The best microphone for video surveillance

Video surveillance systems naturally focus on providing visual information about what is happening in the coverage area. The classic security system includes a compact video camera and auxiliary equipment for mounting and transmitting data to the control panel. Sound recording fades into the background, and in most cases it is not supported by cameras at all. It would seem that the problem can be solved by the initial purchase of a model in which a microphone is integrated - such devices are also available on the market.

However, the presence of built-in means for recording sound does not affect the individual working qualities of the equipment in the best way, but the aspect of its location is even more important. A compact microphone for video surveillance, unlike a camera, should not be located at the point of optimal vision, but in the area most suitable for picking up an audio signal. In other words, a separate configuration of the camcorder and microphone placement will be most effective. It remains only to choose the optimal model of the remote type device.

video surveillance microphone

Active and passive models - which is better?

The difference between these types of microphones, as in the case of full-fledged acoustic equipment, lies in the way the signal is amplified. In the case of active devices, internal integration of the amplification module into the structure is assumed. This approach optimizes signal processing and transmission processes, fully fits into the concept of an operational and functional security complex. However, an active microphone for video surveillance requires additional configuration and is not able to fully cut off extraneous noise.

Passive models, in turn, work with a dedicated amplifier, forming another link in the data transfer chain. This dynamic signal processing technology pays off in solving specialized tasks with a limited set of operations. Active models are more profitable precisely because of their versatility, which allows them to be used in a variety of security systems configurations.

active microphone for video surveillance

Key Features

Such equipment does not require the creation of special conditions in terms of energy supply, but it is important to evaluate the ability to work with sound at the stage of selection. The main characteristic in this part will be the range, that is, the signal coverage. In traditional microphones, this parameter is expressed by sensitivity, but in this case, manufacturers only indicate the distance - it averages 5-7 m. The bandwidth frequency range that determines the recording quality is also taken into account here. Typical budget versions, for example, work in the spectrum of 20-20 000 Hz. This is quite enough for speech processing. It is also worth considering the protective equipment that provides the microphone for a CCTV camera in a specific modification. Depending on the application, a refractory shell, shockproof frame or moisture insulation may be required. It is also worth considering the temperature effect - usually such equipment works stably at the lowest and highest rates.

Features of IP Microphones

IP-video surveillance systems have long been not considered as a separate category of security devices. The emergence of network equipment in this area is only one of the inevitable stages in the development of digital systems that are actively displacing analog equipment. What are IP surveillance cameras with a microphone? In essence, this is a standard digital technology that additionally supports the ability to work with network communication channels.

That is, a unified security infrastructure is formed, built on network communication technologies and combined by a server or a group of servers. From the user's point of view, the way of organizing the interaction of individual components — the same microphone, camera, and remote control — is especially important. This problem can also be solved by a wired method due to the Ethernet network and Power Over equipment, or through a more advanced wireless Wi-Fi module.

microphone for cctv camera

Stelberry Model Reviews

Stelberry has a strong presence in this segment. The company's developers offer highly sensitive devices with a wide frequency range and the ability to adjust key parameters. Owners of Stelberry microphones indicate worthy working qualities of the product, its mechanical reliability and functionality. The internal filling is protected by high-quality plastic and metal, which allows you to use this microphone for video surveillance not only at home but also on the street. True, experts still recommend providing for additional protection frames with shockproof effect.

SoundMonitoring Model Reviews

He is also one of the leaders in the audio equipment market, under whose brand modern models of compact microphones are produced. What can surprise SoundMonitoring products? According to users, the active models of this family are characterized by efficient operation in conditions of extraneous noise. That is, the creators make the main emphasis on the implementation of noise reduction systems - as a result, the output is collected material with a clean and detailed sound. So that the microphone for video surveillance does not exclude the target third-party sounds from the general stream, the user also has the ability to separately adjust the filters at different frequencies.

ip microphone for cctv

Reviews on Byteg Erg models

This is a domestic manufacturer specializing in video surveillance equipment. In the line of this company, consumers especially appreciate the miniature model MVK-M022. This is an active two-wire microphone, which provides for the possibility of broadcasting a signal over long distances. Technically, transmission is possible at a distance of about 1000 m. In addition, among ordinary users, a microphone for video surveillance in the MVK-M022 modification is appreciated for the ability to connect to digital and analog equipment. True, in some cases, for this you need to purchase special decoders and recorders.

microphone for cctv systems

How to choose the best microphone?

The choice will depend primarily on the conditions of use and the requirements for the connection interfaces. In this case, of course, you need to pay attention to the ability of sound recording. For domestic needs, it is quite possible to limit ourselves to the standard digital model of the active type, which is connected to the control panel parallel to the camera through a wire. If you need a microphone for video surveillance systems at critical sites as part of complex security systems, it makes sense to turn to models that support network connectivity. This option will justify itself for economic reasons, and will simplify the physical processes of infrastructure organization.

how to connect a microphone to video surveillance

Microphone connection

In the case of a wired connection, three channels are usually assumed. Two of them will provide energy supply, and the third will act as a line of information transfer. Again, the amplifier, as in the case of passive devices, and directly the system control panel can act as the first point to which the signal is applied. The question of how to connect a microphone to video surveillance through a network organization is decided by setting up protocols and software. Here, software communication between the components is of greater importance. Typically, IP devices come with proprietary software, so the process of connecting a microphone to the receiver unit or camera should not cause any special difficulties. Most often, tuning is done automatically after specifying basic input data.

ip cctv camera with microphone


Although at first glance the inclusion of a microphone in a security video surveillance system seems complicated, the practical part of the implementation of this task is quite affordable even for an inexperienced user. In addition, the costs of this event fully justify the recording function in order to ensure security. For example, a modern IP-microphone for video surveillance can be purchased for 2-3 thousand rubles. And this applies to high-quality models from the major manufacturers mentioned. The simplest modifications are much cheaper - good options can be found at a price level of up to 1 thousand rubles. There are also quite budget solutions costing less than 500 rubles, but it is better to avoid such a choice, since frankly cheap products will lose not only in functionality, but also in the reliability of the internal filling.


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