Comparison of browsers: which is better

In the age of the Internet, the browser is the most important thing installed on the computer. That is why it is worth paying special attention to this component of the system. If the browser is good, then Internet surfing will be simple and enjoyable. If it is frankly no, then it will be very difficult to know all the delights of the Internet. To choose the most suitable option, you should make a full comparison of browsers. For we need the best of the best.

browser comparison

Most popular browsers

Today, there are several leaders in terms of Internet surfing. All of them differ in some respects. In general, almost all modern browsers do their job, but there are better ones among them.

Google chrome

Extremely fast browser from a team of developers from Google. It features built-in support for Flash-content and unrealistically high speed. However, it is also famous for its gluttony in terms of consumption of the device’s RAM. In this case, there is no difference which one: mobile or stationary.

Mozilla firefox

Free open source browser. Unbeatable security. At least according to the developers. It has an extensive database of various additions and extensions. Also, it does not load the computer at all. However, it is not at all friendly with Flash content and the player from Adobe.


Former legend. Once based on its own web engine, but switched to Blink. After that, Opera's popularity plummeted as it began to resemble all the "chrome-like" browsers. Now the situation is improving. The disadvantage of "Opera" is only a very poor equipment with applications.

"Yandex browser"

You can call it popular only if you consider that users are trying to shove it by hook or by crook along with installed programs. This is a clone of Google Chrome with Russian adaptation. Naturally, it has all the advantages and disadvantages of Chrome.

Yandex browser comparison


A new project designed to revive the classic "Opera". Since the final release was recently released, it's too early to talk about any interesting additions. But the speed of the browser is impressive. Perhaps soon this browser will be the best.

Microsoft edge

The standard browser in the operating system Windows 10. It replaced the obsolete outcast Internet Explorer. Oddly enough, the company from Redmond turned out to be something similar to an adequate browser. However, there is no optimization, but no add-ons. But it works smartly.

Now, let’s take a look at all these “crafts”, compare browsers and decide who deserves to take the honorable place of the “Default Browser” on our computer.

Google Chrome Give speed!

Perhaps the best browser of all. If you do not take into account the increased consumption of RAM. Comparison of browsers on memory consumption clearly shows that "Chrome" eats a lot. Even with one tab open. However, one can forgive him this sin, if we recall his many virtues.

mobile browser comparison

Browser launch time is 1.5 seconds. It is generally better to keep silent about the page load time, because measuring it is unrealistic. The store "Chrome" has a bunch of add-ons for all occasions. Plus - customization flexibility. The built-in Flash plugin is also worth a lot. In general, if you need a browser with all the working elements out of the box, then there is nothing better than Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox Security guru

Ognelis is a great choice for those who value safe surfing. It is also very convenient to use and has a huge database of add-ons for fully customizing it "for yourself." In tests, he is somewhat behind the Chrome. But only in minor aspects. For example, it starts a little longer. Yes, and a fanatical security attachment forced developers to completely abandon the leaky Adobe Flash.

browser performance comparison

Otherwise, Ognelis is a wonderful browser that supports everything you need for a comfortable work on the Internet. Separately, I would like to note that the browser is developed by the independent community of the Mozilla Foundation, which allows you to use it as a standard browser in free operating systems of the Linux family.

Opera Return of the legend

After the transition of "Opera" to the Blink engine, its popularity fell sharply. “Oldfags” began to yell with one voice that “Opera” is turning into “Chrome." But without new technologies, nowhere. Opera developers realized this and tried to make their browser as modern as possible to the detriment of the classic canons. And they did it very well. The performance of the new "Opera" is at the level of Firefox and Chrome. And the browser looks like regular Opera.

internet browsers comparison

The only significant drawback of "Opera" is the scarcity of additions. Several utilities to block ads are the whole arsenal. In terms of usability, Opera is clearly inferior to the browsers described above. Yes, and configure it for yourself is very difficult. A comparison of browser performance convincingly proves that Opera deserves to take an honorable third place in this competition.

"Yandex browser". Set to noise

The characteristics of this browser can be written off from the classic "Chrome". For this is the same program, but with the Russian adaptation and the default search from Yandex. Maybe it may be of interest to someone, but most often they install it by mistake, forgetting to uncheck the necessary item when installing any program completely unrelated to the Internet. The inclusion of this brainchild of Yandex in a comparison of browsers is due solely to its "chromosomeness."

