Smartphone Explay Vega: reviews and features

A budget smartphone is an ideal solution for those who want to have a modern gadget without serious costs. On the Russian market, there are thousands of models for different colors and tastes - from cheap “intermediate” options from telecom operators to elegant devices more expensive. Explay brand gadgets have become very popular due to a balanced combination of price and quality. Stylish design and relatively good performance are the main advantages of Explay representatives.

smartphone explay vega reviews

In online markets, the Explay Vega smartphone has recently been in great demand. 4.7 inches of screen, bright display and support for two SIM cards attract customers. But are all device owners happy?

Explay Vega Smartphone Features

Smartphone Explay Vega, judging by the claimed characteristics, meets the minimum requirements of the user of gadgets. The device has an acceptable screen size of 4.7 inches, nice design and relatively high performance. The design is very diverse - in online stores and on the shelves you can find the smartphone Explay Vega Yellow (yellow), Blue (blue), Black (black), White (white) and many other options. The 2000 mAh battery allows you to do without recharging up to 4 hours in active use. A 5 megapixel camera will allow you to take pictures of acceptable clarity, and support for two SIM-cards is ideal for those who are not ready to buy two devices for different needs.

Smartphone Explay Vega

Often, owners of smartphones are indignant if there is no native gadget headset included with the phone, battery and charger. In this regard, the Explay Vega smartphone , reviews of which are not always positive, did not upset its customers. The kit includes not only a standard USB adapter and cable, but also headphones.

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The device also comes with instructions and a battery, which, most likely, the seller will remove from the package to demonstrate the functionality of the gadget.

Negative reviews about the Explay Vega model

Despite the stated satisfactory specifications, one of the biggest disappointments among the line of budget flagships from Explay was the Explay Vega smartphone. Reviews extremely negatively assess the body soiled. Soon after the purchase, users notice the appearance of noticeable spots that can neither be wiped off nor washed by any means without damaging the case completely.

smartphone explay vega review

The camera declared in the characteristics often fails the owners and freezes at the first attempt to use. Slow operation and frequent sudden reboots, coupled with the sensitivity of the housing cover, are the most frequent user complaints about the Explay Vega smartphone. Reviews often contain regrets about the purchase and the desire to purchase a new gadget.

Advantages of the smartphone Explay Vega

Explay produces budget smartphones and tablets, but most of the time the feedback on its products is mostly positive. Is the Explay Vega smartphone the only device that did not live up to the expectations of the owners? Reviews about this model, despite obvious shortcomings, do not always turn out to be negative. According to buyers, the smartphone is quite consistent with the declared price - the cost of the gadget ranges from 5 to 7 thousand rubles. Often, owners, on the contrary, praise the unprecedented nimbleness of the device, but after a few months their opinion changes. Also, users note the brightness of the screen, which is not uncommon for modern smart devices.

Rules for the purchase of budget gadgets

  • In no case should you choose a gadget "poke method". To study the description of the device in the Internet market is the first step towards making a conscious and useful purchase. Any device on the Android operating system should undergo a thorough check, be it a Samsung Galaxy or an Explay Vega smartphone. The review produced above clearly shows a huge number of shortcomings, which are unlikely to be reported by a sales consultant.
  • Before purchasing a budget smartphone, you should always get information about the availability of service centers of the manufacturer in the city of residence of the owner. Not always repair shops take up work, as the end does not justify the investment.
    smartphone explay vega yellow
  • Smartphones up to 10,000 rubles often turn out to be easily soiled or have a too sensitive screen. To avoid unnecessary expenses, it’s worth preparing for the purchase an amount slightly larger than the cost of the gadget itself - a protective film and a cover will be very handy.
  • Check gadget reviews for fakes. Smartphones originally from China are often subject to counterfeiting, and their owners bitterly regret the lost money. To avoid such problems, it is worth checking carefully the official website of the manufacturer and the responses, since information about fakes almost always lies on the surface. In a crisis, many buyers seek to save money, and criminals - to profit from inattentive users of modern technology. It is highly recommended that you do not buy goods from your hands or try your luck at flea markets, since most often fake products are distributed through such sources.


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