How much do you need to run to lose weight? We make a program of fitness training

You can not choose what kind of sport to do in order to lose weight as quickly as possible? Go running. According to experts, a more efficient method has not yet been invented.

Running is the most natural form of physical activity that favorably affects the body. During the run, all systems are activated, from the respiratory to the cardiovascular. When running, you will not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Yale scientists have conducted research on how much you need to run to lose weight. According to their findings, it is enough to arrange jogs 3-4 times a week.

Beginner Marathon

Running is perhaps the most affordable form of fitness. All you need to start training is good sports shoes, comfortable clothing and the presence in the immediate vicinity of a park, stadium or sports ground. Running on asphalt or near roads with heavy traffic is strongly discouraged.

If you have chosen to run for burning fat, but do not have the proper training, start with a minimum. Within 10 minutes, alternate a minute of running with a minute of brisk walking. Gradually increase the duration of the run by 1-2 minutes, while leaving the duration of rest unchanged. When you can run without respite for 10 minutes in a row, you can increase the duration of the run. How much you need to run to lose weight can only be determined empirically. As you know, fat begins to burn only after 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, which means that training should last at least 30 minutes.

Training for Advanced Athletes

Many losing weight face the problem of the "plateau." In a more understandable language, the weight stops at a mark and no longer wants to decline. At the same time, you can continue to comply with all the rules of nutrition and exercise as intensively as before. But there will be no result. Is there a way to move weight off the ground? Yes, and very simple. Need to change the load during training.

The interval training program is designed for 6 weeks. As a warm-up, a light run for a distance of 800 meters is provided.

First week: Alternate a quick sprint and jogging, each way covering a distance of approximately 200 meters.

Second week: running on flat terrain at a moderate pace for up to 30 minutes.

Third week: cross country running, approximately 30 minutes.

Fourth week: does not differ from the previous one.

Fifth week: 400 meters sprint and 250 meters jogging. Repeat 6 times.

Sixth week: fast running on flat terrain.

Interval training boosts metabolism and, as a result, helps push weight downward.

There are no specific recommendations on how much you need to run to lose weight. Each person is individual, so the duration of the training depends on physical fitness, general well-being and even weather conditions. It makes sense to make a schedule of weight loss and enter all the changes into it.

As you know, for aerobic training (and running also applies to them), it is very important to monitor the heart rate. Fat burning occurs only at a certain value. The fat burning zone is individual for each and depends on age. To calculate the heart rate necessary for an effective workout, determine the maximum allowable value, taking your age from 220. The pulse during cardio training should be 65 - 75% of this value.

For those whose weight exceeds the norm by more than 25%, the right run for weight loss is a run at a slow pace or brisk walking. Do not try to speed up the process by putting on several layers of clothing. to sweat. This will not give the desired effect, but the load on the heart will increase significantly.

Any fitness trainer will answer unequivocally to the question of how much to run to lose weight - the more the better. The minimum, as we have already understood - 30 minutes, the maximum - depends on your desire. For example, Elena Proklova makes daily hour and a half runs and at the same time is in great shape.


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