Perhaps the browser would have become even a little popular, if not for the annoying and aggressive Yandex policy of imposing its offspring. Many users are wildly annoyed when they try to cram a completely unnecessary program. That is why most people use Chrome. To the peak of Yandex. And Yandex.Browser, by the way, has an excellent adapted search on the Russian segment of the Internet. This is in addition to all the "chrome" pluses. This is Yandex.Browser. Comparing it with other products does not make sense, since it is completely copied.

Vivaldi. Classic in a new wrapper

Against the background of nostalgia for the classic "Opera", the developers tried to create a new browser according to the classical canons. What did they do? It is not yet clear. The final release was presented in October 2016. Naturally, numerous patches will be issued in updated assemblies. But while the workmanship and speed are pleasantly surprising. Comparison of Windows browsers convincingly proves that a beginner deserves to occupy a prominent place among the recognized masters of the genre.

android browser comparison

Vivaldi has only one drawback so far - scarcity of supplements. Of course, they are, but even with them the browser is not yet able to work adequately. However, it is not like other Internet browsers. Comparison with full-fledged final releases of other products is somewhat dishonest, because it is a completely new and raw product. Now, when everything works fine in it, then it will be possible to compare it with others.

Microsoft Edge The second time on the same rake

At first, the new Microsoft browser impresses with its updated appearance and page opening speed. But upon closer inspection, you can see that this is still the same Explorer in a new wrapper and with some improvements. So, for example, he uses more RAM than the notorious "Chrome". And in terms of functionality, it is even behind Vivaldi. You can congratulate the corporation from Redmond with another failure. A comparison of browsers shows this.

windows browser comparison

If you look into the bowels of Edge, it becomes clear that he is not able to cope with Flash-animation and Java Script. How did he get on this list then? All his popularity is based on the fact that he is a regular browser of the new operating system. Accordingly, all owners of this OS use it in order to download a more sane browser. And they don’t open it again. That's all his popularity. It’s ridiculous to look at performance tests, because Edge weaves in the tail. What can I say? Microsoft in its repertoire.

Android Mobile Browsers

All of the above browsers have a mobile version. Except, perhaps, Vivaldi. But developers over time will eliminate this annoying misunderstanding. A comparison of browsers for Android devices shows that the priorities here are somewhat different. Palm goes to Firefox. It is he who is distinguished by an adequate display of pages, fast loading and the least amount of RAM consumed.

Chrome has the same problem as on a PC. He is too gluttonous. And if on a computer this is not very noticeable, then for a mobile gadget his appetite is critical. It loads unrealistically long. Especially on devices that have very modest specifications.

"Opera" is popular on mobile devices, so to speak, from the old memory. Once upon a time there were no special alternatives for smartphones in terms of browser. Everyone was in the Opera. But not only habit plays a role here. A balanced combination of speed, appearance and optimization makes Opera the second most popular browser on Android. Comparison of Android browsers would be incomplete without Opera.

Windows Phone Browsers

IOS and WP device owners also have an alternative. However, for the owners of "Windows", everything is much worse. The meager store of their system does not provide a special choice. On Windows Mobile 10 , the default mobile version of Edge is installed. Like a full-fledged one, it is not worth it to use. The most popular browser in the camp of owners of Windows phones is Opera. The selection and comparison of mobile browsers in this case does not work, since the WP platform has a very narrow range. Some may still install Ognelis, but its optimization on this mobile platform leaves much to be desired. Why is that? Perhaps it’s the Windows itself. Microsoft is known for its glitches in mobile OS.

IOS Browsers

Yabloko usually sit on stock Safari. And this is quite justified, because the balance of speed and performance is exactly the same as that needed for iOS and the current device. Although some people also install Ognelis, considering it much more convenient for surfing the Internet on Yabloko. Notice no "Chrome" and "Opera." Yabloko clearly know a lot about good browsers. Comparison of mobile browsers highlights one leading by a large margin - Mozilla Firefox. The best solution for a mobile device in terms of performance, appearance and driving comfort.


According to all of the above, an almost perfect browser for a personal computer is Google Chrome. It is he who has the best balance of performance, appearance, ergonomics and functionality. It brings him only excessive gluttony in terms of RAM. But for modern PCs and laptops this is not a problem.

In the mobile segment, everything is somewhat different. The fast and safe Mozilla Firefox wins here. A comparison of browsers showed that Ognelis steadily outperformed all its competitors. And with an impressive margin. The balance of speed, safety and ergonomics was perfect. And its undemanding system resources made it possible to launch even on low-power devices.

In general, the choice of a browser is a purely individual matter. Use what you like best. However, speed and safety also need to be paid attention to. And may the Internet be with you.


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