Trunking communication: functionality. Trunked communication systems

An alternative to cellular networks can be trunked communication systems. These technological solutions are actively used around the world. Many Russian organizations, both private and state, prefer just the same trunking communications. What are its specifics? What are the advantages of corresponding solutions over other popular communication standards implemented in the Russian Federation and abroad?

Trunked communication

What are trunking systems?

Trunking communication is a type of terrestrial mobile communications infrastructure of a radial-zone type. It functions due to the distribution of relay channels between subscribers in automatic mode. In addition, the term “trunked communication” corresponds to the method of user access to a selected set of channels, within which a free resource is allocated for a particular subscriber for the connection period.

The trunking infrastructure is most often represented by:

- ground equipment;

- subscriber stations.

The first element of the trunking infrastructure includes base stations and controllers. Modern types of equipment of the appropriate type make it possible to ensure the use of communication within the framework of individual, group or broadcast types of calls. In some cases, it is possible to connect one subscriber station to another without accessing the resources of the base station.

The considered type of communications is applicable for solving a wide range of tasks of state power structures. It is important in this case that the technical requirements of SORM in trunking communication systems are observed. Those, as a rule, are fixed in departmental legal acts.

Trunking Communication Principles

Consider the basic principles of building trunking communication systems.

Appropriate technology involves the use of ultrashort waves, as well as cellular communications. Repeaters are used to increase the signal range in the trunking infrastructure. We noted above that its composition includes base stations. It can be represented by one or several objects - in the first case, the network will be classified as single-zone, in the second - as multi-zone.

Trunked communications operator

The first trunked communication networks made it possible to organize the interaction of several hundred subscribers. Now, by including in the network infrastructure the required number of base stations, it is possible to provide communication between virtually any number of subscribers. The trunked communications operator can distribute call priorities, provide communications in different modes - simplex, duplex. Modern infrastructure of the appropriate type can provide protection of channels from unauthorized access, listening, allows you to display devices on the Internet. Trunking communication systems are digital and analog.

Who uses trunking systems?

Trunking systems, which, as we noted above, are radial-zonal elements of the network infrastructure and operate in the ultra-short range, are focused mainly on corporate customers and law enforcement agencies. While the main customers of mobile operators are private individuals. Trunking is most suitable for organizing operational communications within the framework of teams of specialists - for example, on duty, on assignments, and on helping other people when it comes to emergency services.

We noted above that the type of communications under consideration is in demand by government services. In fact, the corresponding structures are the main users of this type of communication. This is due to a number of fundamental differences between trunking communications, in particular, from cellular communications - familiar to ordinary citizens. Namely:

- the possibility of almost instantaneous - within 0.5 seconds, connecting one subscriber to another;

- determination of priority communication channels ;

- the ability to connect subscribers with each other without using a base station;

- the availability of resources for configuring the network in accordance with the tasks of the user;

- the ability to organize group, broadcast, emergency, delayed calls;

- the availability of resources for encrypting communications, the ability to listen to conversations by a third party.

These options are not typical for regular cellular communications. Some similarities with trunking technologies are the mobile standard Push To Talk. But by many criteria, it is not suitable for public services.

Than cellular communication is better than trunking

Why is cellular communication better than trunking? First of all, the ability to transfer file data at high speed - modern 4G standards allow reaching an indicator of tens of megabits per second. However, it is worth noting that the trunking presented in the TETRA standard (if we talk about technology in version R2), in principle, is also capable of high-speed data transfer.

TETRA is the digital technology of the communications in question. But it is worth noting that the TETRA trunking in the RI version is somewhat inferior to the R2 standard - in particular, in terms of data transfer speed. Although the main options of the capabilities of both technologies are generally comparable. It will be useful to compare other common trunking communication standards with them.

Basic standards for trunking communications

The most common technologies include, first of all, those that are classified as digital. Analog trunking infrastructure is now not too much in demand. The most popular communication standards of this type:


- iDEN.



