How to increase website loading speed?

Everyone knows that the site’s traffic and search results ranking depends on the site’s loading speed. The faster the site operates, the higher its position in search engines, and, therefore, the more your earnings. This means that both young resources and already promoted projects should know and actively implement the basic rules for optimizing the site.

1. Reduce the number of scripts

Site loading speed determined primarily by the number of scripts, flash and photos. Reducing the amount of these components, you respectively increase the speed of loading the project. It turns out that this can be really done without affecting the appearance of the page. To do this, you can use special combined images (CSS sprites), which allow the page to load faster. These files must be placed at the beginning of the page so that it loads gradually: heading, logo, then navigation and other components of the page. This increases the speed of the project and creates an excellent impression in general from the site.

2. Optimize images

Since the project download speed directly depends on the image format, it is necessary to choose their extension correctly. For example, gif is suitable for a logo, jpeg for photos, and so on. You can optimize the image using special online services offering links to file compression. Another option to reduce the weight of a picture is to use Photoshop to resize the original image. Thus, it will take less time to download images, which means that the page loading speed will also increase.

3. Use cache browser

Caching is an essential feature of modern websites. Using the browser cache allows you to download all the necessary graphics during the first visit to any guest of your page. When you visit the browser cache again, the necessary files will already be present, which will allow you to instantly open your resource. When updating files to save changes in the cache browser, it will be enough to change the name of the original file.

4. Use gzip compression

Text files also affect page loading speed. To reduce their transmission to the browser, gzip compression should be used. When storing archived copies of files on the server, the download speed of the project can increase up to 4 times. Here you need to pay attention to the right choice of compression methods so as not to increase the load on the web server.

5. Check the site for viruses

It also happens that you are well aware of all the rules for fast loading pictures and text files, and the speed of loading a site remains small. Perhaps you have launched special virus programs on your site, the purpose of which is to introduce free advertising on your project. On your page, regardless of your desire, links to other sites appear, due to which the download speed decreases, and your rating in search networks also drops, because an entry appears in the search query line opposite your page warning about the possible infection of your site . At the same time, your home antivirus program may simply not see the threat. In this case, you should use special virus removal servers. For more details, see .

So, if you want to increase the ranking of your page in search queries, increase the number of unique visitors and earn money on the site - be sure to use these simple tricks to optimize the work of your project.


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