Solution for lenses "Maxim" - cheap and cheerful

When you first buy lenses, it’s important to think not only about the right choice, but also about care accessories. After all, you need to store such thin and sensitive material in a special container, and as a treatment you need a special solution for the lenses. Maxima is a domestic manufacturer of eye care products, the products of which are available to everyone.

solution for lenses maxim

Why do I need a solution?

Any contact lenses are made up mostly of water. That is why it is important that they are stored in a special saline solution when not in demand. If you use the wrong liquid, that is, there is a risk of microorganisms contaminating the lenses, and as a result, eye problems like conjunctivitis, etc. appear, because a warm, humid environment is a great place to grow fungus, bacteria, etc. It’s easy to protect yourself. if you use a quality solution for lenses. "Maxima" offers just such a tool that is capable of:

  • Clean the lenses of dirt accumulated during the day.
  • Get rid of protein deposits that inevitably appear while wearing.
  • Keep the lenses in a usable condition even for a long time.

The main thing is to choose the right product that suits your type of lens. However, today most lens manufacturers use hydrogel, and therefore, companies that produce solutions have adapted to this criterion.

solution for lenses maxim Price

Which solution to choose?

The choice of a variety of tools today is so great that it can be difficult to immediately decide which is better to buy. If you are looking for a budget option, then it is better to pay attention to the solution for lenses "Maxim", the price of which fluctuates around 160 rubles per average bottle. Among the range of this manufacturer there are also special moisturizers for dry eyes and accessories for the care.

When choosing a solution, it is important to know what type of contact lenses you have, because not only their safety, but also the health of your eyes depends on this. There are several methods of disinfection :

  • chemical;
  • peroxide;
  • thermal.

There are also multifunctional tools, such as Maxima Elite. A solution for lenses, which is suitable both for cleaning, and for disinfection, and for storage. Agree, this is much more convenient than daily processing with several solutions and products, as well as storing several bottles of liquids on a shelf?

maxima elite lens solution

Who is suitable for Maxim lens solution?

The question that interests everyone when choosing a lens purchase: which solution is suitable? So, the solution for lenses "Maxim" is suitable for almost everyone! It contains almost no components that can cause irritation and allergic reactions. The solution for the lenses of "Maxim" reviews is mostly positive, both from the "experienced" and those who have tried it for the first time. So if you select the best option for yourself, then this is "Maxim".


In order not to be disappointed in the chosen tool, it is better to think over the purchase well in advance. Do not rely on positive reviews alone, sometimes negative information is also helpful. Remember that the health of your eyes depends on the quality of saline for lenses.

  • Buy any contact lens care products in specialized stores or departments to avoid fakes.
  • Be sure to check the integrity of the packaging and the presence of a protective film.
  • If sold in a box, pay attention to it. It should be flat, well glued, and the name should be clearly readable.
  • Most manufacturers complete the solution with an interchangeable lens container. Check with the seller for this information.
  • Do not forget about the cost. A good solution for lenses cannot be too cheap.
  • Look carefully at the composition. The names of the components must be written completely and without errors.
  • If you experience discomfort, redness, or irritation while using the solution, immediately remove the lenses, rinse your eyes, and consult a doctor if possible. He will assess the condition and issue a verdict. It is possible that you simply have an allergic reaction to one of the components.

lens solution maxim reviews

Summing up, we can say that the solution for Maxima lenses may be the best choice. The price for it is low, the quality meets all established standards, and in terms of functionality it is not inferior to foreign counterparts.


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