Consider the features of each of them in more detail.

EDACS standard

The EDACS standard was developed by the renowned Swedish corporation Ericsson. It is classified as closed. This standard involves the transmission of data over channels using a wide range of frequencies (but within 870 MHz). Within one trunking network, it allows for communication between 16 thousand subscribers.

The standard under consideration is sufficiently reliable, but is considered obsolete, since it actually involves the transmission of analog signals, albeit using a digital infrastructure. In addition, it, as we noted above, is closed. Trunking communications equipment adapted for it can only be produced by the developer.

Tetra trunking

IDEN standard

This standard is also closed. It was developed by Motorola Corporation. The greatest demand is in North America, some states of South America, in Asia. The technology under consideration allows us to implement services familiar to subscribers of cellular operators within the framework of a trunking network, for example, sending SMS, faxes, and Internet connections.

According to experts, the corresponding standard has not received distribution in Russia, this is due to the fact that the frequencies used within it - 805-821 MHz or 855-866 MHz are not very optimal from the point of view of solving problems by the main users of trunked communication systems, to which , as we noted above, are government services. By the way, Motorola has released a number of solutions that are compatible simultaneously with both trunking and cellular communication technologies.

Tetrapol pas

This communication standard was developed in France by Matra Communication, commissioned by the French intelligence services. It is characterized by the use of fairly low frequencies - from 70 to 520 MHz, the use of which is not very popular in other countries. However, in Russia, attempts have been made to test the corresponding standard trunking communications.


Above, we examined some aspects of TETRA technology. We study its specifics in more detail.

TETRA trunking is, in turn, an open communications standard developed by European experts. Outside Europe, for a long time it was not too common, however, it is now used by many Russian, Asian companies, African and South American firms.

Trunked communication systems

The openness of this standard allows for compatibility with different manufacturers of equipment for trunking communications. At the same time, a company planning to produce appropriate devices needs to become a member of MoU TETRA, thereby confirming its willingness to contribute to the development of this technology. Many modern brands producing equipment for trunking networks have joined this organization.

We noted above that the R2 standard allows data transmission at high speed. This is possible, in particular, due to the fact that trunking communication using the appropriate technology is combined with broadband cellular channels.

In Russia, the TETRA standard is known under the Tetrarus brand. So, it was used to build telecommunications infrastructure during the Sochi Olympics.


Another popular trunking communication technology is APCO 25. Developed by the Association of Security Services Communications Services. The headquarters of this structure are located in the United States, in the states of Virginia and Florida.

The advantage of this standard is the ability to provide communication over channels with a high level of security, achieved through the use of various encryption technologies. Another noteworthy feature of APCO is that it allows you to use a wide frequency range - from 139 to 869 MHz. The high level of security provided by the corresponding trunked communication systems determines its high demand among the Russian special services.

It is worth noting that the Russian Federation has its own communications standards that operate according to trunking principles. Their use is due to the need to create an exceptionally reliable and secure communications infrastructure. When using this approach, a trunking communication system is used in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Many of the communications technologies used in the Russian army are designed specifically for defense needs and are not designed for mass adoption.

Major providers of trunking services in the Russian Federation

Consider which brands in the Russian Federation provide services using the technologies in question.

The well-known Russian operator of trunking communications is RadioTel. It has the infrastructure to integrate mobile networks with city stations. Provides solutions for emergency services, the Ministry of Emergencies, private customers.

One of the largest trunking operators in the Russian Federation is the Tetrasvyaz company. It specializes in implementing solutions within the framework of the TETRA standard in various regions of Russia. It delivers a wide range of services - from designing a trunking network to putting it into operation.

Another major brand in the trunking market is Regiontrank. The company provides services mainly in Moscow and the region, as well as in some regions of the Center of the Russian Federation. The brand positions itself as a provider of solutions adapted to the specification of business processes of specific customer organizations.

