent and wipe dry.
  2. If oxide spots have appeared on the surface of the copper basin, they can easily be removed with lemon and salt. To do this, apply a little salt to the cut half of the lemon and rub it with a stain. Then the pelvis should be washed in hot water and wiped dry with a cotton towel.
  3. Tomato paste or ketchup helps to get rid of oxidation. Any of the funds should be applied to the surface of the pelvis, rub a little with a soft sponge, and then rinse it off with warm water.
  4. Do not harm the surface of copper and ammonia. It is enough to moisten a cotton wool with this solution and wipe the stain remaining after oxidation.

how to clean a copper basin for jam
It should be remembered that even a clean copper basin for jam often loses its luster after crushing, it becomes cloudy. To avoid this, dishes should not be left wet after washing, but should be wiped dry immediately.

How much does a copper basin

Today, a copper basin is practically a rarity. Even for making jam, modern housewives prefer to buy dishes from stainless steel. But you can still buy a copper basin in Russia. Manufacturers offer such dishes at a price of 6 to 18 thousand rubles. The cost of a copper basin varies depending on its volume. So, for example, a basin with a volume of 4.5-5 liters will cost about 6 thousand, and with a capacity of 18 liters - already 18 thousand rubles.


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