How is bream different from a scammer? Difference photo

Often, not only fishermen, but also lovers of eating fish for food, have to deal with the question of how the bream differs from the scammer. These are not two different fish, as some say. Just a scammer in some respects does not correspond to what is called a bream. So I had to introduce such a subclassification.

Body structure

For the scavenger, a flattened rounded body shape is characteristic. Its height is 1/3 of the length. The anal fin is very pronounced and begins almost opposite the dorsal. The oral cavity is very well developed. When eating, the mouth resembles a tube. He eats food located directly at the bottom.

The bream and scavenger fish also differ in the color of their scales. Scavengers are characterized by a uniform silver color, while bream have a pronounced bronze and brown back, as well as sides.

The scavenger has a small head, and there are 5 pharyngeal teeth in the oral cavity. Interestingly, on their body there is a large amount of mucus, which will not be so easy to get rid of. Without the presence of rags, the angler runs the risk of stain his clothes very much after the capture of several individuals. Now it becomes more clear how the scammer differs from the bream. Photos of these fish can be seen in this article. This will help visually compare the breeder and the bream.


As for scavengers, they can be found in almost any body of water with more or less clean water. But in rivers with a fast current and a pebble bottom, this fish is not found. At the same time, the density of scavengers is quite large, it exceeds only crucian carp. If we talk about how to distinguish the bream from the scavenger, then the habitat is not a factor of difference. After all, both of them give preference to the muddy bottom of the reservoir with the presence of shells.

how bream differs from scavenger

It is quite easy to determine the likelihood of breams in the pond. To do this, abandon the bottom tackle and after a while pull it out. If there are no tufts of grass on it, and the water remains clean, then the likelihood of this fish living here is very high. Interestingly, scavengers can be found both in fresh and in brackish water (for example, basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas).


The scavenger and bream, whose differences are mainly in the size and degree of puberty, are representatives of schooling fish. Their collection can take place along the channel brow, as well as dumps. There they can find animal food for nutrition. Very often you can meet these fish where clean water borders on thickets. They behave very carefully, because they are much less likely to become prey for predators than rudd or roach.

what is the difference between a bream and a scammer photo

Wintering breams and scavengers spend mainly in pits or in pools, but some individuals can leave the river and swim to the sea. Very often in winter they become the prey of anglers.


For spawning bream choose aground, where there are many algae. They lay eggs on leaves and stalks of algae. Spawning spots can be identified by the loud splashing of the fish, as well as how it frolics. In time, this period falls on April-May. One female during spawning can be given 100-150 thousand eggs.

The main differences

The bream and the scavenger, the difference between which may not be obvious, have a number of certain differences. It should be noted that in ichthyology there is no species of fish called scavenger. And it was invented by fishermen, because it has peculiar methods of fishing, different from bream.

scavenger and bream distinction

Spoilers are essentially the same bream, but young - somewhat immature, unformed. They behave differently from older individuals, and therefore they have to select other fishing methods.

As bream, it is customary to consider individuals whose weight has reached 1 kg or more, before that they all belong to scammers. The distance between the ribs, which the bream should have more than a finger, is also considered an equally important criterion.

By external signs, it is also quite easy to determine how the bream differs from the scammer. As already noted, in adults, the scales have a brown or bronze hue. In young animals, it is much smaller. Moreover, it is even smaller than that of a roach or crucian carp of a similar size.

Also, one cannot fail to note the taste. The bream is good both in fried, smoked and dried form, which can not be said about the scavenger, which can only be salted.

Distinctive features of catching a bait

After it has become more or less clear how the bream differs from the scammer, you can find out the features of catching the latter. First of all, it must be said that you will need to stock up on a lot of bait. Fine-grained is very good, similar to roach. Regarding odors, it is worth noting that scammers are very fond of:

  • vanilla;
  • fruit
  • Makuku
  • sunflower seeds.

You can combine mixtures intended for roach and bream, thus obtaining an excellent loose bait. It will be good to add crushed biscuit cookies to it.

bream and scavenger difference

Of the gears, it is preferable to opt for a float, bottom or feeder. Nozzles can serve:

  • flavored bread;
  • pearl barley;
  • maggot;
  • bloodworm;
  • muckworm.

Since scavengers are especially careful, thin hooks No. 12-14, fishing line 0.16 and a float for 1.5 g should be selected for their fishing.

how to distinguish a bream from a scavenger

If you use a feeder rod, then you should select places with a sharp difference in depths. The bait should be tossed constantly. If it is dusty, then the probability of a catch increases significantly. It must also be said that the scavenger can swim to the bait site only after half an hour or an hour, so bites may not be quite long. This time the fisherman needs to be able to patiently wait.

Distinctive features of bream fishing

Now it’s clear how the bream differs from the scavenger, but what are the characteristics of fishing for adults? First of all, you need to highlight bait. The bream is very voracious and requires a large amount of high-calorie food. It could be:

  • millet;
  • peas;
  • pearl barley and others

Adult fish prefers the same smells as young fish.

Large bream are caught predominantly in places where the depths are surrounded by vegetation. There they feel safe and quite easily tempted by the bait.

fish bream and scavenger

Windless, steady weather is best for fishing. If fishing will take place at night, then in the evening you need to feed the place of fishing, as large bream swim only after a few hours. In summer and autumn, you can catch from a boat using a ring. The key is choosing the right place. To check the bottom, you can use marker gear, and during the course - a jig step. This is the only way to count on successful fishing.

It is worth noting that during the spawning period, there is a strict ban on catching bream and scavengers in all reservoirs.


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