Another well-known company that operates in the segment of trunking technologies is Center-Telko. It can be noted that its infrastructure employs solutions operating within the EDACS standard.

Prospects for the development of trunking solutions in the Russian Federation

So, we have studied what trunking communication is, the principle of building communications using its standards. Now let's see what experts say about the prospects for the development of relevant solutions in Russia. This issue is the theme for the largest conferences with the participation of representatives of the telecommunications industry of the Russian Federation - departments, service providers, their customers.

The community discusses the advantages of trunking solutions themselves primarily over cellular technologies, as well as the applicability of existing standards for data communications in the Russian Federation. So, among experts in the field of solutions in question, there is a widespread point of view according to which TETRA technology will be optimal for Russia, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of communication services in the Russian Federation.

We noted above that it was the TETRA standard that was chosen to build the communications infrastructure at the Sochi Olympics. But in Russia, one way or another, most trunking communication technologies from those that are used elsewhere in the world are presented - and this is not counting special military developments. A large number of decisions of the corresponding type introduced in the Russian Federation is due, first of all, to the lack of uniform, accepted on a federal scale, criteria for choosing optimal technological platforms for building a trunking infrastructure.

The development of the appropriate type of communication in Russia may be complicated by the ambiguous perception of the advantages of these decisions by the heads of departments, which are the main users of the technologies under consideration. The superiority of trunking infrastructure over cellular networks is not always obvious to them. This is due to various reasons.

First of all, the fact that the equipment of analog trunking communication systems and digital solutions of the corresponding type is, as a rule, significantly more expensive than devices for using cellular technologies. At the same time, departments often do not take into account the obvious advantages of trunking communications - consisting primarily of the speed and security of negotiations and the transfer of information. In addition, the actual costs associated with the use of communication, when using trunking solutions, can be significantly lower than in the case of cellular communications - with the competent design of this type of communication infrastructure.

It should be noted that the principle of trunked communication is applicable not only to ensure operational negotiations between subscribers. Based on appropriate technologies, systems for determining the location of an object can be implemented - in combination with its GPS coordinates, as well as its tracking by monitoring centers. At the same time, when building the appropriate infrastructure, it may not be necessary to introduce relatively expensive duplex solutions - simplex devices may well be enough. This method of using trunked communications is another factor in the growth of interest in it from various Russian firms and departments.


So, we studied what trunking technologies are, examined the basic communication standards that correspond to them. The main users of the relevant solutions are Russian special services, departmental structures, and large businesses. In the units of the army of the Russian Federation, trunked communication systems are used that are designed specifically for solving military tasks - of a closed type.

Principles of building trunked communication systems

The main advantages that characterize the technologies under consideration are: the speed of data exchange, information security, high data transfer speed (if we are talking about modern digital standards), the ability to build networks on a large scale - provided that high-performance and a sufficient number of base stations are used.

Trunking networks have a lot in common with cellular networks - operating in the ultra-short range, the ability to send text messages between devices, as well as gaining Internet access when using the appropriate devices. The hardware solutions used as part of the trunking infrastructure are usually more expensive. But with their optimized implementation, the customer company can significantly save - primarily on traffic.

A fairly large number of trunking communication standards are accepted in the world. In Russia and Europe, the TETRA technology is most popular, in the USA - APCO. Although in Russia with a varying degree of activity, most of the existing trunking standards in the world are involved.

The prospects for the corresponding type of communication in the Russian Federation largely depend on which of the technologies will be adopted as the leading ones, at least in most regions of the country. There is reason to say that the main standard will still be TETRA - as the most suitable for Russia based on the specifics of the country's telecommunications market.

Another significant condition for the successful development of such a technological direction as trunking communications in the Russian Federation is to increase the level of knowledge and competencies of the management of departments that are actual and potential users of the corresponding solutions. — . , , — , . - , . , .

SORM in trunking communication systems

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